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@GoofyGarra you can keep them in filtered, heated bucket with air until some time passes. That is what I do in situations like this. When I dosed No Planaria, I took all the trumpet snails out and made a tank with a tiny flower pot filter out of a specimen container. I put well seeded sand from the main tank in there so they could dig.

Also you could reach out to friends and have them “babysit” your snails too. 🙂

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Platy Showcase! Now that i have a small amount of platies i have made it my goal to get a good picture of all of them, some are harder to photograph then others.







With my goal to breed out orange shrimp, i have removed all the non-orange shrimp from my 5gallon and put them in the main tank. The only inhabitant that has cared are the mosquitofish which worries me. If they want to hunt down shrimp that dont fit in their mouths, they probably will hunt down platy fry that do fit in their mouths, might have to do something about them.

But another orange shrimp picture:


Tri-Color/stunning female is doing fine in the 5gallon. I can tell her pregnancy is developing only now she is afraid of me 🙄, im working on establishing a feeding spot with her to make sure she gets food.



The 5gallon tank has a good light and the guppygrass, hornwort, and pennywort are all filling in the tank, this is good for platy fry, but horrible for visibility. I also replaced the box filter in that tank with a cycled ACO medium sponge filter, a bit big for a 5gallon but its what i had. I will say this about the particular box filter i had. If it was my only choice for the tank, its tolerable, but the sponge filter is just easier and i had it on hand ready to go.


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Hornwort pillar growing in well in the back of the tank. Im liking the effect, if i can get more plant weights maybe i will try a similar strategy with guppy grass


Val that i got from a friend a while ago is spreading on the back of the tank, it adds texture variety to the tank


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Probably the best picture i will get of Vulcan for a while. I love him as a fish but he is very afraid of the camera. (note the bristles starting to grow from his face)


Fed the tank some Xtreme Krill Flake, they are pretty happy about that


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Breakfast time 🙂! Xtreme wafers for the bottom feeders, krill flake for the platies, though the platies like the wafers too. Its been too long since i did a breakfast post, its fun just to watch the fish eat and try and find a good moment to take a few pictures.





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Did some work at the school tank, my friend added even more guppy grass (his tank is super overgrown) so more guppy fry should survive. The population is increasing though and there are a bunch of babies from the last batch that are surviving


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On 1/31/2024 at 6:59 PM, GoofyGarra said:

Vulcan so far seems to be doing great, he has certain areas that he uses as hiding spots and is doing fine. But i was wondering if a specialized pleco cave would be of any benefit, or are those just used for breeding?

Some boys will hang out in them if there is no overhanging wood for them to sleep under. You could try it but do be heartbroken if he only goes in once in awhile. 

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On 1/31/2024 at 7:12 PM, Guppysnail said:

Some boys will hang out in them if there is no overhanging wood for them to sleep under. You could try it but do be heartbroken if he only goes in once in awhile. 

he has a nice spot of overhanging wood he likes to hang out under. I think I'll leave it for now if its not a super big deal.

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On 1/31/2024 at 7:16 PM, GoofyGarra said:

he has a nice spot of overhanging wood he likes to hang out under. I think I'll leave it for now if its not a super big deal.

If he has a favored spot that is wood he most likely will not use a cave. 

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Did a water change and the tank seems darker and cloudier then usual. Any ideas?


I've completely forgotten about it, but wanted to share this Buce "Black Pearl" I got over a year ago back when ACO sold Buce. Its very beautiful but growing incredibly slowly and is very little.


"Whatcha Doin'?"


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Made my last batch of repashy today. I'm trying to feed a variety of foods, but it is difficult on a low budget. Right now my fish are on a diet of xtreme krill flakes, bottom wafers, and ACO easy fry and small fish food and I'm trying to introduce more foods into the rotation


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On 2/4/2024 at 6:39 AM, GoofyGarra said:

Made my last batch of repashy today. I'm trying to feed a variety of foods, but it is difficult on a low budget. Right now my fish are on a diet of xtreme krill flakes, bottom wafers, and ACO easy fry and small fish food and I'm trying to introduce more foods into the rotation


Raid the refrigerator for fresh veggies.   A small piece of veggie in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.  All of my omnivorous fish pick at them.  

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On 2/4/2024 at 9:15 AM, Guppysnail said:

Raid the refrigerator for fresh veggies.   A small piece of veggie in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.  All of my omnivorous fish pick at them.  

my fish like peas, cucumber,spinach and zucchini, My main issue is holding them down, plant weights work best because they dont take up a lot of space from feeding areas but i only have a few and i'm using all of them.

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Your platies and mosquito fish will pick at them floating.  You can zip tie them to an elongated rock or piece of wood that already sank.  Any piece of stainless steel that sinks. I know forks take up room but it’s temporary.  They make small forks for toddlers or the tiny escargot/ hors d'oeuvre forks 

I have  also filed smooth the sharp end of those things you poke in each side of an ear of corn 😆

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Shrimp are still alive in the big tank! While the mosquitofish were after them in the beginning none of the fish really care about them now. Possibly because the mosquitofish spend all their time at the surface and the shrimp at the bottom of the tank, but the platies and cories dont care either. I suspect however that while juvenile-adult shrimp are working, babies would quickly get eaten.


Vulcan in his favorite hiding spot





No, Leaf= Flow Chair


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Hornwort is growing crazy fast. @Guppysnail sent a few stems for the shrimp to hold on to a few months ago and it has made a lot more of itself. I'll probably have to trim it back again at some point 🙄. I'm running out of places to put it! All of my tanks have hornwort in them, growing fast.  I can probably move some to the school tank, but I will have to see if anyone local wants any, because I have way too much of this stuff.


Random pictures of my tuxedo platy, for no other reason then i decided to try and photograph her today


Green spot algae has started populating on the front glass, makes it hard to see the fish. I should figure out a way to remove it. Now that i had to remove my nerite snail I've been noticing it much more


Nerite snail is still alive in the 2gallon, but i should move her soon because she has run out of algae to eat. Really the tank that needs a diatom algae eater is the 4gallon family shrimp tank, but i used noplanaria in there too, so snails are a no go.



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