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Starting a tank for our newborn!

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20201221_161921.jpg.33617693c15ded5fcf18822aa2b4a5c8.jpgHello all! We are new to this forum and are excited to learn! "We" are Heather (Mom), James (Dad), and Baby James (2 months old)! Our fish story began about a month ago when we found baby James'favorite movie to be Moana...he would always star at the TV (and still does) when the part comes up with the Ocean opens her water and let's baby Moana walk on dry sand to pick up the seashells. He would start happily flailing his arms and legs when he saw the fish or sea turtles through the water on the screen. Once they'd pan to another segment of the movie, Baby James would get fussy until I 'rewound' the movie back to that part over and over again. After doing this for a month, we finally realized he really WAS paying attention and loved seeing the fish. So then we loaded YouTube up on the living room TV and starting watching live feed aquariums, and baby just couldn't get enough! Now he's watching any aquarium feeds we can find...and he doesn't want to watch the ones with relaxation music! He wants to listen to the water, the pump, and even listens for the 'swish' when a fish moves quickly! We would love to get him a tank! The final piece of the puzzle we need is going to happen tonight...we are bringing him to his first pet shop to see REAL fish! If he reacts to them in real life like he does on the tv and phone screens, we will be getting a tank! 

I grew up with fish tanks, from 1 gallon bettas to 100 gallon tank with turtles, live plants and even a 5lb huge fish (think it was grouper...I was only 10). However, I haven't had a tank in 10 years! So much has changed! So many different lighting options, new filtration technology, available plant varieties... it's like I'm starting all over again! Having a brand new baby and caring for a tank properly is why we are here on this forum. Any suggestions on new technology that will make cleaning and care of our highly potential tank is greatly appreciated and welcomed!

 We are very excited to see how baby James does on his first fish adventure this evening! We can't wait to tell y'all how it goes!

Thank you from Tampa, Florida!

Edited by Durrance Family
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Welcome, and congratulations on your little bundle of happiness there! When my oldest was a baby, I had a 29 gallon saltwater tank in mine and my wifes bedroom. My son would love to be held and stare at the tank, matter of fact, when he was crabby, the only two things that would settle him down was to take him in the bedroom and sit in front of the tank, or turn on Mickey Mouse clubhouse and let the theme song play. 

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Glad to see you! Ittie-bitties really benefit from watching real-world movement and colors; I had never thought of having a tank that a little one could interact with. What a great idea!!! 

Good luck! As a beginner myself, I'm finding a lot of luck with a basic sponge filter and basic LED lighting. Nothing to fancy over here!

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Welcome and congrats on your new arrival! You're in the right place for respectful fish talk. Please keep us posted on your little one's aquarium including pics if you're so inclined! The Coop also has a YouTube channel packed with great info from short instructions on specific subjects, be they species profiles, how-tos, or product reviews/demonstrations; to long livestreams where A-Z could be discussed. Irene (Girl Talks Fish f/k/a A Gamer's Wife on YouTube) also has great info on nano tanks (max 20 gallons). Best of luck! 

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