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What could be wrong with this guppy?


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20201231_172854.jpg.9add60696feeffcf4cec47c79676f74a.jpgHi Guys. My one guppy started to act strange yesterday and I then moved him to a hospital tank. The aquarium here says rhat he has air stuck, but this is day 2 now and he is still acring the same. I let him loose in my large tank again and he is really struggling. Its asif his back fin does nit want to open up and work again as he keeps it clamped. I bought a general medication as well as snail kill. I have also put some aquarium salt into the hospital tank. What could be wrong?


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Thanks. Thats what I have done. I have no idea how old he is. I have only started recently with guppies and breeding with them. He was very active with the females and I did not want to loose him. But like you said, maybe its his time😞

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Yea, Im just still waiting for the small fish to grow up. Some of the small fish is already back into the large tank but its still only the tails that has colour. I had 2 females giving birth today as well so I have a small tank full of fry now😆. At the moment I have him alone in an 8L tank with heater and airstone. Seems I will have to wait a week or 2 to see what he does. 

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My guppies are dying left right and centre. I cleaned the full tank and added auarium sault. I then boughtKanaplex to trwat for Fungal and bacterial fish disease. My fish ended up dying even more. They are now back in their old tank and I read that it might be itch. I have seen my fish bouncing of my rocks. I only have a few fish left and have now turned the temerature up from 24°c to 26°c to see if it would help. Any idea why they are dying? Some of tem does not have any symptoms before I find them dead a bit later. And why would the medication kill my fish? 


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It looks like a bacterial infection treat with the  kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons do no more then 3couse of kanaplex  it can harm your fishs organ if over used if kanaplex does not work try maracy or maracyn2 one treats gram positive and one treats gram negative bacterial infection it my take more than one Couse 

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There are too many things happening in my tank. Another fish dead this morning. My temperature is 26°c at the moment. Noticed my one female has this white at her fin. From past experience I am worried that it will spread down to her sides as previous pics I posted. Is this sadleback? Picture uploaded upside down while its correct on my phone. No idea how to turn it on the forum20210106_065135.jpg.ee4c6c235c21dd5e5ef272b96cfab722.jpg🙄

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The guppy in bottom pictures look like they have a lighter patch on back with reddening of some scales you could have columnaris with secondary fungal infection that would explain the high mortality you have been seeing columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection kanaplex or maracyn2  treat gram negative bacterial infection

3 hours ago, Schalk said:

Treated again this morning with Kanaplex. Had fish dying again after adding it. Dont understand this. Thought its medicine to cure. More fosh getting strange simptoms as in picture. Some white stuff on body and fin.





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Today is day 6 of the fungus treatment. I have 6 survivers in my tank. My male guppy skin seems to be peeling. This is on both sides of his head. How can I help him? Do I move him or my other fish out of the tank. Like I said, I have my last day of medication in the tank.


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