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  1. Won't the salt harm my plants? I'm heavily planted. $100's of value in plants. I already run a sponge filter with an air stone on one side of the tank and an air stone on the other side of the tank along with two HOB filters on each side. It's a 29-gallon tank. I run this type of system on all my tanks. My HOB's are probably overkill on filtration but I turn the flow down and have them baffled because platys are not too fond of too much water current.
  2. I am using the API Fin & Body Cure for the medication in the food. I used method #3 and added a little garlic juice. It sinks but only the guppies got confused the platys did not get confused but they all ate it. My community tank is various types of platys and male fancy guppies. I just tested my GH and KH. 14 dGH and 7 dKH. These are normal to other tests in my log. The Platys are more sensitive to GH less so for guppies. Temp never fluctuates. All my tanks are set at 78F and I check them every day. I know we always look to our water parameters when fish get sick. That was the first thing I did after I moved the guppy to the hospital tank. I have 2 community tanks and they both run the same numbers in everything. This is my 3rd death from this tank. First was a guppy, then a few weeks later, a platy and today a guppy.
  3. I have decided to treat the community tank with medicated fish food to treat the fish that are not sick yet. I may do a sulfa drug treatment to the water if I have another death. Here is another link if you want to know more: https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/12-7-making-medicated-food/#:~:text=Take a teaspoon or so,4 teaspoon of the mixture. I have decided to experiment with methods #3, 4 and 5. I will let you all know how this works out and if it does I hope this information is useful to someone in need.
  4. This website I found in my research says to put antibiotics in their food. Ok, that would be less harmful to my plants. What are anyone's thoughts on doing this? "Bacterial infections are most effectively treated with antibiotics in the food. Many believe (and the instructions on the antibiotics say!) that antibiotics need to be added to the water. They are simply incorrect. This controversial topic is covered in the following link: https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/12-5-fish-dont-drink/ "It is easy to make medicated food. Heat 1/4 cup water (two ounces or 58 milliliters, not a lot) in the microwave. Then blend seven grams of plain animal-derived gelatin (Knox gelatin, one packet) into the hot solution with vigorous stirring. Take two tablespoons of dry commercial fish food (pellets or flakes) and mix it with just a little of the hot water/ gelatin mixture. Add hot water/gelatin until you get a paste-like consistency. If it gets too watery just add more food. To get gel food to float simply mix in a little whipped cream at this point. Then add just a “smidgen” (roughly 1/16 teaspoon, a 1% to 2% addition) of medication to the mud. If you are using more than one medication mix the medications together, then use just a “smidgen” of the mixture. If you are using a packet of medication, take just a “smidgen” of the packet contents. Mix and mash the whole mass thoroughly". https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-3-6-red-blotches/
  5. Everything in my main tank is normal. I did not test the GH and KH but I can. Temp is 78, pH 8.0 (normal for my tanks), Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 20. I was able to diagnose the illness but I don't know how he got it. Nothing new in the tank or new tank mates. Nothing is out of the norm.
  6. That's what I did but he did not make it. I need to treat my community tank and I need to use something that won't kill my plants. Any ideas??
  7. He was moved to my 5-gallon hospital tank today. I'm treating him with 2 T aquarium salt and API Fin & Body Cure because that's what I have. I have been doing some research and I can't get my hands on some of these products quickly. I have to ship them in. What is this about putting the antibiotics in a food mixture? And Sulfa drugs in a bath? I don't want to kill this little dude but these ideas are new to me. Here is a website that tells me to put the antibiotic in a food mixture and give him sulfa baths. Do any of you know if this information is legit? https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-3-6-red-blotches/ Will a Methylene Blue in the form of a dip help? I have that in my arsenal. Please someone help me save him and I have to also deal with my heavily planted community tank which he was transferred from.
  8. I noticed my yellow guppy not being hyper and acting listless. I moved him to my hospital tank. It's a 5-gallon cycled tank and I added 2 T of aquarium salt. After I transferred him to the hospital tank I noticed red on him. He has blood streaks on his body and running down his tail (looks like veins) but he is supposed to be all yellow. I have a chart of diagnosing sick fish and it looks like Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia. It says to treat with Fin and Body Cure (antibiotics). I have that on hand. Should I medicate him and with the salt in there is it ok to add the antibiotics with the salt? I took him from a community tank, is this contagious? I cant treat my community tank as it is heavily planted. Need help guys. Oh and should I turn up his heater? He is at 78F at the moment but I believe I read in past that higher temps are better but I cant remember for what.
  9. Everyone has given some good ideas. I agree that I need the mounting to be precise. As far as cleaning being an issue, I don't think that will be an issue as the shelf isn't going to be that far off the ground and the equipment I have simplifies my tasks. So really my biggest issue is stability of the weight. Im going to check out some of the ideas you all gave me. I'm pretty set on doing this project.
  10. I have a 29 gallon tank that I want display on a wall shelf. Google says a 29 gallon tank full of water weighs 330 lbs. The display shelf must be able to safely hold this amount of weight. I have searched home depot looking for shelf holders that will hold this amount of weight but their not pretty and there is not very many choices. Do anyone have any suggestion on how I could safely accomplish this goal?
  11. I have been thinking about selling aquarium plants that have been grown in aquarium water. Cory says this can be lucrative. He says that the plants we purchase are grown on farms from the ground. This is why they have a tendency to melt back when we first introduce them to our aquariums. My question is: Is this worth it? Is there a demand for plants grown under water? For an example if Aquarium Co-op sells Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus for $11.99. What do you think I could sell the same product for but that is was propagated and cultured in aquarium water, algae and snail free? I don't want to breed and sell fish but I believe I have found a niche for growing aquarium plants in water and a way to ship them. I would ship them in aquarium water, not soil and potted. What do you all think? Should I even try this?
  12. The only local groups in my area are on Facebook and you cant sell or anything like it according to Facebook rules. The only LFS I have are PetSmart and Petco and I don't think they will trade. I have read about platies changing their sex but I haven't found anything to actually prove that but maybe I will see.
  13. Is it possible that my fry are all females? Because with the older ones, they are all females. The mickey mouse is the only male and he being moved out of the community tank.
  14. Well as far as tank conditions, they are very happy campers. All my tanks run a pH of 8.2 and my GH and KH is naturally high. No crushed coral for this girl. They are reproducing like crazy in my community tank. A couple has lead to many. So, I want to separate males from females. I thought I got all the females out of the community tank but someone is reproducing mickey mouse platies in there and I only have one and he is a he. Now my females are giving birth in the other tank without any males. Well then I read they can hold sperm and reproduce with a male, great. I'm not liking these platys so much anymore, should have stuck to guppies but I wanted a complete ecosystem and I do have that. LOL. Got to get a 4th tank to deal with this, jeez. I love the challenge though.
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