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Help w/Snail ID


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I could use some help with an ID on these snails. They’re everywhere and super tiny. They seem to grow really slow but we aren’t sure what they are. My thoughts were Malaysian trumpet, rabbit snail or possibly assassin snail? Any input is appreciated! 



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I’ve had some similar snails in my tanks that I was told before I saw them in person were Thiera winteri (Prambanan snails) but they are definitely not because they don’t get anywhere near big enough.  They only seem to get to about 3-4 mm long but they don’t seem to bother anything and spend most of their time stirring my sand substrate for me so I don’t care if they’re there.  I’ve not been able to identify them but they look a lot like your pics.  If your’s only get about 1/8” to maybe 3/16”, they might be a match for mine.  I can’t tell you what they are but I can tell you a lot of species they aren’t.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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