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Let's have a good fishy day today....


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Happy Saturday everyone!

I have a challenge/request for all those on the forums that wish to do so.  Whenever time allows, spend ~10 minutes without anything but some fish (or inverts or plants) in front of you and just enjoy that moment.

Consider the place you're at, the room, the light, the noise of the filter if there is any, and just try to find one interesting thing that catches your eye inside the tank. Stay positive.... no algae sighting today!!!!

Let us all know what you see. 🙂


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Challenge accepted.

Midafternoon here, and the lights just came on in the 29.  I'm watching the fishcam so I can see what really goes on when they think no one is looking.

Two of the Serpae Tetras are chasing each other, and the SAEs are chillin on the bottom.  Three of the Cherry Barbs are mugging for the camera.  It would be nice if some of them were cherry colored instead of copper.  Moving the camera has stirred up the Embers.  One of them is still cruising around and the rest have gone.  

 The cloudy water from the additional magnesium/Iron I added this morning has already cleared, one of the SAEs has begun working on the Italian Val, and a single leaf on one of the Crypts is waving madly like one of those inflatable wiggly guys you see at car lots.

This view is interesting because it is totally silent. and the fish are behaving as they would when I am not present.  The Crypt leaf is eye catching, but without the rest of the picture, it is just another leaf.

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My angelfish tank is looking better and better.  I’ve added some new swords and have more waiting to be added.  It seems to have triggered the new pairing that I’m enjoying watching their behavior even though the rest of the tank isn’t appreciating all their behaviors.  Still no breeding tubes down consistently.  I did decide to leave them in this tank for now despite everyone else’s disgruntlement.

Even though my big blue eyed lemon bristlenose boys have mucked up the water in the “nanofish” tank, their behavior and the interaction between them and the girls is still fascinating to watch.

The cories in my paired livingroom tanks are all about the zoomies over the last several days.  The breeding has settled down, but zoomies continue, especially in the newly mucky tank.  😝  Mucky is apparently fascinating for everyone but me.  😆 

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I had 2 leaves on a plant I had to pull. Just got a bit beat up and it looked like the leaf had snapped at the stem. I was checking all the adjustments I made and was dealing a bit with catching up.

The swordtails were all right by the flow for some reason and then when I woke up they darted to the opposite side.... Just being weird I guess.  I fed Riddick, in the shrimp tank, and then the shrimp spent all day in that spot with the remnants. Just a pile of shrimp hanging out in the sandy open area.

The amanos and the red culls had a meeting near the Co2 diffuser... not sure why!

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