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Is my Neon tetra sick?


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I just added 7 neon tetras to my 20 gal community tank after quarantining them for 3 weeks and using the three meds that Cory recommends before adding fish to your tanks. I noticed that the largest one is looking pretty fat. He/she does seem to always find things to eat so I am not sure if he/she is just a pig and eating a ton or if maybe he's sick? Or maybe they just look like this? This is my first time keeping Neon's so I am new to them. I have attached a picture for reference. Thank you!!  



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I am also fairly new to tetras, but I've had a pretty good experience with them so far. If you're worried, you could put it in a different tank where you can control it's food, it might be constipated so you could give it a smashed unshelled pea and fast for a couple days. To me though, your fish looks a little chunky but not really concerning, my guess that it's a little piggie or it's egg bound. Do note that neon tetras can have some defects and this may be a symptom of one. If it gets worse, make sure to start a new post. Hope this helps

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