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Sponge filters are almost always low enough flow, you likely don't have to mess with the flow. I'd also not inject a 5gal with CO2, especially with smaller tanks because it is soo much easier to give fish CO2 poisoning if you accidentally dose too much. Also anything in a 5gal with CO2 injections should be done by someone experienced with CO2 in the past and lots of disposable money, as I don't see much point for a 5gal CO2 tank, unless it's a show tank that'll be setup for 2-3 weeks, as whatever plants you got will very likely quickly overgrow your tank.

Also a tip on the airstone, new users like to have those really fine bubbles but you usually don't want that, you almost want bubbles almost like the ones without a airstone, just more fine, smaller bubbles; it'll give more oxygen in the gas exchange process.

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