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Experience with limia vittata or limias?


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Just wondering if anyone here has had experience with limias, specifically limia vittata (although if you have a different limia that you want to talk about, feel free!) I was recently watching Cory's walk through Goliad fish farms and the limia vittata caught my eye- cute little yellow and black speckly livebearers! Just wondering if anyone had any opinions on them, either good or bad.

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Yeah, I have nigrofasciata, Humpback limias. I keep them just like how I keep my platies - temp is at 77F, I use crushed coral and wondershells for hardness. They're very prolific and active. The males are CONSTANTLY showing off to the girls and to each other. They're not the most colorful things, but I think their behavior more than makes up for it. 

I just recently re-watched that tour and thought the limias they breed are pretty neat too!

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13 hours ago, OceanTruth said:

Do limias in general overpopulate like guppies do?

Ohhh yes. Especially when multiple females give birth at the same time, you'll have a sudden explosion of them. X3 

I think their gestation is a bit longer than guppies; at least the Humpback's are. So instead of every 3 weeks giving birth, it's more like every 6 weeks. But they still add up.

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