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Community-Curated Aquarium Guide?

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Hello everyone!

So I LOVE to write. Seriously. I have tried several times to write a book of some sort, but my self-doubt and criticism have killed any ideas past page 12. Novels, Informational guides on nano aquariums, you name it. Once I had a novel more than halfway complete and decided to scrap it. (I know, I have some problems)

But...I have a new inkling. What about creating a practical aquarium guide... as a community? Not just me trying to do it all myself, but a community, with everyone playing a part. Those with expertise in different fields, coming together, to create a guide from a practical standpoint! 

If you look at some of the best written aquarium works (Brackish Water Fishes by Neale Monks and several others, for example), they call on the expertise of several other learned aquarists, with or without degrees. We could make a project like this into an actual publication, or preserve it as an online resource, or both!

Now I know that this idea is crazy, and I know that I have not been on the forum for that long, but I really just wanted to get my idea out there. I want to collaborate with others more, and together, I think we could create something to help out entry-level aquarists. I think everyone has a problem that they ran into early in the hobby that they wished someone had told them about. 

If you think this is crazy, a consideration, or both, by all means, shoot your shot and let me know your thoughts!

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If you go through all the aquarium coop articles, blog entries, and videos, they literally have it all covered. Just refer people to the website and this forum and you’ve done your good deed. If you just want to write for the sake of it, then by all means. Good luck

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On 6/3/2024 at 7:07 PM, Kunersbettas said:

but my self-doubt and criticism have killed any ideas past page 12.

This is relatable my the largest page count I have made it to was twenty then I deleted it.

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Sounds like a good idea, I'd be happy to help for the species i have experience with. I have thought about doing something like this myself before, but the big thing to think about is two people could have different opinions and they could both be right which doesn't always come off the best in writing especially if you are forced to choose one person's opinion over another's.

On 6/3/2024 at 10:07 PM, Kunersbettas said:

I have tried several times to write a book of some sort, but my self-doubt and criticism have killed any ideas past page 12

I have so many failed novel attempts, i can totally understand this.

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On 6/4/2024 at 2:54 AM, GoofyGarra said:

Sounds like a good idea, I'd be happy to help for the species i have experience with. I have thought about doing something like this myself before, but the big thing to think about is two people could have different opinions and they could both be right which doesn't always come off the best in writing especially if you are forced to choose one person's opinion over another's.

I have so many failed novel attempts, i can totally understand this.

That is the danger of self-publishing. I did consider the fact that many people will have mixed opinions. I think that if we were to leave each person to their respective field, and only make small changes if the majority agrees, this could work out. I think the best way to categorize

is to list by genus, then give care for the different species.

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I will be willing to help, but first I also have some questions and ideas:

1. How is editing going to be done? Will it be a document or PDF, or will people write paragraphs directly into this discussion?

2. Besides having all the genuses, you could also have some basic information, such as the most effective way to do water changes, how to cycle an aquarium, and as you mentioned earlier, a list of beginner mistakes.

3. Include some sections on invertebrates, aquatic reptiles, amphibians, and even plants. Out of the aquarium books I have read, I don't remember seeing anyone mention anything about snails, so this if you are writing a book, including invertebrates and other organisms besides fish would make it more helpful than other aquarium guides.

4. I am still a beginner fishkeeper, so I am not sure how much help and information I can provide, but if you are willing to let me in with this project,  I could organize all the information into a paragraph, edit, or some other job you would want me to do. The only animals I have kept are Guppies, Nerites, and Endlers. 

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:05 AM, Guupy42 said:

I will be willing to help, but first I also have some questions and ideas:

1. How is editing going to be done? Will it be a document or PDF, or will people write paragraphs directly into this discussion?

2. Besides having all the genuses, you could also have some basic information, such as the most effective way to do water changes, how to cycle an aquarium, and as you mentioned earlier, a list of beginner mistakes.

3. Include some sections on invertebrates, aquatic reptiles, amphibians, and even plants. Out of the aquarium books I have read, I don't remember seeing anyone mention anything about snails, so this if you are writing a book, including invertebrates and other organisms besides fish would make it more helpful than other aquarium guides.

