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Calling all Anime, TV, Gaming Enjoyers? Need reccomendations...


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Hey guys. Man, I just finished Attack on Titan and it was the best, ending was good and fitting and the series overall was the best iv'e seen in any show cranked out in the last 5 years. I also just finished a fairly new Zom 100. Both of these are awesome so go check em' out if for a new experience if you're stuck in a Bob's Burgers loop. I also want recommendations for non-anime shows because I'm now one of those people stuck in a Simpsons/Bobs burgers loop. I also would like GAME recommendations because I'm stuck in a loop of just Call of Duty: Warzone and some other narrative games. Sorry for the lengthy request but all recommendations I'll take. (Except Naruto or Boruto, finished it and had too many fillers ngl.)



(Help me 🥹)

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Zoids is one of my go-to shows, but its near impossible to watch in the US.


The other is Transformers, both T: Prime and T: War for cybertron are on netflix and are epic.  They are really, really well done shows.  The first one had (might still) 2 seasons on there, but there are more.  The series "war for cybertron" has 3 series that are all basically a season each. 



Just gonna say it. Go watch travelers. It's pretty good. (netflix)

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On 12/3/2023 at 9:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

The other is Transformers, both T: Prime and T: War for cybertron are on netflix and are epic.  They are really, really well done shows.  The first one had (might still) 2 seasons on there, but there are more.  The series "war for cybertron" has 3 series that are all basically a season each. 



Just gonna say it. Go watch travelers. It's pretty good. (netflix)

Never saw myself as a Transformers guy... this for sure piqued my interest although. (except when I was a tiny kid) I'll for sure check them out though and tell you if I liked it! Maybe I should do a journal of ratings of shows Iv'e watched recently lmao. Honestly, although you should for sure check those two Animes I finished, once your hooked you can't get away. They are both pretty much Japan's equivalent to a Walking Dead/Naruto kinda mesh. Thanks again for the recommendations! 🙂

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If you never watched Adventure time or Gravity Falls I would have to recommend those two shows though adventure time has a really slow season 1 which only serves to introduce characters for the most. And regarding anime if you really want to get yourself into a time sink you can go watch all 1000+ episodes of One Piece lol and if you haven't watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood I would have to go recommend that, not to mention Avatar The Last Airbender. Spy family was a huge hit last year if you are in that slice of life mood and other shows similar to Attack on titan in terms of action would be Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. 

As for games, I'm probably going to need a genre you would be interested in at the moment. 

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@Revaria Watched them both, they are great. Some of the best cartoons I've seen.  Those Anime though, I for sure will check them out. I watched a lot of One Piece lmao, the Live action adaption was awesome. 


As for games I'm kinda into the FPS and Hack n' Slash or Rouge-like kinda games. Like, enter the Gungeon, Rain World, Apex Legends, Warzone etc. 

Thanks again for the recommendations. 


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Ahh did you watch the Fiona and Cake sequel I heard it was pretty good, but I didn't get a chance to get to it myself yet. And I heard good things about the live action adaptation, but I also haven't gotten to that yet lol.  I have more classic recommendations as well and if you into the whole seasonal anime series, I recommend Gigguk on YouTube as that's where I get a lot of my recommendations from. 

Hmm a lot of those are multiplayer FPS games, which I actually stopped playing a while ago lol, but what comes to mind is Warframe and Rainbow 6 siege was pretty fun and I still enjoy watching good people play it. Are you into Mech or open world games? If so I recommend Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries and I heard good things about the new Armored Core game that came out. Hmm hack and slash wise I recommend Hollow Knight and Deadcells, if you have never played it. And otherwise general stuff that's been relatively popular, have good ratings or are good time sinks would be Persona 5, the Fallout series, the new Spiderman games, Monster hunter, Rimworld, Subnautica, the Yakuza series, Wasteland series and uh a lot more if you want them lmao. 

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@Revaria Thanks again! Definity will check that stuff out. I have seen stuff posted about the Fiona and Cake series but haven't gotten around to it. But about the video games, I definitely have had games like Deadcells and Hollow Knight in mind, along with games like Spider-Man 2 (I have Miles Morales and the first one), Rain World, Have a Nice Death, and Enter the Gungeon. I recommend Call of Duty: Warzone, it's a very fun FPS/Batlle Royale (with other modes) I think you should try, just my two cents but again, if you get the time try it out (They do a huge game rework/overhaul on movement, map, vehicles, and weapons tmrw). IF I can get a hold of any of these games I will definitely try em' out. If you so choose, look at gameplay for the games mentioned above that I've had my eye on. They are super enriching and fun to play! I also have Monster Hunter, but haven't touched it in so long.  Thanks again!

