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Smaller Plecos for a heavily planted 75 gallon

Mario V.

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Hey Everyone,

I have a heavily planted 75 gallon community tank. I currently have rummynose tetras, dwarf chain loaches,otocinclus catfish, a pair of German blue rams, a female bristlenose pleco and a clown pleco. I have fallen in love with plecos and am looking to add another small pleco to my tank I am thinking something 6 inches and under. I have been looking online for for ideas but most websites I have found just list bristlenose, clown and rubberlip plecos. If anyone has any suggestions for small plecos that can be added to my tank I would love to hear them! 

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I'm just starting up my 37 gallon, and I was at my local pet store the other day and saw a "butterfly pleco."  Looking online I found they are also called "flounder plecos."  Apparently they can change colors and such, and don't get very large.  Investigating them more now to find out if one may grace my tank!  I'd love to hear also if anyone has more info on them. 

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On 8/22/2020 at 2:48 AM, Mario V. said:

Hey Everyone,

I have a heavily planted 75 gallon community tank. I currently have rummynose tetras, dwarf chain loaches,otocinclus catfish, a pair of German blue rams, a female bristlenose pleco and a clown pleco. I have fallen in love with plecos and am looking to add another small pleco to my tank I am thinking something 6 inches and under. I have been looking online for for ideas but most websites I have found just list bristlenose, clown and rubberlip plecos. If anyone has any suggestions for small plecos that can be added to my tank I would love to hear them! 

I have L333, L168 and peckoltia braueri plecos. I love them all and think they are gorgeous. 

Now, my L333s are a bit tough on plants sometimes and liked to eat my vallisnerias, but I had no issues with the other ones 

Edited by gcalberto
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this is the L numbers of 8 species you should be able to google care from there. most stay under 5in with one that gets up to 7. If I were you I would look into other species of otocinclus their are more then people think some really do look like little bitty plecos. 

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1 hour ago, Brandy said:

Pardon the hiijack, but @Taylor Blake and @KBOzzie59 where does one find the uncommon otocinclus?! I mean, I had a heck of a time just finding the common ones...But I LOOOOVE them.

I have the best luck being in Minnesota I have Tamed waters as a local fish shop they do a lot of the weird stuff they are on Facebook and they ship fish it can take a bit for them to respond but it is well worth the wait Phil is a great guy. He also has a YouTube by the same name 

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