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Cherry Barb issue


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My cherry barbs were doing well for the first 2 weeks. Yesterday one died and today another. They are shoaling in the same spot and doing a twitchy movement. They are also not eating much. I did day one of the med trio but don't know what is wrong.






Edited by spw678
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On 8/2/2023 at 8:54 AM, spw678 said:

Yes those are pretty much the exact symptoms. Definatly were flashing and now hanging out near the surface.


Sound like a parasitic infections what I would do is treat following @Odd Ducktreatment protocol for parasitic infection expel p active ingredient is levamisole prazipro active ingredient is praziquantal I would use these two medication to treat your fish




Edited by Colu
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We can’t interpret your test strip if we can’t see it against the color chart, especially if we have no indicator which block is which and what color the blocks are supposed to be.  You need to post a pic with your test strip held against the chart at the correct time to read the strip and showing which test block is which.  There are so many different brands, different block arrangements, and different reagents used that produce different colors.

As far as advice, you’re almost never going to go wrong following recommendations from @Colu.  We have very rarely disagreed and this time isn’t one of those.  It’s solid advice here.

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On 8/1/2023 at 2:35 PM, spw678 said:


The only thing I would keep an eye on from the above test is the PH.  It shouldn't be a major issue, but if things get a bit too high due to something like Old Tank Syndrome, then you can have the KH increase ---> PH increase and that might end up stressing out the fish.




Temperature20 – 27 °C

pH: The farm-raised fish available in stores are fairly adaptable where water chemistry is concerned and should be happy within the range 6.0 – 8.0. Wild stock are likely to prefer slighty acidic to neutral conditions.

Hardness: 36 – 357 ppm. Wild fish will probably do best towards the lower end of this range.



On 8/1/2023 at 2:35 PM, spw678 said:


What is really interesting, and something indicative of most Cypranidae species I have kept is that they like oxygenated water.  You have all of them hanging out around the airstone specifically as well.  Maybe it is a combination of temp, PH, parasites, and general fish behavior all taking a turn here into the issues you're experiencing.  If possible you can always add in a second airstone and the fish may not mind that one bit.  It will also help with circulation on the right half of the tank.

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Is this a new tank?  You have zero nitrates, which isn’t typical unless it’s a brand new tank that hasn’t cycled yet.  Do you have an ammonia test kit or strips?  If you can run an ammonia test and let us know, please?  Did you check parameters regularly and follow ammonia converting to nitrite then nitrates?

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