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Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

Eliot J

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I recently ordered a 6.5 gallon bookshelf tank, and I'm trying to think of what would be a good layout. I want to do something super simple, as all of my current tanks are for breeding and not so much for show (although there are plants and hard scape aplenty). 

I want to do something with shorter carpeting plants, such as hair grass or dwarf sag, but I'm not quite sure about hard scape and what not. What do you guys think? 

I'd also like some tips with stocking. I've kept similarly sized tanks in the past, and just want to know your ideas as far as nano fish and inverts that might be cool in a miniature showcase tank. Any suggestions?

Edited by Eliot J
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Since you mentioned carpeting plants and since I'm imagining a 6.5 gallon bookshelf tank to be long and low, maybe something iwagumi, or at least iwagumi-inspired? Depending on your water parameters, either Caridina or Neocaridina shrimp alone could be cool, or any of the 'usual suspects' of small schooling fish: ember tetras, celestial pearl danios, a small rasbora.

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I think seriyu would be nice in a shallow tank.  The layout of the substrate and hardscape would be pretty critical in my opinion so I would be patient and play with it until you are happy before you plant or fill with water.

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On 8/8/2023 at 2:16 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Since you mentioned carpeting plants and since I'm imagining a 6.5 gallon bookshelf tank to be long and low, maybe something iwagumi, or at least iwagumi-inspired? Depending on your water parameters, either Caridina or Neocaridina shrimp alone could be cool, or any of the 'usual suspects' of small schooling fish: ember tetras, celestial pearl danios, a small rasbora.

I was actually leaning that way, as far as scape goes, and was considering either CPDs or a group of chili rasboras or something. It's tough to say at this point, when I haven't even received the tank haha.

I also like what @_Eric_ has to say about seriyu stone. I think that the more muted striations would allow for some more versatile placement of the hardscape.


Any carpeting plant recommendations?

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On 8/8/2023 at 7:17 PM, Eliot J said:

Any carpeting plant recommendations?

Monte Carlo, HC "Cuba", dwarf hairgrass. Even without CO2, it's a shallow tank (right?), so I think they'd still carpet with good light. Pearlweed would work but would take a lot of maintenance. Cryptocoryne parva would work buy would take ages, unless you bought a ton of it, but would be low maintenance. Dwarf sagitarria might grow too tall in a shallow tank.

Actually, depending on your hardscape and livestock, you could probably do something cool either moss.

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On 8/8/2023 at 7:53 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Monte Carlo, HC "Cuba", dwarf hairgrass. Even without CO2, it's a shallow tank (right?), so I think they'd still carpet with good light.

Its about 9.5 inches, so with substrate in the tank the plants will be closer to the surface than in a standard 10 gallon or even a cube shaped tank.

I have had good success with pearlweed, but you're right about the maintenance. It can be a real pain. Probably going to do dwarf hairgrass with maybe a crypt wendtii bronze as a little accent.

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On 8/8/2023 at 1:34 PM, Eliot J said:

I recently ordered a 6.5 gallon bookshelf tank, and I'm trying to think of what would be a good layout. I want to do something super simple, as all of my current tanks are for breeding and not so much for show (although there are plants and hard scape aplenty). 

I want to do something with shorter carpeting plants, such as hair grass or dwarf sag, but I'm not quite sure about hard scape and what not. What do you guys think? 

I'd also like some tips with stocking. I've kept similarly sized tanks in the past, and just want to know your ideas as far as nano fish and inverts that might be cool in a miniature showcase tank. Any suggestions?

I am looking to do what your doing , but with a ten . Red dwarf sword looks like the lowest growing of the grasses . I am going to use seriyu  , some contrasoil and carib sea . Still looking at fish .

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On 8/9/2023 at 9:39 AM, Eliot J said:

With the shallow nature of my tank, I'm leaning more towards Monte Carlo as a carpet, since even a moderate light should get good par levels to the bottom of the tank.

So I guess the next question is, have you seen any good budget lights that would do that kind work? 

Are you going to use CO2?  Monte Carlo is awesome but can be slow to carpet without injecting.  I recommend the Hygger light on here a lot.  Great PAR for a budget fixture.  However for shallow tanks I really like the look of a light that is raised above the surface.  

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On 8/9/2023 at 5:39 PM, Eliot J said:

With the shallow nature of my tank, I'm leaning more towards Monte Carlo as a carpet, since even a moderate light should get good par levels to the bottom of the tank.

So I guess the next question is, have you seen any good budget lights that would do that kind work? 

