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What is on my fish?


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On 5/25/2024 at 12:54 AM, oogabooga said:

Also can a fish get ntd form feces?? My neon that I've had longer than the ntd culprits (I bought them all at once) has not eaten a dead one. But he may have consumed a fin of an infected one through nipping and he has bit on feces.

Usually fish get infected by eating a dead infected fish or live food that has become infected with the parasite that causes neon tetra disease I would consider all fish infected in this tank and essential quarantine this tank if you were dealing with fish tb I would drain tank  bin all  the substrate hard scrap and plants   clean all the equipment filters heater air pump and the tank  with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution let it dry repeat the process multiple times fill the tank back up leave the filters running add 3% hydrogen peroxide leave it 24hr repeat drain the tank wipe everywhere down again leave it to dry for a couple of days before I would consider adding fish to that tank again 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/24/2024 at 6:17 PM, Colu said:

Usually fish get infected by eating a dead infected fish or live food that has become infected with the parasite that causes neon tetra disease I would consider all fish infected in this tank and essential quarantine this tank if you were dealing with fish tb I would drain tank  bin all  the substrate hard scrap and plants   clean all the equipment filters heater air pump and the tank  with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution let it dry repeat the process multiple times fill the tank back up leave the filters running add 3% hydrogen peroxide leave it 24hr repeat drain the tank wipe everywhere down again leave it to dry for a couple of days before I would consider adding fish to that tank again 

Aww.. I was really hoping that I could treat for both things but should I just wait and maybe fore fish tb symptoms will come up?? Here is more pics of the fish I was away and didn't want him to rot so he went into a quarantine tub in the tank this is better pictures of razorback. Still think just ntd?? This may be weird but I really want to stay cautions and not have the tank be sterilized and then put fish in just to have it need to be taken down






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I do still think your dealing with NTD for a definitive diagnosis you would have to get a vet to look at your fish and do skin scraping and slide cultures and a necropsy 

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On 5/27/2024 at 4:26 AM, Colu said:

I do still think your dealing with NTD for a definitive diagnosis you would have to get a vet to look at your fish and do skin scraping and slide cultures and a necropsy 

Ok i will risk it and I have read that fish tb is in like half of tanks but if the fish are gone and they are not spreading that much if it is fish tb i hope it will not hinder my fish

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On 5/28/2024 at 4:05 AM, oogabooga said:

Ok i will risk it and I have read that fish tb is in like half of tanks but if the fish are gone and they are not spreading that much if it is fish tb i hope it will not hinder my fish

If it were fish TB it very contagious has a very high mortality rate amongst fish and it can infect people so even no I think your dealing with NTD I would still wear gloves if your put your hands in the tank and wash your hand before and after doing anything with the tank and take proper infection control measures it's always best to air on the side of caution 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/28/2024 at 3:54 AM, Colu said:

If it were fish TB it very contagious has a very high mortality rate amongst fish and it can infect people so even no I think your dealing with NTD I would still wear gloves if your put your hands in the tank and wash your hand before and after doing anything with the tank and take proper infection control measures it's always best to air on the side of caution 

i was thinking of treating with focus and kanaplex even though you said that might not be the best option but i think with lots of people saying it went away after using kanaplex i think i might try it as it also would help me know if they have ntd or not. and fish tb would kill fast right? if it was established and not in dormant state like in 50% of tanks?

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On 5/30/2024 at 2:59 AM, oogabooga said:

also melafix and primafix

I wouldn't recommend these medication they are just mild antiseptic treatment not effective against anything more serious you would want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment maracyn2 API fin and body cure seachems neoplex e.m erythromycin 

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On 5/30/2024 at 3:24 AM, Colu said:

I wouldn't recommend these medication they are just mild antiseptic treatment not effective against anything more serious you would want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment maracyn2 API fin and body cure seachems neoplex e.m erythromycin 

ok ill see what i can do but also do you think that even if there was fish tb in my tank after according to this:https://www.bettafish.com/threads/is-this-neon-tetra-ok.776320/page-2 some person stats that a study showed that 10% of the 78% of fish with mycobacterium had fish tb and does this mean there is a dormant state right??

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On 5/30/2024 at 3:56 PM, oogabooga said:

ok ill see what i can do but also do you think that even if there was fish tb in my tank after according to this:https://www.bettafish.com/threads/is-this-neon-tetra-ok.776320/page-2 some person stats that a study showed that 10% of the 78% of fish with mycobacterium had fish tb and does this mean there is a dormant state right??

