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Too much calcium


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So, see this here?


Well, unfortunately I was using the competitor calcium (food). Now I got this goin on:

Is Fritz Clarifier the answer?

Running a fine sponge filter in there currently. Water changes don’t help. Been dealing with this for quite some time and decided I need to figure something out.

Also is Fritz clarifier ok with shrimps? I know it claims to be. Asking if anyone has personal experience using it with shrimps.


It’s like it’s snowing in there all the time. ☹️

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 11/8/2023 at 5:00 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Also is Fritz clarifier ok with shrimps? I know it claims to be. Asking if anyone has personal experience using it with shrimps.

Should be fine. I use it on mine all the time (seachem brand) and I've been doing it for near a decade at this point.  Neos have been exposed to it, no issues multiple uses.

In terms of answering is this the solution, I would try the Jetlifter and then decide if it is or isn't.  Essentially, you need the circulation to push it towards the sponge but the sponge has to be churning air to make sure the particles stick to the fine filter media.  I am messing with my tank today, I have no real idea on the clarity, but I can check it out.  I will make a mental note in future and check it out.  I'll snag a quick photo before I mess with the tank and siphon today and give you an idea of how well you can clarify things with a sponge filter only setup.  In my case, I have a tidal 35 I have specifically for polishing, you can also use a skimmer for the same sort of thing or a tiny internal filter.  All of those should be pretty easy to make shrimp safe and they really don't have jobs outside of that one use.

I've also used a small sicce syncra nano pump and a fine prefilter sponge as a "build it yourself" nano pump and that's pretty dope too.  The only issue is output, but EH. Shrimp safe in about 3 seconds flat and very easy to keep in there and maintain.

Without clarifier, but just fine sponge and a ton of air.






Edited by nabokovfan87
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Use this. It is a flocculent.  It gathers up all the fine particles in the tank and drops them to the floor. It’s better if you run a hob with floss for a day rather than it all drop to your substrate to get tossed back up. 
Or vacuum really well. Very hard to do with shrimp. Easier to run the hob with a fine prefilter. It will clog your sponge filter with all that snow. 
It never hurt my shrimp or snails. 
My corydora get fiesta especially when numbers are to high. Debris constantly in the water column. I use this, cloudy for 20 minutes then crystal clear. 
box instructions do not say but somewhere on their webpage it does… dissolve in a cup of tank water BEFORE putting in tank. 


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@Guppysnail I do have a small HOB I can run and a bunch of floss, with the clarifier.

@nabokovfan87 the air bar is creating a lot of churn too, so the jetlifter wouldn’t be a cure-all. Although I could discontinue the air bar. That went into the setup during scutariella japonica and I never took it out.  They do seem to love the current, and it’s cute to see them swimming around in it ♥️🦐


Not concerned with output of HOB because I made a baffle out of a water bottle. Without the baffle, the shrimps do struggle, especially the juveniles. I had used that on this tank for a good two weeks running carbon after the No Planaria treatment. The HOB has a coarse PFS as well; it’s the Marina S10, so the shrimplets should be OK.

I have been trying to vacuum as well as I can, but shrimplets… and not a lot of open sand - there are feeding dishes, driftwood, plants, shrimp houses, lotus pods, alder cones, rocks.. there’s a lot to work around.

On 11/8/2023 at 8:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'll snag a quick photo before I mess with the tank and siphon today and give you an idea of how well you can clarify things with a sponge filter only setup

I can see in your UFO beam above you have the particulates as well.   …was.. was that shrimp abducted? 👽 

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On 11/9/2023 at 1:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@nabokovfan87 the air bar is creating a lot of churn too, so the jetlifter wouldn’t be a cure-all. Although I could discontinue the air bar. That went into the setup during scutariella japonica and I never took it out.  They do seem to love the current, and it’s cute to see them swimming around in it ♥️🦐

I checked my tank today. 2 air powered filters, 1 with a jetlift and one standard ziss airstone, Not a big bioload at all, a pump designed for a 150G pond.... It's pretty good in terms of the setup, but there is particulate in the water and I can't really get the "suction" to increase any more without using a pump.

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On 11/9/2023 at 4:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I can see in your UFO beam above you have the particulates as well.   …was.. was that shrimp abducted? 👽 

That was my first thought also!

No abduction, Scotty just beamed it over to the sponge

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