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Posted (edited)

Hi, for those who know more about me, yes, I think my WCMMs might be sick 😢. 2 of them have this white cotten-like growth in their mouths. It is the 2 biggest males of the 5, the other ones are completely fine, could it be contagious? Is it because I don't feed them any frozen or freeze-dried food, is it an improper diet? The water quality is very good. Crystal clear water. @Colu, anybody? 

parameters down below.

Ammonia: 0 ppm, the tank had been battling an ammonia spike for months and now I think it’s over.

nitrite: 0

nitrates between 5 and 10 ppm. 

ph: stable at 7.6

Any help is appreciated if this is a disease. Which I hope not. It is kinda hard to see in pictures. I tried to focus as best as I can. Oh and the fish are acting normal and are healthy and eat and are super active all day. Thanks all








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Posted (edited)

I don't have much experience with fungal disease, but I might be able to help while you wait for the experts to come in. First of all, are their mouths stuck open, or can they still move it? I have had a pet store guppy get his mouth stuck open, which I found was a disease called Columnaris.

More about the Columnaris, it looks like a mouth fungus, but is actually a bacterial infection. It is contagious, so you should probably be watching your other 3 fish as well.


The article I linked above also mentions Cotton Wool or Cotton Mouth disease, you might also want to look into those.

Again, I am only a novice fishkeeper, but I thought this might help a little. These are just a few ideas, it's up to you about which disease it is and how you are going to treat it.


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On 5/16/2024 at 1:40 PM, Guupy42 said:

I don't have much experience with fungal disease, but I might be able to help while you wait for the experts to come in. First of all, are their mouths stuck open, or can they still move it? I have had a pet store guppy get his mouth stuck open, which I found was a disease called Columnaris.

More about the Columnaris, it looks like a mouth fungus, but is actually a bacterial infection. It is contagious, so you should probably be watching your other 3 fish as well.


The article I linked above also mentions Cotton Wool or Cotton Mouth disease, you might also want to look into those.

Again, I am only a novice fishkeeper, but I thought this might help a little. These are just a few ideas, it's up to you about which disease it is and how you are going to treat it.


Thanks that helped a lot. They can still move it closed or open. I will look into that link, thanks @Guupy42.

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If it looks like cotton wool tuffs then your more than likely have saprolegniasa it a false fungal infections it actually a water mould the recommended treatment is malachite green active ingredient in ick X @Whitecloud09

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On 5/16/2024 at 3:25 PM, Colu said:

If it looks like cotton wool tuffs then your more than likely have saprolegniasa it a false fungal infections it actually a water mould the recommended treatment is malachite green active ingredient in ick X @Whitecloud09

Ok, so I should buy this Ich X right? I have never heard of it, so just checking @Colu. My water quality is fine, could it be the ammonia spike I had? 😥 

Ich x…is this it @Colu


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On 5/16/2024 at 4:27 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

so I should buy this Ich X right

yeah. coop has it on their site. or lfs. means you have been lucky and haven't seen ich yet. which is a good thing

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Posted (edited)

From my experience,  I usually salt the tank when there is a disease. If I see the sick fish pooping black or white feces, then after the weekly water change, they are usually better. I think what is happening is that the parasite leaves the fish, and is removed through the water change. However, I am not sure how effective this method is.

As for the water change you might want to get the water cleaner before the medication, because there will probably have to be a period of time where you cannot change the water, especially after the medicine gets added in.

DISCLAIMER: I don't have experience with Ich X, so make sure you check with the more experienced fishkeepers, @Tony s and @Coluabout both of the statements that I mentioned in this post.

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:22 AM, Whitecloud09 said:

Should I do a water change

Right before you add the meds. Gives a better chance to carry the medication the duration. And like @Guupy42 I haven’t used it. I had it as a newbie. Used mostly salt and high heat. And still lost fish. Not knowing what to do. But you have a fungus so completely different anyway. 

There is a way to change water if needed. But it involves adding more ichx than required to bring it’s level back to where it needs to be 

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:31 AM, Guupy42 said:

From my experience,  I usually salt the tank when there is a disease. If I see the sick fish pooping black or white feces, then after the weekly water change, they are usually better. I think what is happening is that the parasite leaves the fish, and is removed through the water change. However, I am not sure how effective this method is.

As for the water change you might want to get the water cleaner before the medication, because there will probably have to be a period of time where you cannot change the water, especially after the medicine gets added in.

DISCLAIMER: I don't have experience with Ich X, so make sure you check with the more experienced fishkeepers, @Tony s and @Coluabout both of the statements that I mentioned in this post.

O, got it, now, i am definitely going to do one, there is alage every where, its taking over it seems like. Thanks @Guupy42 @Tony s, thx 

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Posted (edited)

@Whitecloud09 Oh. I don’t know if you noticed. I did a bit of my own overthinking/ overreacting yesterday. On the guppies. Never had them before and never bought imported fish before. And my 8yr old doesn’t respond well to losing animals. But they’re in. Doing well. Just gorgeous 

Edited by Tony s
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@Guupy42 I actually had my own post yesterday. I rarely do that.  I'm too self-conscious for that. bought my daughter guppies from an importer. never had guppies before. but do know how to take care of them. don't know how to take care of imported dish at all. 😁  

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On 5/17/2024 at 12:12 PM, Tony s said:

You need a couple of snails. They help tremendously. And low nitrates 

Nerites is prob the best option correct? Oh and this might be a dumb question but will this disease get to the snails? Or am I overthinking? @Tony s, thanks 

On 5/17/2024 at 1:36 PM, Tony s said:

@Guupy42 I actually had my own post yesterday. I rarely do that.  I'm too self-conscious for that. 

