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Too many cichlids!

teenage fish

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Hi, this is my first post. So, I have a 10 gallon tank with Neolamprologus Multifaciatus. They have not bred in a while, but they did recently, and babies have gotten older. Since my aquarium club has been having inconsistent in person meetings due to COVID, it has been hard to get rid of babies and juveniles. I am worried that the growing juveniles will start fighting with other adults because of the smaller space and limited shells they can use. Any creative ideas anyone?

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Like a gas multies will expand to fill any container. I love my 40 breeder of multies but that was where I drew the line at expanding their tank.

Some of the things that have helped smooth out the bickering over prime spots:

Larger shells as a line of sight block.
Java moss, they aren't crazy about it but can't uproot it. used as a line of site block.
"spare" male endlers from the ender tank as a dither. These tend to hover at the surface near the frog bit.

Overall they don't bicker too much and for a cichlid their squabbles rarely seem overly severe to me. No clue if it is my additions or they are just humoring me until they can talk me into taking over the 75G across the fishroom that I know they have their little eyes on... 

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Yeah Java moss was about the only thing I had on hand other than Susswassertang that would sink and not get too pouty when redecorated by the multies. I imagine you will see a little tussling over the best shells but eventually mine start setting up shop under a sponge filter or next to a rock. So likely you won't have to worry about a "tornado of multi death" if they get a tad crowded. 😄   

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