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Starting up new planted aquarium

Chris turtlerouge

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My name is Chris Rougeux, aka turtlerouge.

My question today is, should i use the ATA Aqua soil foundation in my tank? I will be putting different size lava rocks in my tank also along with 2 bonsaia driftwood trees.

I want to put at least one show piece fish in tank. I really like community fish and plecos.

I wanted to pur a discus in the 40 gal tank but i cant.

I like the Boseman Rainbow fish but im not sure what other show fush i can put in tge 40 gal that wont eat the other fish.

Since im new to the planted tanks, i thought of putting plants in ut for newbies. Like, Anaubis, swords, java ferns, java nanos, val, and a few others.

Would i need low lighting for all these plants? Are all these plants stem plants?

Will that ATA soil be enough along with the Lava Rocks, or should i add more to it?

Im going to be using tap city water.

Im suppose to boil the driftwwod tree for 30 mins, but i dont have anything large enough to boil the driftwood bonsai tree in.

I will have 2 bonsai trees in same tank.

I have a full hood for the 40, plus the glass top. That glass top has a lot of calcium build up on it. I tried cleaning it off but i sliced my hand on the glass edge.

Could i set my hood light, put in it an LED plant light and set that on top on the glass top ovrr the tank?

Is there anythung that i. Forgetting to add to my soon to be planted fish tank??


Chris R







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On 12/25/2023 at 10:47 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

Could i set my hood light, put in it an LED plant light and set that on top on the glass top ovrr the tank?

Yep! You would have the glass top and then whatever light on top of the glass lid. It keeps the light from getting splashed constantly and then the light can shine through the glass for the plants.

On 12/25/2023 at 10:47 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

I have a full hood for the 40, plus the glass top. That glass top has a lot of calcium build up on it. I tried cleaning it off but i sliced my hand on the glass edge.

You can use sandpaper to soften the edge. Be careful with it and if you need to try to get some cut gloves or a replacement glass canopy (glass lid) that isn't sharp.

On 12/25/2023 at 10:47 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

Will that ATA soil be enough along with the Lava Rocks, or should i add more to it?

You should be fine with just the ADA soil. You'll need to understand how to cycle the substrate though and how to get the tank safe for fish.  That substrate does leach ammonia.

On 12/25/2023 at 10:47 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

Since im new to the planted tanks, i thought of putting plants in ut for newbies. Like, Anaubis, swords, java ferns, java nanos, val, and a few others.

Would i need low lighting for all these plants? Are all these plants stem plants?

They should all do well for you and are lower demand plants. Often big broad leaf plants don't need a ton of light, like your ferns and anubias.  Other plants like swords which also have broad leaves can handle a little bit more light, but do need things like root tabs. Placement of the plants is critical and you can do more research in that direction if you're unsure about what each plant needs.

There's a ton of great people on the forum who are very helpful and really want to see hobbyist succeed with their tanks. Please feel free to ask questions!

On 12/25/2023 at 10:47 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

I like the Boseman Rainbow fish but im not sure what other show fush i can put in tge 40 gal that wont eat the other fish.

I'm not entirely sure. Bentley Pascoe keeps rainbow fish and there's quite a few on YouTube as well that could be helpful resources.

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On 12/25/2023 at 1:47 PM, Chris turtlerouge said:

I have a full hood for the 40, plus the glass top. That glass top has a lot of calcium build up on it. I tried cleaning it off but i sliced my hand on the glass edge.

When removing calcium, vinegar can be your friend.  Take the lid off of the tank, Submerge the lid in vinegar if you can, or place vinegar soaked paper or cloth towels on the deposits until they soften.   

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On 12/25/2023 at 12:47 PM, Chris turtlerouge said:


My name is Chris Rougeux, aka turtlerouge.

My question today is, should i use the ATA Aqua soil foundation in my tank? I will be putting different size lava rocks in my tank also along with 2 bonsaia driftwood trees.

I want to put at least one show piece fish in tank. I really like community fish and plecos.

I wanted to pur a discus in the 40 gal tank but i cant.

I like the Boseman Rainbow fish but im not sure what other show fush i can put in tge 40 gal that wont eat the other fish.

Since im new to the planted tanks, i thought of putting plants in ut for newbies. Like, Anaubis, swords, java ferns, java nanos, val, and a few others.

Would i need low lighting for all these plants? Are all these plants stem plants?

Will that ATA soil be enough along with the Lava Rocks, or should i add more to it?

Im going to be using tap city water.

Im suppose to boil the driftwwod tree for 30 mins, but i dont have anything large enough to boil the driftwood bonsai tree in.

I will have 2 bonsai trees in same tank.

I have a full hood for the 40, plus the glass top. That glass top has a lot of calcium build up on it. I tried cleaning it off but i sliced my hand on the glass edge.

Could i set my hood light, put in it an LED plant light and set that on top on the glass top ovrr the tank?

Is there anythung that i. Forgetting to add to my soon to be planted fish tank??


Chris R







Are you from Louisiana with a last name like Rougeux?

