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Discus Fry not going to parents


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On 8th spawn a new pair got them to wigglers then the free swimmers were all over the tank and not feeding on parents. 29 gallon tank is painted light blue on 3 sides with nothing in it but a sponge filter. Moved the parents out and some of the amazing little critters are surviving without them. I welcome any comments on why the fry never attempted to feed off the parents

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No personal experience, but from what I've heard, they sometimes can't find them. I've seen the adults kept in ten and twenty gallon tanks for breeding to make it easier for the fry to find the parents. The less space the parents have to get away from the fry the easier it is for the fry to find the parents. A 29 gallon tank isn't huge, at least from a human perspective, but to a small fry it might be the Sahara Desert if they're on one side and the adults are on the other.

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Gabe Posada from Jack Wattley Discus mentions (in the video below) fry may be attracted to the black rim of the tank instead of the parents and he keeps his water levels lower to prevent that. Maybe the bottom of the tank should be painted light blue too.


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I once had a pair of discus with this problem.  Happens with the lighter colors sometimes, they just don’t darken as much.  Lower the water level in the tanks,  I also place a tank divider in the tank.  The tank divider should be one that can move.  Making the tank smaller and smaller.   I would start moving once eggs start hatching.  By the time fry are free swimming/looking for parents the space is so small they have no choice but find them.   Once most are on parents and have made the switch between male and female  for feeding several times you can start adding water and moving divider back.   Around day 10-12 I would start adding baby brine, this will increase yield and also take some stress off of the parents...    Good Luck

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