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So I'm starting to wonder if I'm using this kit correctly. how do you guys look at the tube after wards  from the side or do you look at the bottom or top of the tubes. I might be over thinking this.


so since i test realized i forgot to look at my results does the if you leave the test longer then 5 mins will that effect your results ??


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I put the tube against the card and look at it with sunlight as the main source of light.


The colors will continue to intensify some after 5 minutes, but that being said, there isn't much difference between the readings at 6 minutes compared to 5 minutes.

You get the best results if you follow their written protocol to the letter.

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4 minutes ago, Maggie said:

@DanielI tested ammonia in the Q tank at 8pm last night, checked it 4 minutes later and it was yellow; then got a call and completely forgot about it. At 6am it still read yellow!

Well that’s a pretty good sign that you don’t have any ammonia 😊

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Just now, Daniel said:

Well that’s a pretty good sign that you don’t have any ammonia 😊

I hope not since I'm cleaning the bottom with an old turkey baster 3x/day and doing 20% wc 2x/day (uncycled tank) - it's exhausting! The 6 Otocats in there (tank-bred per my Cory-approved LFS) eat a lot and put out a lot of waste.

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This photo is from a couple of minutes ago. Sometimes I do a simultaneous duplicate test as a quality control check. While looking it at I noticed how different the colors appeared in the 2 sets of test tubes.


But comparing them in real life I can tell us each set was exactly the same color. I think that is why putting them against a background of known color (the results card) is so helpful in getting consistent numbers.

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Thanks for the help guys been doing aquariums on and off for 7 years now depending on where i live and how often I'm not traveling for work. and I'm starting to realize I'm at the  know enough to be dangerous stage not the know enough to keep things smooth stage. 

I did know to hold them to the test card and use bright light. I just seem to keep getting a .25 pp ammonia reading  in my tank but my ammonia alert has no reaction but I've read the alert reads free ammonia and the test kit reads total. Is it normal to have a small reading of ammonia. tank seems to be cycled as no increase of ammonia or nitrite  and is producing nitrate . doesn't seem to be overstocked did a 50% water change and my nitrates where only at 20 ppm a week later. I have also learned i need a spread sheet as memory not good enough for when things in tank start to go wrong.

and i like you build there Dave, I'm going to have to build myself one. is there anything you would change?

Edited by TWBRIN
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42 minutes ago, TWBRIN said:

Thanks for the help guys been doing aquariums on and off for 7 years now depending on where i live and how often I'm not traveling for work. and I'm starting to realize I'm at the  know enough to be dangerous stage not the know enough to keep things smooth stage. 

I did know to hold them to the test card and use bright light. I just seem to keep getting a .25 pp ammonia reading  in my tank but my ammonia alert has no reaction but I've read the alert reads free ammonia and the test kit reads total. Is it normal to have a small reading of ammonia. tank seems to be cycled as no increase of ammonia or nitrite  and is producing nitrate . doesn't seem to be overstocked did a 50% water change and my nitrates where only at 20 ppm a week later. I have also learned i need a spread sheet as memory not good enough for when things in tank start to go wrong.

and i like you build there Dave, I'm going to have to build myself one. is there anything you would change?

Thanks for the kind words.   I just fancied it up for something a bit more formal.  Definitely wanted a battery powered light for safety.  

I like the API kits for what they are & sometimes it looked like I had a bit of ammonia, but the bright light showed it differently as 0 ppm, in my case.  

Your ammonia level should be very close to zero, as you know.  What is your tank Ph?  If it is under 7.0, ammonia does become a lesser issue.


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