4. I am still a beginner fishkeeper, so I am not sure how much help and information I can provide, but if you are willing to let me in with this project,  I could organize all the information into a paragraph, edit, or some other job you would want me to do. The only animals I have kept are Guppies, Nerites, and Endlers. 

I have answers!


1. Editing can be done on the Google family of services. Paragraphs on docs. I will do the formatting. I want to make it digital and physical if possible. I have some self-publishing experience.

2. Yes, this info is critical! We need all that you mentioned here.

3. Yes, info on snails and shrimp is critical. I would also include frogs, but I'd need an expert on turtles.

4. That's okay! Testimony is a powerful tool. If you have recommendations from beginner to beginner, that is very helpful. I still consider myself an amatuer, I'm on year 6 of fishkeeping. If we are going to make this a reality, we could use any help available. 

Also, to prevent copyright issues on images, I think it would be great to ask people on this forum to contribute pictures, as well as possibly asking for Cory's permission to use images from his store/videos. Thanks for showing some support!

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:56 AM, Kunersbettas said:

I have answers!


1. Editing can be done on the Google family of services. Paragraphs on docs. I will do the formatting. I want to make it digital and physical if possible. I have some self-publishing experience.

2. Yes, this info is critical! We need all that you mentioned here.

3. Yes, info on snails and shrimp is critical. I would also include frogs, but I'd need an expert on turtles.

4. That's okay! Testimony is a powerful tool. If you have recommendations from beginner to beginner, that is very helpful. I still consider myself an amatuer, I'm on year 6 of fishkeeping. If we are going to make this a reality, we could use any help available. 

Also, to prevent copyright issues on images, I think it would be great to ask people on this forum to contribute pictures, as well as possibly asking for Cory's permission to use images from his store/videos. Thanks for showing some support!

I am working on an outline right now. If you really are interested, send me your email and I can add you to Docs page.

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Posted (edited)

I was thinking of maybe just writing on here, like i know the most about cycling. Fishless cycling to be exact. I could do a whole thing on that and so on, but if docs is your thing that works too!!! I am just not a techy person, that is why i suggest this @Kunersbettas lol

Or did i misread? I am bad at that.

Edited by Whitecloud09
added info
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On 6/4/2024 at 12:17 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I was thinking of maybe just writing on here, like i know the most about cycling. Fishless cycling to be exact. I could do a whole thing on that and so on, but if docs is your thing that works too!!! I am just not a techy person, that is why i suggest this @Kunersbettas lol

Or did i misread? I am bad at that.

You could send me a personal message or post it as a topic if that works better for you, or you can write it on a shared document on Docs. If you don't want to give me your email, a personaal message is fine.

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:06 PM, Kunersbettas said:

You could send me a personal message or post it as a topic if that works better for you, or you can write it on a shared document on Docs. If you don't want to give me your email, a personaal message is fine.

Could you share the doc on this discussion as viewable by everyone with the link so we can know what areas need to be worked on, and what kind of content we should personal message you with?

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On 6/4/2024 at 2:10 PM, Guupy42 said:

Could you share the doc on this discussion as viewable by everyone with the link so we can know what areas need to be worked on, and what kind of content we should personal message you with?

Sure! I will post the outline as a link here. Make comments pertaining to suggestions or species you'd like to cover!


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Posted (edited)

I just received a pair of betta mandor a species of betta that has very little information on how it has been kept in the aquarium hobby or been bred. I am going to be documenting my experience with them and would be happy to as I gain more information observing the species to add to your book.

Edited by JE47
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On 6/4/2024 at 2:22 PM, JE47 said:

I just received a pair of betta mandor a species of betta that has very little information on how it has been kept in the aquarium hobby or been bred. I am going to be documenting my experience with them and would be happy to as I gain more information observing the species to add to your book.

Yes, please do! I have a keen interest in rare betta species.

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On 6/4/2024 at 5:13 PM, Kunersbettas said:

Sure! I will post the outline as a link here. Make comments pertaining to suggestions or species you'd like to cover!


Cool. I think I will PM u tho, on how to do the fishless cycle and what you will need. @Kunersbettas, if that would work for you.

