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A budding Algae issue!

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Hey everyone,

I just setup this tank about a month ago and am noticing this algae starting to cover most everything. Any thoughts on this? I’ve been dosing the tank with easy green daily and doing a 50% water change weekly. Would love some help!


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Do you have any fast growing plants to shade your anubias and consume excess nutrients? Having a tank with numerous plants (fast growers & slow growers) is much easier to be successful with than a tank with just slow growers; which IMO needs a higher level of knowledge to be successful with.

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On 3/12/2024 at 9:44 PM, AndyR said:

Hey everyone,

I just setup this tank about a month ago and am noticing this algae starting to cover most everything. Any thoughts on this? I’ve been dosing the tank with easy green daily and doing a 50% water change weekly. Would love some help!


Along with your water parameters and lighting schedule the others have asked for, please include how much EG you are dosing daily.  A picture of the entire tank might also be helpful.

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Huh, paremeters are pretty good besides nitrate being kinda low…..trying to think of why this is happening. My tank is getting its first tiny tiny bit of algae. Interesting….imbalance of nutrition in phosphate, oxygen, light….might be the nutrients.

Edited by Whitecloud09
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Thanks! I suspect the light might be a little too powerful… I fitted this tank with an external grow light since the Fluval one died. Is that a possible issue?

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And it all comes back to… what is your personal tolerance for algae. Some people want none. I. Personally have a high tolerance for algae. I thought this was a fun interview. Where even Bentley was talking about aquascaping a tank with the dreaded black beard algae. And I know I’ve seen it in one of Cory’s tanks before. To me the rock with the green algae looks prefect. Exactly what I’m after. But take a look at this 


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If you can, try raising the light up or putting something to diffuse the light over the top of the tank. Floating plants or even a layer or 2 of window screen could work. I had the same issue with my Fluval Spec V and reducing the light duration didn't really impact anything. It wasn't until I raised the light about 2 inches, left the 8hr duration and then the algae started to subside and reach a balance. It never went away completely but reached a nice balance where it wasn't overtaking everything

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