I haven't  really looked into that as it something that I rarely come across 

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:39 AM, Colu said:

I haven't  really looked into that as it something that I rarely come across 


my lfs local PetSmart do not have any of those treatments


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On 5/24/2024 at 8:12 AM, Colu said:

I can never say be 100% sure with symptoms your fish have I am 95% sure your deal with NTD and not fish TB 

would NTD have any impact in any way on otocinclus or corydoras?

On 5/30/2024 at 3:24 AM, Colu said:

I wouldn't recommend these medication they are just mild antiseptic treatment not effective against anything more serious you would want to treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment maracyn2 API fin and body cure seachems neoplex e.m erythromycin 

My research led me to nitrofurans in a flake, which for me meant using seachem polyguard.  This was recommended if kanaplex did not work.  I agree with Colu here, try maracyn 2 (and perhaps try neoplex) in food if you do not find success with the first medication.  This is an active infection and herbal remedies may not be strong enough here.

For me and my WCMM which had a similar issue:

Kanaplex + salt --> polyguard + salt

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Posted (edited)
On 5/31/2024 at 4:30 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

would NTD have any impact in any way on otocinclus or corydoras?

I can't find a lot of information on Cory's or Otto's getting neon tetras disease  if they have been exposed to the disease and eaten dead fish or live food infected with the parasite I would assume they are infected with the parasite pleistophora so I wouldn't add new fish to there tank they might not get sick but they could be carries and infect other fish

On 5/31/2024 at 12:40 AM, oogabooga said:


my lfs local PetSmart do not have any of those treatments


You could use jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone 

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On 5/30/2024 at 8:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:
On 5/30/2024 at 8:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

would NTD have any impact in any way on otocinclus or corydoras?

My research led me to nitrofurans in a flake, which for me meant using seachem polyguard.  This was recommended if kanaplex did not work.  I agree with Colu here, try maracyn 2 (and perhaps try neoplex) in food if you do not find success with the first medication.  This is an active infection and herbal remedies may not be strong enough here.

For me and my WCMM which had a similar issue:

Kanaplex + salt --> polyguard + salt

is salt usable in a main aquarium with plants and unfortunately knaplex is illegal where i am.(no clue why)


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On 6/1/2024 at 1:08 AM, oogabooga said:


Your treatment options are limited some people have been available to kanaplex or maracyn off Amazon delivered to Canada you could quarantine and try treating with methylene blue and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons 

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On 5/31/2024 at 3:31 PM, oogabooga said:

is salt usable in a main aquarium with plants and unfortunately knaplex is illegal where i am.(no clue why)

A lot of people will tell you no. What I will say is that it depends how you dose the salt, how much you dose, and the plants involved. Some plants are very intolerant, some handle it fine. Thicker leaves plants tend to do better. I've had aponogeton bulbs handle it just fine, susswassertang, moss, anubias, ferns, val, stems, and a lot of plants be perfectly fine with how I dose salt.

The main thing, the main issue, is that when you are actively dealing with something like this you need salt in multiple doses or for an extended period.  I tend to do salt for 7 days and then give the tank a break. Do a few water changes over the next week and then redose it. 

With the disease in question I think 14 days on salt is the right balance, week of water changes, then redose if you need to.

That being said, you can take any plants You're concerned with and move them for near a month in a bucket with an air stone and they will not suffer too badly. It's up to you.

Hairgrass didn't like me when I added salt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Colu I just wanted ask and just an update that tank is been chill no new news except that that one neon that was from a different store has a slightly crooked spine. I wanted to ask if fish th kills quick? And also I was thinking if we are assuming that it's just nd then theroreticly I could add shrimp to give the tank some life while the neons chill( I think they might have another year in them). I wouldn't add or remove stuff and put them in other tanks as I only have one(I won't get another until like a year after the neons pass. Any ideas?

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:02 AM, oogabooga said:

@Colu I just wanted ask and just an update that tank is been chill no new news except that that one neon that was from a different store has a slightly crooked spine. I wanted to ask if fish th kills quick? And also I was thinking if we are assuming that it's just nd then theroreticly I could add shrimp to give the tank some life while the neons chill( I think they might have another year in them). I wouldn't add or remove stuff and put them in other tanks as I only have one(I won't get another until like a year after the neons pass. Any ideas?

I can't find any information on shrimp being carriers of neon tetra disease You could do that 

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On 6/16/2024 at 4:10 AM, Colu said:

I can't find any information on shrimp being carriers of neon tetra disease You could do that 

i also have a question regarding aqua soil if it reduces ph to like 6.8 and my ph is 7.2 wont that create a swing?

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On 6/16/2024 at 7:26 PM, oogabooga said:

i also have a question regarding aqua soil if it reduces ph to like 6.8 and my ph is 7.2 wont that create a swing?

I have never used aqua soil a small change in pH wouldn't be anything to worry about as long as your KH isn't low  

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