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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. Brutal way for them to go out, for sure. Do the loaches eat the shell? If not, the shells after they’ve been a meal could be a good source of calcium and minerals for the garden. Snail shells are my crushed coral at this point, lol. I’m sure it’s not apples to apples, but it can’t hurt in my soft water
  2. Dwarf Gourami’s are a lot of fun. I’ve had 2 over my few years in the hobby and one of the little dudes would spit water at me sometimes when I opened the tank to feed. They’re rad.
  3. I personally wouldn’t do any of these in a 10 gallon. Gonna be way too small long term for them. Unknown on the Opaline Gourami specifically as I don’t know how big they get, and the Danios depending on the type might be okay, but definitely not the Mollies and Angels. Not trying to be rude, but you either need to reconsider your fish, or reconsider the size of your tank.
  4. @itsfoxtail Nah, these came from my Marbled male and a Panda female. I had the Panda pair, then they broke and the female paired with my Marbled male. I let them spawn, and then I moved the now paired again Pandas by themselves to pair again, hence the Panda Angel spawn I’m currently raising. That Panda female is scandalous… lol. There’s 57 Angels currently raising up in there. The Marbled/Panda combo gave some interesting results. ~20 are all black/mostly black with some lighter areas in vertical bars from the Marbled gene, another 20 are like Pandas with some yellow, and then about 15 are Marbled/mixed/assorted. There’s a couple of those assorted that looks like “false” Altums that are cool, and then I’m keeping 2 from this spawn to replace the Pandas from their home tank that are like transparent throughout the body and face with black edges on the dorsal and ventral fins. I want to see what those guys look like grown out! They almost seem “Smokey”.
  5. @itsfoxtail it’s where I grow out the fish I hatch and raise to sell! I hatch in the 2.5 gallons that the fry above hatched in, then they’ll get moved to a 10 gallon for a while: Then they get moved here! The Platy’s are an awesome variant from some neon blue hi fins and a crazy black/yellow/iridescent female. They’re black with red/orange/yellow bellies/faces/finnage and have an awesome iridescence/sparkle across the black. I’ve never seen another Platy like them so they chill in here and do their thing. The Angels that get raised up prior to selling help keep the Platy population from exploding. The jungle of PSO was started from 2 individual cuttings and has just gone nuts.
  6. @Hally M. Could be a sign of over feeding. Snails will usually only reproduce to the amount of food to feed the colony.
  7. Use a piece of sponge or you can cut a bottle or plastic cup to make a baffle and redirect the water.
  8. Yup, when my snails get out of control they become excellent meals for my Pea Puffers. Or they go in the 55 gallon where the Angels may or may not leave them alone.
  9. Snails, or other fish. Sometimes I’ll move some of my Platy’s over, or when my newest batch of fry is ready for a bigger tank the quarantine tank becomes a grow out tank. It all keeps the cycle going and ready for whatever is coming next!
  10. Livebearers will breed even if you do not intend to breed them. I had 8 adults in a 10 gallon quarantine tank (I was moving fish around and wanted to keep my QT tank cycled) and even had a few fry in there with bare bottom and no plants/hides/cover.
  11. @R Budds I thought mine might annihilate the snails and the shrimp, but they’ve all been pretty good with each other. The shrimp aren’t getting to the numbers as quickly as when it was a shrimp only tank, but that’s alright. I was over the Cherries and wanted to try the CPO’s. None of the 3 populations explode and it’s a fun tank.
  12. I’ve had CPO’s for a while. I started with 5, they bred and spawned the next generation, and have since passed on. The new generation has since bred again. The babies are super tiny, super tiny. Like shrimplets. To me, they look exactly like orange baby shrimp until you can actually see their tiny little claws. Mine get fed bloodworms daily, and then every other day I feed Xtreme shrimpee or Shrimp Cuisine in addition to the bloodworms as they live with shrimp and snails. I guess I’ve never looked it up, but my CPO’s haven’t lived a super long time. The original 5 bred the next generation, that generation is making the next, and I have had a couple losses from the first generation that was born in my water.
