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Hi everyone !

Super nice to be part of this community! I am looking forward having contact with other fish keepers. I only know one guy (a colleague) who keeps fish, but I would like to meet more people out there.

But to tell you the truth, I am new to the hobby ! I have always wanted to have aquariums but I never had, before I moved last summer to the US from Europe. I did a lot of research, watched a lot of videos, read a lot of articles and when I thought I was ready I bought a 36 gallons bowfront aquarium. And I did what beginners do: mistakes ! Tank was cycled for a few weeks (kickstart with used media) and I was ready to add fish. I wanted some tetras to school in the tank, some hardy fishes…. in spite of everything I heard, I don’t know what happened but … I asked advice in one of the big chain pet stores. I ended up with serpae and red eye tetras and created a tank of monsters that don’t stop nipping at each other 😩 I was sad because I wanted to add later Angels or other fishes but no way they could live in there. Anyway, life is made of decisions, and I had to take responsibility. These guys are thriving in there. Tank is planted, some Kuhli loaches, otocinclus and pigmy corys came to join them and this little world is really well balanced. Some nerite snails and ghost shrimp help taking take of it too.
But I had this feeling of these fishes not being the ones I wanted, I wanted to make something else … thats how I got multi tank syndrome.

I got a 10 gallons and a 5 gallons on second hand. In the 10 gallon I put males endlers + ghost shrimps + mystery snail, then in the 5 gallon just a betta, named Kirby (pink guy)

Then I got another 10 gallons, originally for cherry shrimp but that was a complete disaster I spent months trying but I gave up. Now it hosts a school of chili rasboras 

Latest acquisition is a 20 gallon, still cycling, where I want to put ember tetras and honey gouramis.

And this is where I am ! In a condensed (yes 😇) version because there were many adventures (and money spent) within these last months. 




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Welcome. Your tanks are beautiful. 

Im a long term hobbyist and make those same mistakes of thinking I’ll love a certain fish then just not being thrilled. 

I’ve gotten involved in my local clubs. That affords me the ability to find great homes with other aquarists who will better appreciate the fish that just are not for me so I can try other fish I think are a better fit. 

Here is a club locator link. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/apps/store-locator


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Oh thank you that’s a great idea… and also since I am new in the country it might be a great way to meet people. I will definitely check it.

i have thought to give them away… I might reconsider if I find people who want them 🙂

thanks for the tips 😉

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@Marie Beautiful tanks 👏👏👏, I welcome you to the hobby! I saw you are buying a new tank and would like to give recommendations! Try the Honey Gourami (maybe 2-3) accented by a School of small and vibrant fish like Galaxy Rasbora (Celestial Pearl Danio), or a colony of Cherry Shrimp (These are hardy guys, if you still have problems about it I'd ask @nabokovfan87 or other pro fishkeepers!) maybe even some Algae eaters on the bottom or a school of small tetras! Don't go too overboard though, the bigger quantity of fish means higher maintenance! Any help wanted just try to reach out to me! I'll try the best I can to help, but keep in mind, do your research and fish related homework and you'll be fine! 

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Thank you @Kaiju for the advice. Honey gourami was also on my mind for that 20 gallon tank. For the scape i wanted to change a little bit and try to recreate some natural river look with some big and small pebbles and some driftwood as if it would have fell in the river. For the fish I had in mind the CPD too or the ember tetra. I think they would go well with a yellow gourami.

for the cherry shrimp right now I am too traumatized 😢 it’s too fresh I don’t want to kill anymore of these guys. I will wait, I think the Kh wasn’t right, but I didn’t anticipate it would cause a genocide. Anyway, I will wait to have more established and stable tanks and perhaps try again… thanks for the suggestion though ! 🙂 

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On 11/19/2023 at 3:22 PM, Marie said:

Oh thank you that’s a great idea… and also since I am new in the country it might be a great way to meet people. I will definitely check it.

i have thought to give them away… I might reconsider if I find people who want them 🙂

thanks for the tips 😉

I'm going to second the recommendation to look up a club.

They're really handy for finding good fish or uncommon fish. Not to mention just having a group of other people willing to talk about fish

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