I think you have been given good advice as far as planting goes. I would argue that if the plant list that you gave is your goal, you don't really need aqua soil. You could use sand or gravel and use root tabs for the few root feeders you have. The reason I would caution against aqua soil is that it leaches ammonia like someone mentioned (but that's a short term issue) and that the nutrients in the aqua soil eventually get used up and you will either have to remove the substrate and replace it (which bring sthe ammonia issue up again) or you would have to use root tabs anyway to supplement.  If you like the look of aqua soil and don't mind replacing it or just using root tabs then ignore me.


As for stocking, there are so many options for a 40 gallon planted tank. The trick is finding the right combination. How experienced are you as a fish keeper? I only ask because some fish are easier than others to keep. But in general some fun ideas would be one or many of the varieties of cherry shrimp (neocardina), maybe a dwarf CPO crawfish (or a group), cory catfish, whip tail cats, most types of tetra, rasbora, or danio. My favorite fish is the German Blue Ram but these need consistent water parameters with pretty much zero nitrates to work.  You could also do an electric blue acara. a pair of Apistos would be a good add. They are like the Rams but a bit hardier. honestly your options are vast outside of large south american cichlids or african cichlids. Any type of dwarf cichlid should work as long as they aren't diggers.

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Hi Nolan,

Thanls for the video. I was originally going to put as a foundation crushed lava rock in netted bags to hold the next layer from spreading out.

But, thats where i stopped. I dont know what that layer should be. I was going to add Eco Complete and put it on top of the crushed lava rocks, then add some sand for the eye to follow if i wanted to go that route.

Since im new at planted tanks, i thought of adding a few swords, valesneria, anarubis, java fern, java moss to put on my driftwood and larger pieces of lava rocks.

I would "carpeting " to mimic a forest feel.

Tall plants in the back wall, then medium size plants in middle and small plants in front. That way, all tge plants should get the equal amount of light.

I bought 3 small cholla wood pieces for fry or small fish to hide in.

Im considering buyibg an LED plant light and putting the light inside my full hood and setting the full hood on top of my full glass top. But ive to get special gloves to clean off the calcuim build up. The last time i tried to clean that off with my bare hands, the glass sliced my hand. Ouch!!

What kind of plant light should i buy that will fit a 40?

I looked at the blue Acara fish, i think i will pass on him but iam considering gettng a blue dwarf grouami and putting community fish in with it.

As far as filters, ive an over the top filter for 40 gal. But apparently, im going to have get an submersible filter.

Again, im not sure which kind to buy.

Heaters. My last heater had so much consendation in it that i accidentally turned it up and cooked all my fish.

So, i deffiently do need a new heater.

If i had lots of mobey to spend i would get the tiger pleco in a few months from now after my tank has had a few months to recycle.

I want tge Boseman Rainbows. They are very pretty.

But theres also another fish thats amazing, but i forget whats they are called.

The males are blue while the females are yellow.

You asked me iif im from Lousiana. No im not. Im still using my ex's  last name. His family originally came from Rougeux, France.

Ive been born here in PA. My maiden name is Carol.

My emails, i go by turtlerouge.

I love turtles and at one time i was raising 5 of them. So i chose my handle to be turtlerouge.

Where are you from?

Your name is Nolan, right??


Thanks, chris





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On 12/27/2023 at 6:38 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

I thought about that, but what would you suggest i put in my tank?

If you're heart is set on a high quality planted tank, then I would just use a good active soil substrate.  Controsoil is my favorite one right now. I haven't used ada Amazonia. I would use either one of those two. There's not a lot of need to mix a ton of things and do layers. Just get one that you like and go from there.

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Just trying to add to the substrate convo. Imo the most important thing about picking a substrate is making sure you like the way it looks. No matter how effective it is at growing plants, you won't love it if you don't like the way it looks.  With that said, you can definitely use the eco complete or anything that @nabokovfan87 suggests as a base layer and then cap it off with a sand or gravel that you like better. But again, no one can tell you what you want or like so if you want/like the look of eco complete or some other aqua soil then that's the right choice for you.  I have a base layer in laundry bags like these with black diamond blasting sand as the cap and it looks great. The reason I used these bags is to stop the base layer from surfacing during maintenance.  Also Black diamond blasting sand is extremely cheap compared to other sands and I have had mine for 3 years and it still looks amazing.image.png.2734a97c6c1226057410f880850d24f0.png 

Edited by NOLANANO
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On 12/26/2023 at 7:43 PM, Chris turtlerouge said:

putting sand on top of soil

Hi, well I will never use sand again and it looks like you will just put whatever directly on the glass, I did try that long ago what a disaster that was.

I`m not into cleaning substrate or doing water changes or all of the silly stuff so called experts want you to do and I have some plants but not many because not really needed. (Only maintenance I really do is clean the glass once in a while.)

Just put a new canister filter on my 40B on 12/18 and checked nitrates on the 20th and the nitrates were 1.26ppm and I know in a few months they should go down around 0.20ppm or so.

You will get some good advice for the most part just don't drink too much Kool-Aid.

Good luck.



