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Removing fish without destroying tank

Justin V1

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I am a big fan of the bottle trap. The key is starving the tank a bit first and trying to catch other fish than the one you want caught. Every time i try to catch a certain fish i will end up with every other fish in the trap. Trap at the bottom of the tank? Ofcourse pearl gourami. Small bottle opening intended for tetra? Yes bolivian rams will squeeze in there. Uncatchable kuhli loach? In the trap when trying to catch another fish.

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I go for a hand-push into large net approach. Remove everything from the top of the tank, possibly also filter if it's in the way. You want to be able to put your hand and/or net into the tank wherever you need. Use your hand to gently slowly no sudden movements push or poke the fish out of whatever hidey place it goes to. Do this a few times without any nets, to get a sense of where the fish wants to go, what are its preferred paths of travel through the tank and plants? The goal of pushing it is not to have it flash across the tank super fast, but slowly go in the direction you are pushing it.  Sometimes you have to move your hand very slow, or not at all. Sometimes your hand is more of a blocker than a pusher.  Think non-predatory thoughts: my hand is just another fish, or floating weed, not something that's coming to get you. 🙂 

Next set up a net, largest possible, with the bag end as open as possible, where the fish would swim into the net as it comes out of a hidey place or plant clump, and into more open space. Do the same thing you did above, pushing the fish out of its hidey place, hopefully into the waiting net. When it's in, block the opening with your hand, and slowly either turn the net to close it against the glass, or turn it so the bag is down and the opening is up then slowly lift it towards the surface, using your hand to block the fish from swimming up and out. If you're moving slowly, it will be more inclined to try and swim down thru the net (which it won't be able to do) than swim away from the net ie up and out. 

Edited by TOtrees
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I made my own fish trap from clear plexiglass. It's a 4x4 inch rectangular box about 8 inches long. Nice thing about being rectangular is that you can lay it on the bottom against the side glass and the fish can't escape between the glass and trap. If you use a glass jar (which works, too), they can escape between the gap. Leave the trap in place for a few minutes, then gently chase the fish toward the opening with a fish net. By the time they realize it's a trap, it's usually too late and they are in. Cover the opening with your net and pull the trap out. It doesn't have to be totally water-proof and if it leaks, that's okay. once at the surface, I pour the fish into the net and remove it from the tank. I put a long handle on the front of the trap to make it easier to remove. When I set up my tank I made sure there would be a suitable spot for a fish trap left bare of rocks and plants.  Works like a charm...

Mine has a lid which usually closes as soon as you lift the trap, but it's not necessary. Holding the net over the opening works, too.


Edited by Bubbletrouble
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I have a hard acrylic divider made for each tank available on Amazon. 
I insert the divider to cut the tank space down so they can’t run as far. Then lower the water line as much as possible and use 2 nets or net and hand. 
Also doing an easy catch dance and praying a lot…🤣 don’t think the last 2 help much though. 

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I'm also about to remove some fish from my main tank. I'm gonna try the DIY water bottle fish trap to catch some rainbowfish and rummynose tetras. Still unsure what bait to use but I feel like putting some live blackworms will entice them more than putting pellets.

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On 9/17/2024 at 12:12 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

I have used the diy water bottle trap to catch in my fish but I had never thought to use bait and let the trap sit. I’ll have to try that when I need to catch my cherry barbs again.

How were you able to catch them without any bait?

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