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Help! Guppy Emergency!


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Posted (edited)

Help! I have a tank that was housing 6 guppies in it. After two days of being sick, one of my female ones passed away yesterday morning. When I came back from work today, one of my other female guppies was dead. There was not anything noticeable wrong with the guppy before I left for work, so this was really surprising! Is there some disease in my tank? Help! For information on what the first female guppy was dealing with, I posted a topic two days ago under the "Disease" section with photos and information titled "Help! Is my guppy sick?" Thanks in advance!!! ❤️ 🙂 

Edited by GuppyLover123
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Posted (edited)

What are your Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate levels? You never mentioned them in the first post. High ammonia is dangerous to fish. If you can't test the water, you will probably want to do a water change just to be safe. Is the tank cycled properly?

For a 5 gallon tank, 6 guppies is a lot. Overcrowding can also contribute to ammonia levels.

There might not necessarily be a disease I your tank, but keep an eye on the water parameters, because an ammonia spike is a possibility.

Edited by Guupy42
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Sorry, I forgot to write parameters. Ammonia levels are at 0, Ph levels are normal. I will test again for ammonia later tonight. I only just moved the guppies over to the five gallon tank a few days ago. Could that kill them so quickly?  @Guupy42

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I am not sure what else could have killed your fish, but here are some ideas:

1. Nitrite or Nitrate poisoning. Nitrites and Nitrates are the byproducts of ammonia created through the Nitrogen Cycle. They are also dangerous to fish in high amounts, so consider testing those as well.

2. Stress from transport. You mentioned that you only moved the guppies a few days ago, maybe they are stressed and weakened from the move from one tank to another.

3. Uncycled tank. How long have you had your tank? Did you allow beneficial bacteria to grow into it and make the water ready for fish before adding the guppies?

Again, as a beginner, I don't know exactly why your fish are dying, maybe some of the more experienced fishkeepers on this forum could help you. @Tony s, Do you know what is happening, or could recommend some experts?

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I’d first make sure all your parameters are good especially your nitrites if your ammonia is fine. It can also kill. Possibly faster than ammonia. Are they still showing the red wound-like symptoms? It may be bacterial in nature. If you want you could run a course of maracyn and that should help. Last time I saw a wound like that it was caused by poor water quality caused from blue green algae. Which maracyn will get rid of. I wouldn’t worry about higher ph  guppies love that. Hard water usually works best for all live bearers. Soft water will cause problems. But you’d have to test for that.

Personally, until now I’ve never been able to keep guppies alive at all. And we have guppy water coming from the tap. But sourced from petsmart/petco, they just wouldn’t stay alive. We went a bought some higher end guppies from a good online retailer and it seems to have made all the difference in the world. The new guppies are doing very well. So, it could easily be a sourcing issue. 

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