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Does anyone keep a tank log?

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By log, i mean a detailed written description of what you changed & when, measured plant growth, etc? 

I tend to lose track of how long it's been since what & actual growth rates.  I'll think something isn't having any effect and then realize it's only been 8 days. Maybe a log would help gauge the real success of changes better than my sketchy memory...

Anyone do this...& if so, what software do you like? Assuming you're all digital & such. 

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@Beach Cruiser actually a really great question. would really be interested in the answer. I could see tons of uses for it. I never have paper and pencil around. but almost always phone or tablet. youtube and podcasts are great to listen to doing maintenance. 🤣

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On 6/10/2024 at 5:55 PM, Beach Cruiser said:

By log, i mean a detailed written description of what you changed & when, measured plant growth, etc? 

I tend to lose track of how long it's been since what & actual growth rates.  I'll think something isn't having any effect and then realize it's only been 8 days. Maybe a log would help gauge the real success of changes better than my sketchy memory...

Anyone do this...& if so, what software do you like? Assuming you're all digital & such. 

I kept a log in 2016 for a pair of Senegal bichir that spawned.


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I keep a log.  It doesn't specifically call out plant growth, but I have it broken down into three sections.

  • Action (things I did to the tank like water changes, added fertilizer, food, cleaned the filter, etc)
  • Parameters (pretty self explanatory)
  • Notes (kind of a catch all for other things I've observed)

Here's an example from last week:



·      60%+ water change

·      3 tbsp Equilibrium

·      5 pumps Easy Iron

·      5 pumps Easy Green

·      2 tsp Dr. Tim’s ammonia



·      Ammonia 1

·      Nitrates 25

·      Nitrites 1

·      GH 150

·      KH 180

·      PH 7.6

·      Chlorine 0



·      Temp 77 and 77.5

·      Slurry for Equilibrium works much better.  However cloudy water remains for a significant period of time.

·      Tannins significantly reduced.

·      Parameters taken several hours after water change and re-dosing.

·      Seeing some melt, but not extensive.  Most on anubias in SE corner and buce attached to rock SE of bridge.

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:19 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Keep a journal here on the forum under the “Journals” section

Yeah, that was my first thought. then i thought about a way of keeping track of the boring details of a tank.


On 6/10/2024 at 5:55 PM, Beach Cruiser said:

Anyone do this...& if so, what software do you like? Assuming you're all digital & such

and since @Beach Cruiser asked about this, does anybody have any experience with a database program. could see it becoming very useful to track things like maintenance, tanks changes, med start and stop dates as well as doses. Personally, I really like this idea

On 6/10/2024 at 6:24 PM, Yoshi said:

I keep a log.  It doesn't specifically call out plant growth, but I have it broken down into three sections.

I like your log, but could you see how much easier it could be done digitally?

@Beach Cruiser there are several apps available. I haven't tried them yet, but I may start

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On 6/10/2024 at 5:30 PM, Tony s said:

I like your log, but could you see how much easier it could be done digitally?

I have it just as a Word file.  Does that count? 😀

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:19 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Keep a journal here on the forum under the “Journals” section. Post pictures and what you did to the tank when. Then it’s super easy to track and look back at. 

I do keep a general one, but not every fert change or plant growth, etc.

On 6/10/2024 at 6:30 PM, Tony s said:

@Beach Cruiser there are several apps available. I haven't tried them yet, but I may start

If it doesn't break the rules, would you mind sharing those?

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:51 PM, Beach Cruiser said:

If it doesn't break the rules, would you mind sharing those

I was just searching for aquarium manager apps on apple apps (iphone and ipad). not going to break rules as apple doesn't compete with coop.  But I'm not sure which one to pick myself. Hoping for something with simple inputs on a database. I'll have to keep looking and see if anything jumps out at me

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On 6/10/2024 at 7:27 PM, doktor zhivago said:

I don't track plant growth but I have a spreadsheet with all the water tests and major changes done for every tank. Notes on when I added fertilizer and stuff cuz I'm super forgetful. 

Any particular program or are you scratching this out in charcoal on an old comforter? 

I suppose you could use Xcel but that reminds me of actual work. 😁

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On 6/10/2024 at 7:47 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

I use Aquarium Note 2 on my smartphone. Works really well for me.

Nice! Exactly what i was thinking about...

Just downloaded & made 1st entry. Seems pretty intuitive & the multiple tank feature is cool. I also like that you can upload photos to the daily report. 

Does the graph over time function for measurements work in the basic app? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a tiny little notepad that I use whenever I water change. Basically I just test the water and write down all the results, plus how much I fertilized, if I’m dosing any meds and how much/what kind of algae is going on.

I used to be pretty consistent but I kinda let it slip for the past couple weeks……..😂

That app sounds super cool!

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Day 7:  I have finished my investigation of my prison: the invisible barriers holding me captive are impermeable and beyond reproach.  I am exhausted, and can only hope the feeder will return soon with something better than these stale, oily flakes.  They are palatable and afford me some constitution, but only just so.  I must retire to the wooden branch, which I have claimed as my own, and recoup my strength.  I still do not understand why I am being held captive!

Day 8:  Those damned puffers are at it again.  This is my branch, and I will have none of their impudent abuses.  We are all prisoners here, to what end should we visit grief upon one another?  I do not feel they comprehend such necessary civilities in the slightest, unfortunately.  

Day 9:  The feeder has returned! And the water abounds with wriggling red worms, the likes of which I have never known!  Oh such splendid pleasure, to think I would find such a heavenly grace in this damned place..  Perhaps I have been too condescending in regards to my new fate... 

Edited by daggaz
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Posted (edited)
On 6/19/2024 at 11:10 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

That app sounds super cool!

It's pretty good! Super easy to use & free! The " measurements" section tracks your entries into running graphs, making it easy to spot trends. It has all the basics like pH, NO3, etc & you can add any other parameters you want. You can also upload a snapshot to record growth, layout & such. Very handy! 👍 

Here's a pic of a "tank page". You can have multiple tanks, too. 





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