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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. I plan on a Betta, some danios a cory and nerite snails in a 20 gal. I am overwhelmed by the variety of fish foods. It appears that fish love live food. Can you feed them just live food? If so what is a good daily feeding schedule?
  2. anyone have a trusted place to buy fish online?
  3. Thank you for your encouragement. I was about to quit before I got started. New plan.....lower expectations, be patient and wait.
  4. I think you're right on all counts. The wood decor in the middle is ceramic, so not much in the tank that is going to grab bacteria. Test results are PH 7.5, hi range 8., ammonia 0, nitrate 2 is .25, and nitrate 3 is 0. Things in my tank are just slightly slimey. (No bacteria billed up) I'm thinking the only problem I really have is temperature. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about that. It is at 80.6 today. Yesterday it was 81.5. I put a sealed bag of ice in the tank and it came down to 79.6. But i don't want to do that when I have fish. New plan...lower expectations as you suggested, leave it alone and let it cycle. Go forward with adding a few inexpensive schooling fish so bacteria can form faster. Would you agree or should I wait on the fish and add more Stability? I so appreciate the time you both spent helping me out. I am impressed with this forum. Thanks so much!
  5. thank you, I will seriously consider them.
  6. thank you, sounds good and I will check into it.
  7. Thank you so much for your interest. I will take your advise on the cories. About my cloudy water, I looked at the vidio you sent and he commented on maybe overheating could cause bloom. I haven't added a heater yet. I am in Arizona so the temp of the water is always around 81.5. I just wonder if that is affecting my water. I guess I will just leave it alone for now. Again thanks for your interest.
  8. Thank you so much for your reply. It has been 8 days since I have had this bloom at which I have done nothing. So I am stumped. I like your comment on the Cories. I was concerned they may nip my Betta. True??
  9. Hi from Phoenix AZ. I am a Senior citizen and have just bought my first 20 gal tank. My goal is a Beta, 6 schooling fish, maybe a cory and a non producing snail. It will all be about the Betta. I have done hours of research with aquarium co op. I set up tank added a seachem35 filter and decorations. Added Seachem Prime and Stability and tested water. Water was OK considering I haven't added fish yet. It ran crystal clear for 2 weeks. I added a sponge and some filter floss to filter as advised. That's it! A few days later I had a very cloudy, milkey tank. I have tried everything from a 50% water change to adding Accuclear and it has helped. But i can't seem to get back to the crystal clear water i had. I am so frustrated, how can I have a bloom when I haven't even added fish yet? Please help this newby!!
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