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Suggestions for my 25G planted tank?


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Hello fish friends, 

As the title says, I have a 100 liter (about 25/26G) planted tank with substrate. Currently holding:

- Pair of Swordfish

- 5 Cardinal Tetra's

I definitely want to add at least another 5 Tetra's to make it a group of 10 or more. But what else are nice options with these fish? I really could use some suggestions.

I am running the tank on about 25/26 degrees Celsius, PH of around 7.2 - 7.6 and Gh7 and KH6

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3 minutes ago, Ruud said:

Hello fish friends, 

As the title says, I have a 100 liter (about 25/26G) planted tank with substrate. Currently holding:

- Pair of Swordfish

- 5 Cardinal Tetra's

I definitely want to add at least another 5 Tetra's to make it a group of 10 or more. But what else are nice options with these fish? I really could use some suggestions.

I am running the tank on about 25/26 degrees Celsius, PH of around 7.2 - 7.6 and Gh7 and KH6

Lots of possibilities.  If it was my aquarium, I would purchase about 6 Otocinclus.  They are very docile & one of my personal favorites.  Great biofilm\algae cleaners.

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I 2nd otos. I like odd numbers so I'd go with 7 but that's just personal preference They're great. I'd personally get about 10 to 15 more tetras. As far as plants go I say you just get what you like. You didn't specify what your light is but if it's fairly standard then you have plenty of options.

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Funny... here in the few shops I have been to, I haven't seen Oto's or Cherry Barbs for that matter. I am attaching a photo of how the tank currently stands. 

Yes I will definitely add more Tetra's - maybe adding 10 to 15 is a bit much, let's see. I was thinking about Cory's or maybe even a few Brochis. Also I'd like 1 more showpiece fish, maybe a type of Gourami? 


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On the lights. I have a Nicrew classic Led G2

Would Apisto's be a fit? I can get Borelli's, Viejita's, Agasizi's and a few others. Also Bolivian ram's? Not sure how these would play with the Swords.

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So far, about 6 weeks in, I have only a bit of argue on the glass. The light actually has a white, a yellow and a blue setting and within the setting 6 levels of brightness. I usually have it on the white or yellow setting at level 4 at the most. 

I'd like to add a fancy pleco yes, but it all depends on what I can get. I would love to have again an L260 but they are more carnivore's than algue eaters. Will get a Nerine snail as well next time I am in Barcelona.

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1 hour ago, James Black said:

5 Corydoras would be nice. a really cool feature fish could be an angelfish

My tank is 31.5 inch in length and around 15 in height, so as much as I would love a pair of Angels I think its not the right thing for this tank.


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I have a 29g that had 6 neon tetras for a long time, one died and the 5 left all hid.  I bought 15 more and know they are by far the most interesting thing in the tank.  The group has taken over the tank and are so fun to watch.  There are neons everywhere and all together at the same time.  I am really starting to understand schooling a little bit now.

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