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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. We have our first signs of life in the tumbler! Gonna give it another day to see what/if anything else hatches out. I don’t work tomorrow so I have that luxury, and it gives me time to figure out where to put these guys, lol. Normally I’d put them in my 2.5 gallon tank, but that’s being used to hatch the Angel eggs. The trials and tribulations of an aquarist that likes to hatch eggs and raise fish… Edit: Took a break from maintenance so my girl could shower, and I’m literally watching these Cory’s spawn and lay more eggs. Let’s gooooo!!! Watched these get laid on the glass and took a picture 5 seconds later. Pretty cool to watch this whole process!
  2. @Cwsignu To expand on what @Cory showed you can click on the 3 bars in the top right, click account, and then click profile and it will show you all sorts of fun information
  3. @TheSwissAquarist I’m gonna move the ~40 I currently have out of the 10 gallon and into the 55 grow out. Perfect time to start another batch! Just wish they were Panda’s, but all my Angels are fun to raise up.
  4. So many eggs right now! Hang tight! I’ll update regularly 👍
  5. Take two (publicly) with the Angel eggs. Same set up as earlier in the journal. Fingers crossed this is a fertile spawn this time! If it isn’t I’m assuming the female is not paired up and is just laying eggs herself. Couple days and we’ll know!
  6. @Cinnebuns Thanks for the tips! I have a mop in with my Furcata’s, and I also have Julii Cory’s in that tank. 2 nights ago I saw Cory eggs on the glass, so I pulled those and put them in a tumbler, and I went through the mop as well. Definitely a few, tiiiiny eggs in the mop which I assumed were from the Furcata’s and you seem to confirm that! I noticed some shrimp in the tank hanging out in the mop, but I wasn’t sure if they were just eating leftover bits of food or if they were cleaning eggs. I knew they would do that, but hadn’t personally seen it with my own eyes yet. I put those eggs in the tumbler as well and we’ll see what happens. Appreciate the Sera Micron over First Bites tip. I have both and definitely planned on trying First Bites, but will now use the Sera Micron assuming these eggs hatch.
  7. @nabokovfan87 The Cory’s and Furcata’s are in one tank, and the Angel’s are in the next tank over. Now, if the Panda’s I’m working on pairing again in a separate tank decide they’re a pair and spawn then I’ll be in trouble 😅
  8. Update: Eggs still look good! I don’t see any fungus and will continue to keep an eye. Also about 95% positive my Angels spawned again. I watched the female fanning the back side of an Amazon Sword leaf and chasing everyone away from that area. I’m too exhausted to set up the hatchery tonight, though. We’ll do that tomorrow before starting water changes and maintenance.
  9. @nabokovfan87 Agreed with the clump being Cory eggs. There’s definitely a couple eggs I pulled out of the mop that are smaller than any Cory eggs I’ve personally seen, so I believe those are Furcata eggs. Only time will tell!
  10. When I first started this hobby a few years ago I wanted nothing more than to have the dopest colony of Black Metal Lace Guppies anyone had ever seen. Alas, my water is not prime for that species… I tried several times, but soft water just couldn’t do the trick, and I’m not one to alter my water. Maybe one day!
  11. Alright fish friends, let’s try to hatch some eggs! I took my phone flashlight to the spawning mop in this 20 gallon high, and noticed a couple of eggs. After an audible “ahhh!” I noticed some more eggs on the glass. I assume the eggs on the glass are Cory’s, and some of the eggs in the mop might be Furcata Rainbows. Only time will tell. I picked through the mop and plucked every egg I could find. I then pulled the eggs off the glass and added them to the tumbler. Here’s the weird thing: I smelled ammonia while I was picking the eggs off the glass. An API master test later I tested at; .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and ~80 nitrates. The only thing that had changed is my C02 kit ran out of gas a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t been able to recharge. Normally this tank runs <5ppm nitrates. Because of the ammonia, I dosed Fritz Complete and it’s obvious I need to recharge the C02 reactor. If only the company I work for didn’t open another restaurant to the public literally today… Eggs are in the tumbler and we’ll see what happens! Fingers crossed for the best of luck, but even if it fails it’s just another opportunity to learn let’s learn together!
