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My guppy tank has had an issue with illness, one  is like she's stuck in a curve and has a droopy tail. Another has a thing where she goes completely vertical and her back end rises slightly when she's idle, not as extreme as in the photo of her. She isn't always that vertical, but I do notice she does it too frequently to be normal.

Another has a really messed up tail, but I think that might be from nipping. Right now I have the two females in a bucket with a heater in epsom salt and kanaplex. I am also treating the aquarium with kanaplex and have the temperature at 79.


I also have another female guppy who is named Twirly (she is the gray one in the video that crosses in front of the curved female) because when she swims past a certain distance she turns and has to do flips to get where she wants to go. I'm not sure if it's because she has a birth defect or if it's a birth defect made worse by illness.

Ammonia is 0 ppm

Nitrite is 0 ppm

Nitrate is more than 25 pm, but less than 50ppm



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On 8/31/2024 at 1:50 PM, Thundercracker said:

I have pretty hard water

Well, there goes that idea. But 1 less thing to worry about. Yeah, I have the hard water also, Most of the US does. 

Could be a sourcing issue. Lots of guppies come from guppy farms that have inherent genetic issues. Lots of bent spines, weird tumors, and just general fading away. You see this almost always from big box pet stores. I had a hard time keeping guppies from them. Couple of weeks to a month and they'd be gone. Tried some higher end guppies and it mostly worked for a while, but lost my females, so we have to start over again. I think for guppies, you have to find someone who breeds guppies with water like we have. I am going to try some tank raised guppies from Ohio. Which should be very close to our water. Same place my imports came from, but tank raised in hard water. Maybe you can find a local source, or even the Ohio source should work well for you.

The kanaplex should do the job for bacterial infection. If it's a parasite we may need to ask @Colu

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More than likely genetic  scoliosis is really common in guppies causing a curvature  of the spine the one having the issue swimming could have a swim bladder issues that can be caused by an injury to the swim bladder a bacterial infections or the fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder for that you would want to treat with epsom salt as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder and fast for a couple the  combination of epsom salt and kanaplex cover most bases @Thundercracker

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