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FYI Just Wanted To Bring Your Attention To "Aquarium Domain".

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I can't see building anything that big myself, as a 4500 gallon aquarium is the same as 110+ 40 longs! That's a whole fish room in one tank! lol But, you are right it is always fun to watch someone else do it. His plan is to put lots of monster fish in that one. Personally, I am a nano fish guy, so I would probably put 1,000 of tetras, rasboras and corys if I had a tank that size and enjoy the massive schools moving around. Thanks.

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Aquarium Domain has a very neat channel. His lumber and fish food budgets must be insane though. His homemade shark tank is very impressive, though the sharks will be getting moved to what is now the 3,000 gallon Amazon tank once those occupants move to the new 4,500 gallon tank. I think he over-builds his tanks a bit, but better safe than sorry. 

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20-30 Geophagus Altifrons or Sveni or Winemilleri would look amazing in something that large. Bigger doesn’t always mean badder, it’s just bigger mouths can swallow smaller fish. If keeping 10-20 corydoras in 1 aquarium brings out different sorts of behavior, imagine the behaviors you’d get with larger fish. Toss about 100 Melanotaenia Trifasciata Goyder River and you’ve got one hell of a setup. 

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