  12. @PineSong Nice. I guess it all depends on what we’re trying to pull off! I’ve thought about setting up a nano shrimp tank on my desk, but I’m only in the office twice per week and simply don’t have the time to take care of another tank that’s not in my home. Restaurant life is brutal, lol.
  13. My Pea Puffers are super interactive. I have 6 in a 29 gallon, and they beg for food like little puppies. This tank is pretty heavily planted, and there’s times that I can’t see a single one of them. However, if I go up to the tank they’ll come out of hiding, check me out, follow my finger around, etc. My Pea’s are fun, but me personally, I’d want a pretty big group in a 40. I focus more on community tanks rather than species only/wet pets, but if I was looking to do a wet pet in a 40 I would consider: a group of Pearl Gourami’s, maybe a pair of Electric Blue Acara’s, or a Flowerhorn, but just like an Oscar a Flowerhorn will eventually need a bigger tank. Just some thoughts. Hope this helps!
  14. To add to what the other have already stated, I believe that shrimp really depend on what your goal is with them. Let your tank get established, no doubt, but once established shrimp can do well in your community tank. Now, if your goal is to breed/trade/sell your shrimp, your population will explode with a shrimp only tank. Shrimp do well in all my community tanks, but I was trading them to the LFS 50-100 at a time from my shrimp only tank. Cheers to your tank and achieving what you want with it!
  15. @nabokovfan87For sure. It makes sense in some situations. For me, life got in the way that day, and it made me curious as to what everyone else does so I had to ask. Curiosity killed the cat situation
  16. I too have done it exactly as @T. Payne said. I’ve let them pair off naturally and then pull the eggs when they spawn. Right now I’m working with a m/f pair that were paired up and breeding at one point, that pair broke, and now I have them isolated to pair up and spawn again. I’m keeping them fat and happy with bloodworms, tubifex worms, and krill flakes and am just biding my time until they pair again. This is my first try with a known m/f and trying to induce them to spawn.
  17. Appreciate all the replies, everyone! It seems that like most everyone that commented, my fish are spoiled, and are fed twice per day everyday unless life/work gets in the way. Not sure why I expected anything different from us nerms 🤪
  18. I do very similar things for my Angels. Nice work putting this together!
  19. Curious to see what everyone else does. For me, I never really intentionally fast my fish. However, on the rare blue moon like today, life gets in the way. I was gone over 14 hours today and got home as the lights were going off. How often do you fast your fish?
  20. Nah, wasn’t bad at all. The beginning of my hobby was super fun coming up with tools and DIY projects to make maintenance more efficient. Sold that set up to a friend that set up a 90 gallon tank and couldn’t use a Python. Was fun to pass a tool that worked well for me to a friend
  21. I saw these once, and I assume they are made in CO from the seller name and thought it was dope another nerm is somewhere in CO selling aquarium accessories. I use a Python, but before I had that I rigged this guy together:
  22. @TheSwissAquarist I haven’t. That was my whole intention, but I’m not even positive I have a m/f pair. I started with a pair of black rams from a LFS. They spawned almost immediately but I was unsuccessful in hatching the spawn as it was my first time trying to hatch eggs artificially. The black rams didn’t do well for me and I lost them shortly after that. I then moved to the Bolivian’s and they’ve thrived for me, but like I said I’m not positive I have a m/f pair. I’ve thought about trading them in to try GBR’s, but I have other fish in the tank that won’t thrive at higher temps so the Bolivians stay and just rock it out.
  23. Another Wednesday, another day of maintenance. Had to skip last week as my life is crazy right now, but felt good to get back at it today. Not much going on, just maintaining. Did a couple massive trims today, though. Here’s some pics I took today: Red Root Floaters turning dark red right under the light. Walstad cube got another big trim. This Pearl Weed is taking over! Pea Puffer tank got a massive trim on the PSO, too. There’s actually other plants in here! Angel gang doin their thing. Julii Cory and one of the Bolivian Rams straight chillin’
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