To be honest,  I wouldn't go for it again personally, because plants are not cheap. I tried and ain't  happy with the result after month still. And my tank is only 25 cm high. hope it works for you if you try

Edited by Lennie
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Okay... I wasn't planning on injecting CO2 so I think I'll do something else. I've had good success with dwarf hair grass. has anyone had any luck with dry starting a carpet or aqua scape? I'm on the fence about this, because it just seems weird to grow a bunch of plants out of water to just cause melt back... anyone with experience?


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On 8/9/2023 at 4:39 PM, Lennie said:

To be honest,  I wouldn't go for it again personally, because plants are not cheap. I tried and ain't  happy with the result after month still. And my tank is only 25 cm high. hope it works for you if you try

Do you mean you wouldn't go for Monte Carlo or you wouldn't go for a budget light? Or maybe just not that combination?

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On 8/8/2023 at 10:34 AM, Eliot J said:

I want to do something with shorter carpeting plants, such as hair grass or dwarf sag, but I'm not quite sure about hard scape and what not. What do you guys think? 

Microsword would be a good choice in my view.  It has fine detail but it tends to "do better" than other hairgrasses.  Something like AR Mini might be a great background plant.  I would look into something like buce as well because of their sizes.  They won't overtake and "ruin" the hardscape as much as something else.  You can size the plants appropriately and it would make the day-to-day a lot easier given the size of the setup.

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On 8/10/2023 at 2:37 AM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Do you mean you wouldn't go for Monte Carlo or you wouldn't go for a budget light? Or maybe just not that combination?

I wouldnt go for montecarlo. It's not really dying, but not really carpeting either 🤷🏼‍♂️

I have a lot of budget lights on hand, otherwise it would be extremely costy to light 26 tanks. I try to have good lights for my display tanks only

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On 8/9/2023 at 4:26 PM, _Eric_ said:

I recommend the Hygger light on here a lot.

Did some research and ordered the Hygger today. It will be here tomorrow evening! 

loving the interaction on this thread, I'm probably going to order some microsword and dwarf sag from the coop in a couple weeks! I'll be sure to share pictures of the hard scape when I get there 

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On 8/12/2023 at 9:34 PM, Eliot J said:

Did some research and ordered the Hygger today. It will be here tomorrow evening! 

loving the interaction on this thread, I'm probably going to order some microsword and dwarf sag from the coop in a couple weeks! I'll be sure to share pictures of the hard scape when I get there 

I'm assuming you ordered from amazon? Return it. Hygger lights are terrible, IMO. They do not blend spectrum well and you will have a disco ball of individual colors in the tank, especially one that shallow. Most also dont turn off at night, they just dim, which means programming is out and you will need to use a timer anyways. Especially with the rev. 2 chihiros b series out now for the same price (or even cheaper). This is my go to budget light par/dollar. A step up would be the AI Blade.

Iwagumi scape with seiru or ohko. That's what tanks like these are begging for. Go really high in atleast one back corner (or both), 3/5's height with aquasoil. Use MC in the front and any low areas, and Cuba in the back. This will create and even further sense of depth in the tank.

Finally, use the dry start method, or set up a diy co2 system with a 2 liter bottle, airline, and air stone. Either way after 6-8 weeks, you'll have a beautiful carpet and will never need to worry about it again.

Again, that's just my personal opinion.

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On 8/12/2023 at 10:32 PM, RennjiDK said:

Hygger lights are terrible, IMO. They do not blend spectrum well and you will have a disco ball of individual colors in the tank, especially one that shallow.

Oof, I totally didn't take the tank height into account, which would be my only real problem, as I already have and plan to use a Kasa timer.

I'm trying to keep things as low-tech as possible while also achieving a lush carpet and well established ecosystem. I've pulled this off before, with a $35 petco light and no experience, so I'm hoping I can make this work haha. 

what you had to say about dry start is good tho... when you have done this, have you experienced melt back when you flood the scape?I have no issue going about this method, I'm just curious

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On 8/12/2023 at 10:41 PM, Eliot J said:

Oof, I totally didn't take the tank height into account, which would be my only real problem, as I already have and plan to use a Kasa timer.

I'm trying to keep things as low-tech as possible while also achieving a lush carpet and well established ecosystem. I've pulled this off before, with a $35 petco light and no experience, so I'm hoping I can make this work haha. 

what you had to say about dry start is good tho... when you have done this, have you experienced melt back when you flood the scape?I have no issue going about this method, I'm just curious

I've never used the method, but plenty of people have. All of my tanks are high light and high tech.

Perhaps someone else will chime in with more DSM experience, though I can't imagine any more issues than just freshly planting. Most plants are grown out of water. The real issue is maintaining the correct humidity as to not dry out or rot the plants.

I'd also highly recommend tissue cultures. They will save you a lot of headache.

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