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Help!! Pest?

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Looks like aphids.  Many top dwelling fish will eat them but they will stay in the middle of leaves enough and can be difficult to eradicate.  I’ve had them in the past and had to remove all floating plants and rinse them repeatedly, quarantine them, rinse more, rinse more, rinse more, etc.  I finally selected just a few of the largest floaters and discarded the rest since I wasn’t winning rinsing them as a whole mass of plants.  Instead I rinsed them individually and very thoroughly, inspected closely and rinsed vigorously every day, then finally put just those few back in the tank once I was certain there were no pests left.  Now I treat all incoming plants with Reverse Respiration.


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On 6/29/2024 at 10:09 AM, VanDogh said:

What is Common Seltzer Water? the text you linked says to use that but I am npt sure if that brand exists in my country

It’s not a brand but a description.  “Common” meaning any seltzer water will do but soda water is different since it’s full of minerals and the pH isn’t as low.  Sparkling water is also different since it doesn’t have as much dissolved CO2 or as low pH as seltzer water.  Seltzer water is highly carbonated but otherwise pure water and not mineral water like soda water.  Sparkling water isn’t as highly carbonated.  I use a SodaStream brand unit to make my seltzer / carbonated water since I have many aquariums and a husband hooked on soda (he adds flavors after it is carbonated).

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Posted (edited)

Where I live we only call carbonated water "Bubble water." There is different types of water with CO2?  What does dissolved CO2 mean? Is mineral in the carbonated water bad for this purpose? I am sorry for so much questions I am so confused haha

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On 6/29/2024 at 1:14 PM, VanDogh said:

Where I live we only call carbonated water "Bubble water." There is different types of water with CO2?  What does dissolved CO2 mean? Is mineral in the carbonated water bad for this purpose? I am sorry for so much questions I am so confused haha

That's probably the stuff you're looking for. Check the ingredients list. If it says anything other than carbonated or water*, then you might not want to use it.

I bought this can, for example, in an American grocery store:



But there's also tonic water, which has quinine in it, and club soda, which I think has salt in it?

* Flavorings are probably okay but I'd have to double check the reverse respiration procedure again.

Edited to add: so don't use tonic water or club soda. At least not on your plants; combined with the right spirit you might use it on yourself!

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I see, very helpful! Everytime I get a new plant I will use this carbonated water then 😀 as of now I am just trying to drown the aphids. Do anyone know for how long its safe to submerge floating plants?

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On 6/29/2024 at 3:40 PM, VanDogh said:

I see, very helpful! Everytime I get a new plant I will use this carbonated water then 😀 as of now I am just trying to drown the aphids. Do anyone know for how long its safe to submerge floating plants?

@Guppysnail @dasaltemelosguy @Odd Duck, how long can floating plants take RR?

In addition to the comment thread that Odd Duck linked to above, there's also a website and a youtube video:

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On 6/29/2024 at 10:50 AM, johnnyxxl said:

Plain seltzer is used for mixing drinks with club soda etc 

It doesn’t matter for mixing drinks.  It does matter when you want to reach a low enough pH and the right gas pressure within the solution when you’re trying to get reverse respiration to work on your new plants.

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On 6/29/2024 at 8:45 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

@Guppysnail @dasaltemelosguy @Odd Duck, how long can floating plants take RR?

In addition to the comment thread that Odd Duck linked to above, there's also a website and a youtube video:

Depends on the species of floater.  Frogbit does fairly well and I believe dwarf water lettuce does, too (but have no personal experience with any water lettuce since it’s not legal in my state).  Duckweed does just fine with RR, even when put in seltzer under pressure in a sealed container with daily renewed seltzer over more than a week.  🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️   Red root floater does terrible for anything over about 5-10 minutes (haven’t done timed experiments but didn’t need to since it hates being submerged at all).  No experience with any Salvinias with RR but they also hate being submerged.

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On 6/29/2024 at 11:16 PM, Odd Duck said:

Duckweed does just fine... Red root floater does terrible...


Those both sound right. Red root floater sometimes dies if you look at it too directly, and I think duckweed would be fine if you sterilized in the microwave!

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On 6/29/2024 at 10:21 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:


Those both sound right. Red root floater sometimes dies if you look at it too directly, and I think duckweed would be fine if you sterilized in the microwave!

Truth in both those cases!

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Bless! Thanks for such helpful answer! I am lucky then because I only have water lettuce and frogbit in terms of floating plants. I don't have any carbonated water so I am drowning them in the tank and hopefully the aphids will drown (and get eaten by the fish.) I later wash them thoroughly in the tap multiple times and I am going to wait a week before I put them back in any tank. They will be in an empty tank that has not been used yet. Next time I get plants I will always make sure to do the reverse respiration 😃

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