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Breeding Habrosus Cory vs Pygmy Cory


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So I have this 6.1 gal Tank ( 18 in L,13 in W,6 in H)

And want to make it into a breeding tank. 

This how want to stock it as


However I am stuck between C. Habrosus or C. Pygymaeus.

Which Breed easier and more? 



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You may want to rethink your stock and do a bit more research. I have bred all these fish with the exception I breed Pygmy and hastatus dwarf corydora. And lemon bristlenose pleco not gold nugget. (Very high bioload) Small tanks are hard to keep stable. 
Scarlet badis only eat live food

plecos even one adult  are much to large for a 6 gallon tank. 
CPD are crazy active and dont do great in small tanks. They will eat the Habrosus eggs and fry. 
Ramshorn snails eat eggs.  

For that size tank if you really want Habrosus or pygmaeus who are very active 6 Habrosus or pygmaeus and some cherry shrimp are the most I would put in that tank. 

Double check aqadvisor that you entered ADULT and not Juvenile size on the pleco.  I’m not sure which you meant by golden pleco but these two can both be referenced as golden. Minimum tank sizes are shown in photos 



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What I meant by Golden Pleco was Super Red Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cirrhosus). Aqadvisor dosn't have this variant.

I was planing on breeding the cpds by putting a spawning mop and some moss in a container (will be Removed) and I was Hoping that the Habrosus cory also breed into a media instead of throwing eggs everywhere like other corys

The Ramshorn snail are to provide live baby snails to feed the Scarlet badis.

I also thought that ramshorn snails dont eat eggs


All the sizes for the fish are adult sizes

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Like I said I actively breed all these fish. I recommend start stocking with the ones you want the most.  Add 1 soecies at a time. For breeding this is to many fish in 1 tank that small. 

After you are set up if you want any tips to breed let me know. I currently have roughly 100 CPD babies, 40 Pygmy cory babies. 100-200 bristlenose babies at any given time.  I sold my scarlet badis group a few years back.  look into grindle worms for a better and varied food source  mine didn’t touch snail babies.

Ramshorn snails are considered pests because they overpopulate VERY quickly. Your 10 will be over 100 in just a few months time. 

The bristlenose are inappropriate for that small of a tank.  Cut out 2 4 inch rectangles and place them in front of the tank.  You will see your tank is to small.  The waste they produce is immense. 

Did you see the warnings aqadvisor provides concerning appropriateness and huge twice weekly water change schedule? I typed in your stock. 


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Also forgot to mention.  I breed Pygmy and CPD in the same tank. I use this setup. Deli container with child’s jewelry beads so the CPD eggs fall through.  The Pygmy pollute the moss with eggs.  I never had luck with them using a mop. Both species prefer moss over a mop.  

I dump the CPD eggs in a breeder. I dump the entire container mulm and all I don’t bother to separate. I leave the catch cup in for 4 days.  Then dump it to a breeding net and throw the moss with Pygmy eggs in another breeding net.  This go I got over 100 CPD and 40 Pygmy.

Pygmy and Habrosus are both beginners level easy to breed.  Pick which you like best. Pygmy swim more mid level than Habrosus. Both fun fish. image.jpg.db29e035e896b8daaad0505612519fd4.jpg

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Super reds or blue-eyed lemon bristlenoses are most definitely not suitable for a 6 gallon tank.  I’m surprised aqadvisor didn’t have a meltdown over those.  My adult male blue-eyed lemons are a solid 7” long and beefy.  Super reds will get about the same size.  Here’s one of mine in a watering spike which he insists on using for breeding even though he barely fits in it.  The watering spikes are 1.75” across at the widest point of the inside and he really has to squeeze to get inside it.  That’s a bronze cory photo bomb there that’s about 2.5” (also closer to the camera by about 3”).


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Also the problem with my tank is that the base is large (18 in by 13 in) but the height is only 6 inches.

I have decided to remove to scarlet badis and ramshorn snails.

@Guppysnail what is the beautiful red/ purple snail in the picture

also do you have a better picture of the breeding setup Thanks

Do you happen to know anyone who has bred habrosus corydoras on this form



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On 6/22/2024 at 8:57 AM, KoiAngels said:

what is the beautiful red/ purple snail in the picture

This is a child’s jewelry bead used to keep parents from eggs. 67543159-350C-4F75-9D66-FD57C645A3A1.jpeg.2942dc9c19c7904a9b7075fb41a11147.jpeg
However magenta mystery snails are beautiful but need tight fitting lids or they escape.  434C9D50-BFAB-41E1-8DF1-D7701E41393D.jpeg.bccbac05a57acd4e00288bf6e984507b.jpeg


On 6/22/2024 at 9:13 AM, KoiAngels said:

can you explain how to do a grindal worm culture


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On 6/22/2024 at 2:25 PM, KoiAngels said:

do you have a better picture of the breeding setup out of water that way i can replicate it


I’ll get one later tonight or tomorrow for you. I will set a dry one up. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 3:53 PM, KoiAngels said:

Can you get a better picture of the breeding setup out of water that way i can replicate it

Yes tomorrow.  I’m so sorry today went completely sideways upside down and backwards. Just one of those craziness days.  

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On 6/23/2024 at 3:53 PM, KoiAngels said:

Can you get a better picture of the breeding setup out of water that way i can replicate it

I don't want to speak for @Guppysnail, but it looks like beads or marbles in a Tupperware cup with moss on top.

@Lowells Fish Lab has a "how to breed celestial pearl danios" video. He uses a nut (to weigh it down) and water sprite but the principal seems about the same (from about the 4:29 mark):

Blake's Aquatics has a few videos on an air-driven automatic egg collector. This is the most recent (the auto egg collector part is from about 6:58):

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This is what it is.  Sliced deli meat container from the grocery.  Beads. This one has some rocks, I’ve used coarser gravel. Anything to allow eggs to fall through out of parent reach. Then I set moss on top



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