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It's a cheap game, but I got substantially more enjoyment than I ever would have guessed out of Halls of Torment.  I think it is like $5-6.  You can certainly find a video of gameplay to see if it might be your cup of tea.  It's similar to Vampire Survivors (though I have never played that).

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@Kaiju No probs, I hope you have fun especially with the Christmas sales coming up! And thanks for the recommendations, but I think I'm done with games for now. For the last few years I've only been playing games that have a specified ending and try to beat most of them on easy mode to get through the growing list as fast as possible lol, but even now I'm realizing those games on the list are aging off due to the technically outdated graphics and the like. I actually started fish keeping many years ago to ween myself off games and to do more productive things in life. Plus the guitar is super fun at the moment!

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@Revaria, Yeah, I'm also playing guitar and doing other things. It's pretty fun! I'm in a phase right now where I'm balanced between all my hobbies. I really am looking forward for sales to purchase new games, fish tanks, room accessories, etc. 

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On 12/6/2023 at 9:32 AM, Kaiju said:

Yeah, I'm also playing guitar

How long have you been playing? And yeah I'm kind of in that spot too, but there's other stuff going on as well career wise. And yeah that's the shopping fun going on right there lol. 

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@Revaria, Recently. Maybe 6-7 months ago? Trying to learn Bass and drums. You can DM me about these things if you want to continue the conversation! 🙂

On 12/5/2023 at 11:51 AM, jwcarlson said:

It's a cheap game, but I got substantially more enjoyment than I ever would have guessed out of Halls of Torment.  I think it is like $5-6.  You can certainly find a video of gameplay to see if it might be your cup of tea.  It's similar to Vampire Survivors (though I have never played that).

Which game? Also, I'll check out Halls of Torment. Sounds good. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite currently airing anime is jujutsu kaisen and my all time favorite is steins gate. I think the anime most similar to aot is full metal alchemist brotherhood.

My favorite currently airing anime is jujutsu kaisen and my all time favorite is steins gate. I think the anime most similar to aot is full metal alchemist brotherhood.

The neir automata anime is also similar to aot in a sense. I highly recommend the 2 most recent neir games, i think its probably best to play those first

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/6/2023 at 3:45 PM, Kaiju said:

@Revaria, Recently. Maybe 6-7 months ago? Trying to learn Bass and drums. You can DM me about these things if you want to continue the conversation! 🙂

Which game? Also, I'll check out Halls of Torment. Sounds good. 

Sorry I apparently didn't see this, the game that's cheap is Halls of Torment.  Unless it went up in price.  I've owned it for a bit and they've added a lot to it since.  I think it was $5-6 and I feel like I got that much entertainment out of it.

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  • 2 months later...

Anime: chainsaw man, cowboy bebop, steins gate, mob psycho 100, one punch man,

Manga: fire punch, berserk

TV: severance, house, scrubs, central park, the boondocks,

Movies: the art of self defense, sorry to bother you, the father, fight club

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My favorite childhood anime is Voltron/King of Beasts GoLion, and the updated Voltron: Legendary Defender on Netflix is fantastic! 

My favorite anime genre is mecha. Most of the Gundam family are great, my favorite is probably 08th MS Team. Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favorites, but only mecha on the surface. It's more psychological and about human nature.

Macross Plus is probably my favorite anime movie. I grew up on Robotech, and I've watched most of the Macross series. I like them, but not fully my cup of tea. But Macross Plus is rewatchable for me. 

I just recently got back into watching current/newer anime. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End has been great so far. Metallic Rouge, Jujutsu Kaisen, Seven Deadly Sins pop into my head. 

Other than anime, by far my favorite animated stuff has been the Star Wars shows. Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch, just great stuff! I love it when older (I mean, I'm 42, not old right?!) Star Wars fans sleep on them because they're animated. 

Anyway, thanks for letting my inner geek escape! 

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All this anime is toooo much for me! I am, well let’s just say, not a fan of it! Wher is my Nintendo folks out there? For game recommendations, NINTENDO NINTENDO NINTENDO!!! Sorry but I just love it, might be the only one on this forum to like Nintendo………..like some Mario, (just can’t beat it, it can be a adult game I think) Sonic is cool, (kinda for kids tho) uhhh….like all the major Nintendo franchises like Zelda and the like.

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