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:13 PM, Kunersbettas said:

Sure! I will post the outline as a link here. Make comments pertaining to suggestions or species you'd like to cover!


Instead of view mode, you could do anyone can comment, that way people can put their ideas on your Google Doc, too.

By the way, I have an aquarium book, and it ordered the fish types in a more broad way, maybe you could try doing these groups, because then you would have a wider variety of fishes. Not saying that you should copy exactly, but an idea of a way you could do it.



Cypriniformes (Barbs, Goldfish, Loaches, Minnows)

Cyprinidonts (Live Bearing Toothed Carps)

Characins (Tetras, Pencilfish)

Anabantids (Bettas and Gouramis)

Miscellaneous Freshwater

Brackish Water


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On 6/4/2024 at 4:56 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Cool. I think I will PM u tho, on how to do the fishless cycle and what you will need. @Kunersbettas, if that would work for you.

By all means!

On 6/4/2024 at 5:31 PM, Guupy42 said:

Instead of view mode, you could do anyone can comment, that way people can put their ideas on your Google Doc, too.

By the way, I have an aquarium book, and it ordered the fish types in a more broad way, maybe you could try doing these groups, because then you would have a wider variety of fishes. Not saying that you should copy exactly, but an idea of a way you could do it.



Cypriniformes (Barbs, Goldfish, Loaches, Minnows)

Cyprinidonts (Live Bearing Toothed Carps)

Characins (Tetras, Pencilfish)

Anabantids (Bettas and Gouramis)

Miscellaneous Freshwater

Brackish Water


I think that we should start with the Livebearers, then move to the Cyprinideformes and the Characins, then to Cichlids, Catfish, Anabantids, and then to Miscellaneous.

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You can now leave edits on the document. If you have a section you'd like to write, you can send me a Google Document here: nickbrahan@gmail.com, or by sending me a personal message containing the text. Once I get multiple portions of a section, I will compile them as a Doc and post the link here!

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Posted (edited)

@Kunersbettas, I made the cover of the book. If you like it, just replace some text and fine tune it to your liking, and we can use that. If not, we can always make a new one. (I copied the website's exact colors by viewing the code.)


Also, for the people who are interested in working on the fish section, what information should we include? It would be easier with a template, and that way the same information will be in all (or most) of the fish pages. By the way, where will we put breeding information? Will we have a separate chapter for that, or will we include different breeding methods for all of the fish?

Edited by Guupy42
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On 6/5/2024 at 5:32 AM, Guupy42 said:

@Kunersbettas, I made the cover of the book. If you like it, just replace some text and fine tune it to your liking, and we can use that. If not, we can always make a new one. (I copied the website's exact colors by viewing the code.)


Also, for the people who are interested in working on the fish section, what information should we include? It would be easier with a template, and that way the same information will be in all (or most) of the fish pages. By the way, where will we put breeding information? Will we have a separate chapter for that, or will we include different breeding methods for all of the fish?

It looks good! I am assuming that we will be replacing most of the pictures, guppies are great and all, but I think we need more variety 😄. The pictures are very good though. Did you take them? I am working on a section template right now, and I should have it done by this evening. Thanks for your help, @Guupy42!

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Posted (edited)
On 6/5/2024 at 10:11 AM, Kunersbettas said:

It looks good! I am assuming that we will be replacing most of the pictures,

Yes, replace all the text and pictures with better ones. I just put the pictures that I could find as a placeholder. And yes, those are pictures of my older fish that I took.

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On 6/5/2024 at 8:33 AM, Guupy42 said:

Yes, replace all the text and pictures with better ones. I just put the pictures that I could find as a placeholder. And yes, those are pictures of my older fish that I took.

They are great pictures! Also, I got the template done early! I'll send you the link to the Doc. The font and the formatting will be a bit different, so keep that in mind.

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:05 AM, Guupy42 said:

1. How is editing going to be done? Will it be a document or PDF, or will people write paragraphs directly into this discussion?

This problem was solved decades ago. Start a Wikipedia. It has logs of all edits and  by who, and. can be reverted.

Google docs is more for small groups. 


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