Lol. Yes I guess I a, the opposite, I have over 3 pages of all the topics on my profile 🤣

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they should work just fine. I usually use the mystery snails though. Just because i have so many already. I wish i'd have chosen a better color though. instead of the plain white. nerites should stay small enough for you though. i have several mysteries that are as large as golf balls

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On 5/17/2024 at 1:22 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Should I do a water change? I just ordered the ich x from amazon. @Colu @Tony s @Guupy42. It’s faster than buying from AC. It’s coming Sunday.

Ick X requires daily 30% water changes then you redose ick X do a large water change before you do you first course of ick x

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On 5/17/2024 at 1:40 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I a, thinking of going to my local petsmart and getting these guys, is 2 fine? @Tony s, these are the only ones in stock, the normal nerites are out of stock.


Yes, this is the one I have in my aquarium. He is pretty active (for a snail anyway), and an enthusiastic algae eater. They are also easy to care for. I think the general rule for stocking snails is 1 snail per 5 gallons, so the number depends on the size of tank that you have. Don't overstock. Also, with 2 snails, they might lay eggs. The eggs won't hatch, but might be unsightly or hard to clean up. I only have a single Nerite Snail, so I don't know about their reproduction process that much.

You will also want to do research on Nerite Snail care, such as how to tell if they are dead, or stressed.

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On 5/17/2024 at 3:52 PM, Guupy42 said:

Also, with 2 snails, they might lay eggs

Nerites will lay eggs. little hard round dots, allover the place. but they need brackish water or saltwater to hatch. so no worries there. Unlike my mystery snails, which I let a clutch hatch and had over a hundred in my 75g. and it was fully stocked. but no water issues to speak of. snails cause much less water issues than most people think. Dead is easy, they usually fall right out of the shell. if there's resistance. not dead

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On 5/17/2024 at 1:50 PM, Tony s said:

 nerites should stay small enough for you though. i have several mysteries that are as large as golf balls

When I got mine, the pet store employee said that they can get up to 1.5 inches in size. Not sure if you would count that as big or small... Mine has been growing, but pretty slowly.

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On 5/17/2024 at 3:52 PM, Guupy42 said:

Yes, this is the one I have in my aquarium. He is pretty active (for a snail anyway), and an enthusiastic algae eater. They are also easy to care for. I think the general rule for stocking snails is 1 snail per 5 gallons, so the number depends on the size of tank that you have. Don't overstock. Also, with 2 snails, they might lay eggs. The eggs won't hatch, but might be unsightly or hard to clean up. I only have a single Nerite Snail, so I don't know about their reproduction process that much.

You will also want to do research on Nerite Snail care, such as how to tell if they are dead, or stressed.

Yes, they can lay them but can’t hatch em. I have a 10g so either 1-2 will be good. Thanks I won’t, overstocking is the last thing I want after a ammonia spike lol.

On 5/17/2024 at 3:20 PM, Colu said:

Ick X requires daily 30% water changes then you redose ick X do a large water change before you do you first course of ick x

Thanks @Colu!

On 5/17/2024 at 2:50 PM, Tony s said:

they should work just fine. I usually use the mystery snails though. Just because i have so many already. I wish i'd have chosen a better color though. instead of the plain white. nerites should stay small enough for you though. i have several mysteries that are as large as golf balls

Yeah I just saw that they are the best cleanup snail, and I actually know a lot about them from research in the past.

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Posted (edited)

Ok, I have had no time at ALL today sadly to do a water change. But I guess then I will have to do one tomorrow right before the first course. Tomorrow. Should I do a 25-30-50% change??? @Tony s, @Guupy42, @Colu.

oh and I can’t do one now either, will not be how, until 9 or 10 tonight.

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I'm not sure this is actually a disease and I think it could just be how they look. The two pictures above are from the co-op website.

My male harlequin rasbora get similar white dots on their lips sometimes and I had a similar question a couple years ago. I think I figured out it was when the males were sparring. 

It's a good idea to have the medication on hand but I personally probably wouldn't worry too much, just keep an eye on it.

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On 5/18/2024 at 3:54 PM, macdaddy36 said:


I'm not sure this is actually a disease and I think it could just be how they look. The two pictures above are from the co-op website.

My male harlequin rasbora get similar white dots on their lips sometimes and I had a similar question a couple years ago. I think I figured out it was when the males were sparring. 

It's a good idea to have the medication on hand but I personally probably wouldn't worry too much, just keep an eye on it.

Hmmm, well that is super helpful!! Thanks @macdaddy36, they have been trying to fight for the one female I have, there’s 4 males, and 1 female, they always are chasing each other. And they always chase the female constantly. I will wait and see, if it gets worse, I might take action then. Again thanks

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