  13. I have a couple pieces of advice and my only intent is to be helpful. 1) Pick a filter and stick with it. It will be the main source of your biological filtration. I agree with @Fish Folk that you may just need to pour water in the back or get the impeller going again to get that HOB functioning. I unplug my HOB’s when doing water changes and always have to prime them when the water fills back up. If the Aquaclear is going to be your long term filter, you may want to run that in conjunction with the one you have going already. If any bacteria is in your current filter it will only help seed your Aquaclear. 2) I personally wouldn’t continuously dose Prime just because. I totally understand using it to help with your fish in cycle, but right now you don’t have fish so dosing Prime isn’t really doing anything to help you. 3) Beneficial Bacteria lives on every surface in your tank. The glass, the substrate, the wood, etc. If it’s underwater it will grow and hold beneficial bacteria. 4) Do you plan on running an air stone? Air stones are extremely beneficial with basically no drawbacks. Especially when your filter stops working that air stone will keep oxygen in the water high (good for your inhabitants including your beneficial bacteria!) and continue to circulate your water around your aquarium. Best of luck with your fish in cycle! That’s exactly how I started in this hobby. You have lots of people around you here to help you through what can be a stressful process. Give us a shout if we can help and keep us updated!
  14. Nothing crazy to announce. Just enjoying the tanks and took this shot the other night and wanted to share This tank always has a green tint in pictures from all the Dwarf Water Lettuce. All good though, I love me some water lettuce
  15. @BettaFishCO Just a heads up, the buy/swap/trade portion of the forum opens up once you make 50 posts. May seem far away right now, but as you interact on the forum you’ll get there in no time
  16. My 10 gallon tank grows Java Moss like crazy, and when I chop it down and throw it in other tanks it just dies off. Similarly, 2 of my tanks grow PSO like a weed, but it struggles hard in others. Java Ferns simply do not do well in my water, in any tank I’ve tried them in. Which is a shame because I think they look great. Gotta love this hobby!
  17. When I was new to the hobby I too did not follow the exact instructions on the nitrate test. Thought I was at 0 for the longest time. Learned that lesson the hard way, as well.
  18. I really enjoy the DIY canisters/kits that I shared the link to. It’s a nice way to try it out that’s not bottom of the barrel, or top dollar either. Treat yourself for Christmas with one and holler if you have any questions!
  19. I run sponge filters in all my tanks. C02 enthusiasts will you tell you that’s bad and you shouldn’t do it because you’re wasting/gassing off c02, but I believe the amount “wasted” to be extremely minimal. I will always run air in any tank. In the most recent ACO video of Cory in the fish room he sets up c02 with a sponge filter and talks about it.
  20. @EnderRen You have just a 10 gallon tank, right? A Python is way overkill for a 10 gallon. I use my Python on anything 20 gallon high and up. For my smaller tanks I’ve built things like this for water changes.
  21. So annoying to wind that thing back up, lol. And that last little bit of accumulated water that spits out from wrapping it up 🙄
  22. @nabokovfan87Possible she poked herself on the piece of Spiderwood. Other than that the tank is pretty barren. Small piece of dragon stone to create a hide for them, coconut hut, pleco cave, and a sponge filter. Last night she was happily munching on the algae in the hospital tank. Spot looked maybe a little better. Definitely not worse. She’ll chill in that bit of salt and we’ll see what happens.
  23. @itsfoxtail These are Panda Angelfish. Here’s mom and dad.
  24. @itsfoxtail I wish I could take credit for the idea. I’m pretty sure I heard the Nerm King @Cory mention that method on a livestream.
  25. I’ve bred my Albino Cory’s and Julii Cory’s. I haven’t done Habrosus but I figure they would be similar. I simply grow them out, feed well (I do flake, pellets, and bloodworms), do regular water changes, and watch for eggs. Once I see eggs I hatch them in a tumbler. Once hatched I raise them up! I’ve never watched the weather and tried to do cold water changes when a rainstorm is approaching or anything like that. My recent spawn of Julii’s are in my journal if you wanna take a look. When I started with my CPD’s my intention was to breed them. However, the tank is too small to hold the Tupperware of Java Moss I’d want to actually try to breed them. I tried a small cup of Java moss when the tank was young, but quickly gave in and realized if I wanted to breed them it would need to be in a different tank. If I was to try again, I’d use a 10 gallon or 20 Long with Java Moss filled shallow Tupperware. Grow them out, feed well, water change regularly, and once I saw spawning behavior I would check the Tupperware for eggs. Once I had confirmed eggs I would move that Java Moss container to a different tank, or move the adults to a different tank. A divided 20 long means you can “move the adults to a different tank” by moving them over the divider. Doing that, you could have Java Moss containers on each side and once you move them over the divider they can start laying the next batch of eggs. Hatch the eggs, and then feed up the fry. I would hope they would take Sera Micron or First Bites until they could take baby brine shrimp. If they didn’t take that I would either use boiled egg yolk or would start a vinegar eel culture. Probably doesn’t mean much that I haven’t personally done the CPD’s, but that’s how I would attempt it if I was giving it a serious go this time around.
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