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Tank Upgrade, good Docile centerpiece fish?


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I have a 20 gallon currently with 6 neon tetras, 5 guppies, 5 corydoras, and two snails. I also have a 5 gallon aquarium with some zebra danios. I want to combine the two tanks into a 36 gallon bowfront but think it may seam too empty with only 20 small fish? I really like the look and personalities of cichlids and angelfish, but I know they are generally too aggressive to be housed with small schooling fish. I am wondering if there is a good centerpiece fish that would be docile enough to live with the others. If that isn't an option how many others of the schooling fish could I add? Or should I just leave them how they are... 



Edit to add:

All my parameters are checked biweekly and I do at least two water changes a week 🙂

Edited by NewFishKeeper
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I never had issues running a pair of Bolivian rams in a smaller community tank. Granted I adopted mine at the end of their lifespan so they were fairly docile. 


For any cichlid following general rules will allow you to keep them with other fish.

-plenty of hiding spots

-break line of sight

-willingness to seperate aggressors

-establish territories and "caves" for them to defend

-keep in either bonded pairs or 5+ schools


Follow these simple rules and generally speaking you won't have issues. Granted it depends on the fishes personality and cichlids have lots of personality. I had a Convict who was a complete puppy, just wanted to be everyone's friend. Others have had serial killers that terrorize anything living.

Edited by Biotope Biologist
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I agree with @Biotope Biologist and @FlyingFishKeeper on their suggestions.

2 hours ago, NewFishKeeper said:

I have a 20 gallon currently with 6 neon tetras, 5 guppies, 5 corydoras, and two snails. I also have a 5 gallon aquarium with some zebra danios. I want to combine the two tanks into a 36 gallon bowfront but think it may seam too empty with only 20 small fish? I really like the look and personalities of cichlids and angelfish, but I know they are generally too aggressive to be housed with small schooling fish. I am wondering if there is a good centerpiece fish that would be docile enough to live with the others. If that isn't an option how many others of the schooling fish could I add? Or should I just leave them how they are... 



Edit to add:

All my parameters are checked biweekly and I do at least two water changes a week 🙂


This is a bit controversial, but for a "centerpiece" in a 36 gallon I would go for another school of Corydoras, or at least add on to the current group. The reason for this would be because they are very active and are always at the front of the aquarium in a larger group. You could do around five of the larger species like C. aenues, C. paleatus, or C. sterbai, or a school of at least 10 of C. pygmaeus or C. hastatus. Of course, this all depends on what you have at the moment. What kinds of cories are you running in the tank currently?

Edited by CorydorasEthan
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5 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

I agree with @Biotope Biologist and @FlyingFishKeeper on their suggestions.

This is a bit controversial, but for a "centerpiece" in a 36 gallon I would go for another school of Corydoras, or at least add on to the current group. The reason for this would be because they are very active and are always at the front of the aquarium in a larger group. You could do around five of the larger species like C. aenues, C. paleatus, or C. sterbai, or a school of at least 10 of C. pygmaeus or C. hastatus. Of course, this all depends on what you have at the moment. What kinds of cories are you running in the tank currently?

I can't quite put my finger on it but something tells me you may be biased 😋

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12 minutes ago, NewFishKeeper said:

@CorydorasEthan  I believe the corys I have are Julii, I don't know the scientific name on them though.

Yes I believe yours might be the much more common Corydoras trilineatus, whose common name is the false julii cory, but most pet stores call them simply julii cories anyway. You could do this, or go for any one of the following:

  • 5 Peppered Cories (Corydoras paleatus) or Bronze/Albino Cories (Corydoras aeneus) or Sterbai Cories (Corydoras sterbai)
  • 6 more Julii Cories (Corydoras trilineatus) or Panda Cories (Corydoras panda)
  • 10 Pygmy Cories (Corydoras pygmaeus) or Habrosus Cories (Corydoras habrosus)

While, those are my suggestions for cories. Other good fish include the sparkling gourami, Apistogramma cichlids, and freshwater mollies, but other than those I can't really think of anything else not already mentioned above. I hope this helps, and good luck!

Edited by CorydorasEthan
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