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Established tank

Api test kit

Nitrates under 5ppm (between 0 and 5)

All others 0

PH 6.8*

Recently added guppies- they have been in the tank for about 2 weeks now. One male was kind of a weird guy to begin with- not interested in mating. Noticed last night he was swimming in the stream from the bubble bar- swimming and swimming. Not interested in even stopping to eat. Then saw one of the females attack him. Took a real close look at him with the flash on camera and noticed he has some white across top of his head and his scales look kind of ragged and not smooth. 


Setting up quarantine tank now

Should I 

Quarantine all fish? If so shoud i seperate the males and females? 

Can anyone ID this? It does not look like Ick- im worried its columnaris. 

Just got back from nearest pet supply store and got all this pictured, can anyone recommend a treatment? 

Other fish seem okay and not acting irregular like this guy but I have noticed two others will randomly hit themselves on the substrate or decor. 

Running an under gravel filter, alot of plants. Working on adding a sponge filter in the next few days. Do 30% water changes every friday. Hard well water. Unknown exact hardness of water. 







Edited by BellaNova
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