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Sponge filter ppi


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@Cory,  As a friendly note:  I've seen the A.C. Blog list the sponge filters at "20 ppi medium porosity" and that was my reference source of information.  But, would imagine it's only an approximation, for many reasons.  😉

I spent most of yesterday with the black coarse sponge pads in my hands, since it was cleaning aquariums maintenance day, LOL.  Their ppi is a little different though.

Both products are great.  👍

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4 hours ago, DaveSamsell said:

@AndyP, Don't be so hard on yourself.  We are all here to learn from each other.  

I agree.  But not checking the product description is such a rookie mistake.  You'd think a 51-year-old guy who's been on the Internet since the 1980s would know better.

Now to ask a question about a competing product.  Does anyone know the PPI of the ATI Hydro Pro.  I was using a Hydro Pro #5 before I got the Aquarium Co-op filter and it's looks a little finer than the Co-op sponge.

Yes, I know I should reach out to ATI, but they take forever to respond to emails.  Since the ATI USED TO be Cory's favorite filter, I thought he might know he PPI of the sponge on that filter.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a 60 gallon fresh water tank with 4 goldfish (still small feeder size). I have 2 large (40 gallon) ACOOP sponge filters. People are saying I need a large HOB filter.... 

Is this true? I clean tank every Sunday and atleast 40% water change. 

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What are your water parameters? I would say it's very unlikely you needed a hang on back. However without knowing more, I can't be certain. Most people want you to do what they do to feel validated. 

If your water looks good to you, and your water parameters check out, everything is fine. I'd convince you to buy a larger aquarium before more filtration any day as those goldfish can get large over time. However, you have plenty of time and do what you and your pets need, not what others say your pets need.

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