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Nano tanks - keeping shrimp and betta together?


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Let's talk about nano tanks! I just purchased another tank- the PetSmart 5 gal Betta Retreat tank that Cory reviewed in one of his older vids.

Aaaanyway, I always wanted to do a planted shrimp tank so I'm thinking I'll get 3 fire reds (hoping they'll breed). Extras can go in 33 gal, just want a small steady supply in 5 gal. The only thing is that the 5 gal is coming with a male betta. I don't know how aggressive he is. I could put the betta in the 33 gal if he is too aggressive. I only have a pair of guppies and 6 corydoras in there right now but I wasn't planning on keeping a betta because of the guppies. I've read mixed reports of keeping bettas and shrimp together. What are your experiences?

I have a second 33 gal and possibly a 15 gal in the basement, however, I don't think I want to set them up right now. I may be moving in a few months and don't want to leave them for parents to care for (they aren't really fish people though they have cared for the 33 guppy tank successfully).

Edited by Kalita
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I've had quite a few Bettas over the years and honestly, their levels of aggression vary. Finnage can have a strong influence though, the longer the fins the less capable of violence the fish is. I had a veil tail years ago that lived most of his life with shrimp with no incident, he was uninterested in the shrimp and too slow to catch them anyway. Now, my plakat I have is terrifying and harasses all the snails in his tank, I would never put any shrimp in there. They wouldn't last 15 minutes.

Do you know what type of betta you're getting? If its a longer fin variety you probably have less to worry about.

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Not to be a negative nancy, but in my experience, at least with Neocaridina, it is only a matter of time. I have a female halfmoon betta who is very peaceful with other fish, but stalks and picks off shrimp one by one-even though she never bothers them or pays any attention to them during normal viewing hours. Lights off flips the invertebrate killswitch for some reason. That is not to say that you shouldn't keep some, I suppose it is very healthy and stimulating for a predatory animal to get a chance to hunt, just don't buy anything too expensive a la crystal shrimp. I have no experience with larger shrimp such as Amanos-they might be large enough to avoid the prey instinct.

Edited by Gumbo99
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I have not in my own experience been able to keep cherry shrimp (varying in colors) with any of the five bettas I have tried with over the years.  All five either slaughtered them inititally or down the road after some time.  My attempts have always been in 10 gallon aquariums. Maybe size matters and I should have gone bigger? But I have not been able to make it work out with the bettas that I have personally kept.  All tanks were planted (moderate to heavy). 

I have seen online where others have made it work though.  So perhaps its just a dice roll with the betta.  

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Thanks for feedback all. I think I'll avoid and put him in a separate tank for now.

So nano planted shrimp tanks! I ordered some botanicals (almond leaves, banana stem, pods, coco-curls) and have some drift wood so will be doing some scaping soon. 

Besides moss and anubias (probably nano), what might you suggest? When Cory did the review, the light PAR was about 33-34 at the bottom, so I'm thinking maybe some frogbit to provide some shade?

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If you want to test your bettas aggression I'd highly suggest some cheap snails or ghost shrimp. Ghost shrimp can be as cheap as 39 cent, but from what I hear you shouldn't mix ghost shrimp with other varieties of shrimp (especially RCS) as they will obliterate them.

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