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Bay leaves ok for shrimps?


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I am not sure on bay leaves. I do use Indian almond, mulberry and oak leaves in my shrimp tanks. The shrimp will munch on the leaves as the decompose in the tank, and soon you will just have the "framework" of the leave, the veins or whatever they are called left. I pull them out when they get to that point and add another leaf. 

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Bay leaves are from the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) plant. They grow here in North Carolina natively. I have collected freshwater ghost shrimp from shallow pools of water that were littered with the fallen leaves of bay laurels and the shrimp seemed perfectly healthy.

And I find shrimp in pools of water with maple leaves, oak leaves, hickory leaves, beech leaves, etc., and even long leaf pine, pine needles. I am not recommending that you put pine needles in your shrimp aquarium but I found more shrimp in this little pool full of pine needles than any other place that I collected that day.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I took notes from a really old fish guy. He told told me if you boil leaves than they become useless. The dirt and grime on the leaves immediately becomes good bacteria..... boiled it kills all benefits. Most rivers and ponds and lakes are covered in debris. That being said I know their are plenty of aquarium enthusiasts that need there tanks at perfect levels.... I think a little mud is good.

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It wasn't you Daniel but I agree with it. Just look at all the videos of Cory taking wild fish from muddy brown lakes and streams and rivers. I think we treat a lot of our fish to sensitive... (that's not saying that some need very specific water).... I have pretty high ph and hard water... I bet I can hatch and raise some of the more delicate tetras.... Maybe I'll try that this year. Myabe I'll fail. I feel like the stronger our tank-bred fish become than the better.

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for this old thread. May I ask if anyone did have success with bay leaves? I have access to a large bay tree here in the PNW and just curious to know more before trying it out with my little bloody mary shrimps. Also wondering if it’d be better to try them fresh green opposed to dried. Best! 

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