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Can Panda and Melini (bandit) Corydora crossbreed?


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I sold my group of panda to make a tank for my Laetacara dorsigera. 2 panda Cory young juveniles have shown up so eggs were hidden on something since I replaced the substrate. I’m not certain if there are more or not. 79 degrees is not ideal and I don’t want them in that breeding tank. 
My choices are the bandit breeding tank where they would at least have a group to run with. Or my Aspidora spilotus tank. I think those are too crazy active and different to make them comfy. 
I do not want to risk hybrids with the bandits. Can they crossbreed?

@Odd Duck?

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i found an old post that might help:

On 11/30/2022 at 9:31 AM, CorydorasEthan said:

The only species that would potentially breed with C. aeneus are C. rabauti, C. venezuelanus, C. eques, C. schultzei, and C. melanotaenia, as they are all from the same lineage (lineage 7). Your other commonly kept species of Corydoras are all from lineage 9 (ex: C. habrosus, C. panda, C. trilineatus, and C. sterbai), with a few exceptions like C. paleatus (lineage 6), and C. pygmaeus and C. hastatus (lineage 4).


I hope this helps!

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On 8/28/2023 at 5:46 PM, Guppysnail said:

I sold my group of panda to make a tank for my Laetacara dorsigera. 2 panda Cory young juveniles have shown up so eggs were hidden on something since I replaced the substrate. I’m not certain if there are more or not. 79 degrees is not ideal and I don’t want them in that breeding tank. 
My choices are the bandit breeding tank where they would at least have a group to run with. Or my Aspidora spilotus tank. I think those are too crazy active and different to make them comfy. 
I do not want to risk hybrids with the bandits. Can they crossbreed?

@Odd Duck?

Both are lineage 9 so there is a risk of cross breeding.  The Aspidoras are lineage 2 so extremely minimal risk of cross breeding.  I’ve found that if I google “[common name] cory lineage” it pops right up from Planet Catfish or Corydoras Zone.  “Family” doesn’t work reliably and “Subfamily” doesn’t work, “Clade” sort of works, but “Lineage” works every time as long as you have the “correct” common name.  For instance, if you search “emerald” cory lineage you get the correct lineage 8 for Corydoras splendens (previously  Brochis splendens) and “green” cory lineage gets you the correct lineage 7 for Corydoras aeneus (AKA bronze cory).

What doesn’t work is if you have the wrong common name since lots of people think they have emerald cories not realizing that “green cory” is a different species.  If you know the scientific binomial it works every time.  As long as you aren’t in the same lineage, there is low risk of hybrids. Within the same lineage the risk is there.

Edited by Odd Duck
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