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Listen, this all got way too complicated for a beginner.  Worry the most about getting your tank through the nitrogen cycle so that it will be safe for aquatic critters and plants.

For a newbie, you should start small, no fancy plants, no CO2 injection (Carbon dioxide), no expensive lighting, no fancy aqua soils, etc.  Just pick a single substrate, like eco-complete black or red.  Use easy, low light plants like anubias, java fern, java moss, or any of several cryptocoryne types.  Once tank is cycled, add plants and then fish.  Do a water change once a week and vacuum the gunk off the top of substrate.  Use declorinator like Seachem Prime to make the tap water safe.  

The more fancy you get, the more things that can go wrong.  It takes experience to do high tech.  You want to enjoy your new tank, right?!! Relax, set up basic tank and then, on down the line you can branch out.  Good luck!

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On 12/25/2023 at 12:47 PM, Chris turtlerouge said:

I really like community fish and plecos.

My 20 gallon high tank has 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 3 Rummy-Nose Tetras and a 2 inch dwarf Clown Pleco.  I plan to add one centerpiece fish soon, a Honey Gourami.  That's a decent bio-load for my tank.

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On 12/27/2023 at 12:13 AM, Chris turtlerouge said:

1) Thanls for the video. I was originally going to put as a foundation crushed lava rock in netted bags to hold the next layer from spreading out.

2) But, thats where i stopped. I dont know what that layer should be. I was going to add Eco Complete and put it on top of the crushed lava rocks, then add some sand for the eye to follow if i wanted to go that route.

3) Since im new at planted tanks, i thought of adding a few swords, valesneria, anarubis, java fern, java moss to put on my driftwood and larger pieces of lava rocks.

4) I would "carpeting " to mimic a forest feel.

5) Tall plants in the back wall, then medium size plants in middle and small plants in front. That way, all tge plants should get the equal amount of light.

6) What kind of plant light should i buy that will fit a 40?

7) As far as filters, ive an over the top filter for 40 gal. But apparently, im going to have get an submersible filter.

😎 So, i deffiently do need a new heater.

9) I want tge Boseman Rainbows. They are very pretty.

10) You asked me iif im from Lousiana. No im not. Im still using my ex's  last name. His family originally came from Rougeux, France.

11) Your name is Nolan, right??


Thanks, chris





Hey Chris, sorry I didn't realize you edited this post to answer some of my questions. I will number your responses in the quotes and respond below:

1) Good Idea. Like i said in a later post, the bags help keep the base layer from surfacing. But if you are worried about layering since its all new, you can do a single substrate and it will work just fine.

2) I am not saying you can't try but unless you are talented with detail, I would pick a single substrate to go over the crushed lava rock. Imo, sand works best but some people like gravel. I use black diamond blasting sand because it is very cheap and looks great. But you honestly can't go wrong, just google aquarium substrates and find one that you like. Another cheap option is play sand from a Home Depot type of store. It may not be professional grade but it gets the job done and is a white-ish, yellow-ish sand.

3) These are all good plants to start with. make sure you have root tabs for the swords and Val. Also make sure you don't bury the anubias or java ferns. like you mentioned, these are best attached to rocks or wedged in crevices. I might caution against moss only because once its in the tank, its VERY hard to get it out. every time you trim the moss, little bits will go everywhere and attach itself to other plants or wood or rocks and a few months later, you have a moss problem again. BUT if you like the look then by all means. 

4) Carpeting can be hard I'd start by trying to keep the easier plants alive and then try to carpet down the road once you have a hang of it. 

5) This is perfect thinking. a stem plant that I have had a lot of luck with is Bacopa Carolinana. Its hardy as can be and grows fairly quickly but not insanely quick like some other stems.

6) I use a $50 Hygger light I got on Amazon and it does the trick for me. but you can also go the route you are planning and get a plant florescent light if you already have a hood that uses florescent tubes. (I think thats what you said you have?)

7) If you mean a Hang on the back filter, then that should work. There is no need for a cannister filter if you are gonna have plants. You can do a sponge filter if you want but if you have a working HOB filter, it will do the job just as well as any other filter.

8). you probably need a heater but you can find a budget friendly one on Amazon. 

9) We found your feature fish. I am not a huge rainbow guy but if you like them then thats the fish you will plan around. do some research on how many you can put in a 40G and then research good tankmates and you are on your way.

10) I am from New Orleans and we have a ton of French names down here so thats why I thought you might be from Louisiana. Also your name being turtlerouge, I thought it might be a play on Baton Rouge.

11) My name is actually Austin. my handle does look like Nolan ANO but its actually Nola Nano. Its because I am from New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA) and I like Nano fish.

Edited by NOLANANO
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I'm going to second what Flipper said. Go with something easy like eco complete and just do that. Aquasoils are finicky for newbies and as one who took the plunge too early, they cause so many frustrating algae issues if you don't know what you're doing. I would tell my newbie self not to go that route back then if I could, because it was just way too much. Balancing the aquarium became so hard and complicated when I was starting out.

Start with easy plants, easy substrate, simple light and learn from there. Getting fancy too soon just makes the hobby frustrating and overwhelming.

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