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Is this Columnaris?

Sandra the fish rookie

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@CoryI used that initially, and one of my corydora's did not respond well (the peppered one). I completed 1 full course of ParaCleanse and am on the 2 week break. Despite my efforts, all the guppies died and only 1 remains (tuxedo) and this one is the original one that I have had since Dec 22nd. 

I tired to get some better pictures (see below). I have a quarantine tank its not fully cycled, but have some old filters, and been feeding it bacteria. Its a bit cloudy, and has a sponge filter in it.. Should I put him in there or should I medicate the entire tank again? but with the Ich X and Maracyn only? He had this coming out of him yesterday. Not sure if it was poop or worms? 

I have 1 Mystery snail, Ramshorn, and 2 corydora's as my current load. 

Thank you so much for your help. (check your sales.. LOL I am a frequent flyer)



Possible worm.jpg

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Hi @Brandy Thanks for the response. It did not look like fuzz to be honest.. it almost looked like injury.. it was just weird.. A friend of mine suggested Columaris.. which is why I researched it and looked at pictures.. and it just didn't look like that. And it did not look like ICH either.. and trying to get a good picture is easier said than done. Its only on 1 side at the junction of his back where his tail starts. He has nothing on his mouth, or anywhere else. But with all the stuff going on in there right now.. I am struggling to figure out what is going on ... 

But he as been at the surface since yesterday. not eating, and the other guppy seemed to keep trying to engage in play and keep by his side the entire time.. but he stayed at the top.. he just looked like he was just not feeling great. It was sudden I feel because he was eating and playing.. doing great.. and then boom.. at the top.. not interacting, not eating and his top fin is usually really high.. and its really flat.. almost lying along his side. 

He is in the QT tank and I have dropped the temp and the light strength as well. Cory recommended Aquarium salt (which I have thank goodness) so he is in there. Its not a nice tank and its a bit cloudy.. but it will have to do. And he will hopefully get the rest he needs and not be badgered by the other guppy to play. 

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How long do I leave him in the QT? Do I need to add more salt or any other medications going forward? This tank is not what he is used to.. poor dude.. I did a water change on it before I put him in and tried to clean it a little bit.. I am in the process of cycling it..I added Fritz Zyme 7 to ensure his safety..  

QT Tank.jpg

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The salt doesn't go away like any other kind of med, so don't add more, unless you take water out. For that, you only add enough salt to treat the amount you replace, so if you take out 2 gallons, put in 2tbsp more when you put back 2 gallons, if that is your rate as cory reccomended.

To make him feel better turn off your lights when you can. He will be less stressed.

He needs to get back to eating, once they stop eating it can be tough to catch them. I would leave him in there until he is better, so no more lesion, acting normally, eating. Before you go to put him back in fresh water, do a few days of water changes where you don't add salt, so that you gradually wean him off. If the disease comes back you want to put the salt back and wait longer.

Because you are mid cycle, you may want to do extra water changes, and be sure not to overfeed. Salt is cheap, so change as much as you need to to keep the water quality high. It might stall your cycle, so focus on the fish for now, and once he recovers get the cycle really rolling. 

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@Brandy I am always blown away by how much you guys all know.. I just turned of the lights 🙂 

I didn't feed them today.. so he has not eaten today. And I just did a water change on the QT tank before putting him in there to lower the temp a bit. its now at 79 but I set the heater lower to keep it stable to what he is use to in his home tank which is 78 ish.. 

I followed Cory's suggestion and put 1 tablespoon in (its a 10 Gallon tank) OH WAIT... CRAP .. I need to add 9 more Tablespoons.. ugh... see.. I am so frazzled I can't even read! DUH... going to do that NOW!! 

Should I wait to see him behave normally before trying to feed him? or try tomorrow?

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I would wait. Tomorrow offer him a tiny bit of the most favorite food. Teeny tiny, if he doesn't go for it, that's ok wait a day or two. If he does, give tiny tiny bits once or twice a day. I have baby brine hatching so I give that because almost nothing can resist it. But if you have flakes crush like half a flake.

I cured one guppy and lost the other, so this is still not a sure thing, don't feel bad if he doesn't pull thru. They can go fast if the infection gets in their blood stream, just like a human with sepsis. At that point there won't have been anything you could have done.

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@Brandy I wonder if he was bullied by the other guppy.. What I may have interpreted as play might have been bullying.. HMM maybe that is why its only on one side? Maybe trauma induced? I did not think that Guppies could bully.. but there has been a lot of stress in that tank with all the illness. And I only had boys.. 

I have had 4 die in the last 2 weeks.. and had to euthanize 1 of them. I just feel bad that my inexperience has been the cause of this hot mess. As much as I am learning, I am saddened and frustrated at times too. I am a nurse (ER/OR), and am pretty tough. but this hobby has been the toughest thing to get the hang of.. and I won't lie.. I have cried.. but will keep on trying.. till I get it right. 

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I feel ya' the learning curve is STEEP.  I am a biology bench scientist, I do animal research, and I have cried. Euthanizing an animal intentionally for a purpose is one thing, realizing you screwed up and something died is very much another. I joke that I am the reason Cory had to set up the forum, I was such a horrible basket case when I got back into fish after a couple of decades.

As a nurse, use your instincts--treat sick fish like sick people, they want peace and quiet, and not to be fussed with, and they need care and meds. Same/same, but different, because water. You will get this, and in a few months you will have learned enough to be dishing out advice like an old hand. Sometimes the best teachers are the recent learners, they remember how it feels to be brand new and they remember where the confusions and pitfalls are.

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