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Cory identification

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Those are interesting patterns.  How did you get them and how were they labeled when you bought them?

They look a little like trilineatus, but no black spot on the dorsal fin.  And it doesn't look like yours have any hint of the black spot up there at all.  They look a little like sterbai, but sterbai don't really have all that connection in their pattern.

Could pretty easily be a hybrid as well. 

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They were very young at my lfs marked as sterbai. This is well over a year ago maybe two.  I originally had 6 but 4 died within the first week in quarantine. I just bought some sterbai and had the realization that these are not that. So now I'm on the hunt to figure out what they are.  

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It's hard to get an exact scale, but they look pretty small?

They look most like sterbai, but I'm not an expert by any means.  However, the pattern isn't normal if they're sterbai.  And they have zero hint of the orange pectoral fins.

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Could also be Corydoras haraldschultzi; i'm not sure of the actual detail to distinguish between them as it sometime comes down to number of spines et all. Also different regions might have different patterns.


Having said that the lower body does appear to be closer to elegans.

It is not unusual if they are wild caught to be misidentified or labelled.


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I am not a Corydoras expert (I only keep 4 varieties right now), but those do look like sterbais only with a more pronounced central line and no orange stomach like this (they would be stressed if it is just the two of them because Corys want to be in a large shoal):

My next guess would be San Juan (Corydoras bilineatus) Corydoras, but the ones that I have seen do not have those markings on the tail fin. Elegans is another possibility with the same tail marking issue. They do not have the black dorsal fin of triliniatus, napeonsis, or leopardus so I do not believe it is one of those.

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On 4/21/2024 at 10:48 PM, Matt_ said:

I am not a Corydoras expert (I only keep 4 varieties right now), but those do look like sterbais only with a more pronounced central line and no orange stomach like this (they would be stressed if it is just the two of them because Corys want to be in a large shoal):

My next guess would be San Juan (Corydoras bilineatus) Corydoras, but the ones that I have seen do not have those markings on the tail fin. Elegans is another possibility with the same tail marking issue. They do not have the black dorsal fin of triliniatus, napeonsis, or leopardus so I do not believe it is one of those.

Yes i have large groups of other types of Cory's, just not this one. I was told and thought these were sterbai untill I purchased a group of sterbai. They don't seem to be the same so that is when I went on this hunt to try to figure out what they are.  I appreciate everyone's help.

On 4/21/2024 at 11:29 PM, bryanisag said:

If you go on planet catfish and search for corydoras, all the corys show up and you can go through the pictures to find similar looking corys. Then just open the pic to see more examples 

This is what I was looking for thank you.

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The problem is that there are variation of visible pattern on many cory (just look at the pictures for sodalis); there is more than just the pattern in identifying the fish and you need to find a site that actually explains how the different species differ. I focus more on dwarf cichild - I went dizzy at looking at all the sterbai like species. I do agree the cory in question does not look like your typical sterbai but some of these other cory have so many different patterns ....

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