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CPD Needs some help


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I added 6 celestial pearl danios to my  5 gallon tank 10 days ago. 2 of the 6 developed clamped fins shortly after adding them. They would hang around midwater at the back of the tank not moving too much but occasionally sparring with the others and with slight interest in food. No other signs of disease to my eye so I assumed it was just stress. 

Today, one of the affected pair is much more active and fins opened up a bit. The other unfortunately looks much worse.  Now he/she is hanging out at the front of the tank near the surface, staying in one spot. The fish looks much paler and very skinny compared to the others. No interest in food even when I carefully put some right in front of it. Again, I can't see anything wrong besides pale colour and clamped fins but I am no expert so please take a look.


pH 7.4

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 5

Kh 4

Gh 8

Edit: Tank is 6 weeks old, only other occupants are 10 blue dream shrimp added about 3 weeks ago and a horned nerite snail. 

Any advice appreciated.  I am in Canada with minimal access to meds but I have some maracyn, ich-x and paracleanse stashed away.




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I would recommend adding an extra airstone since they are hanging at the surface. The belly looks a bit sunken, similar to wasting disease, although sometimes this can happen when fish right from the store/supplier were underfed.  Let's get a second opinion, though.

Paging Dr. @Colu !

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 6/1/2023 at 11:25 AM, Colu said:

I would think it would be worthwhile treating for internal parasites with the pale colour and sunken belly I would usually recommend levamisole as it could be wasting disease as you don't have access to it I would treat with paracleanse every two weeks for 3 full courses of treatment @MrGrieves

Ok thanks for the advice. I can start the paracleanse today. Levamisole is Expel-P correct? I could potentially get some but would take a some time and be expensive. Please let me know if you think it is a good idea. 

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On 6/1/2023 at 4:35 PM, MrGrieves said:

Ok thanks for the advice. I can start the paracleanse today. Levamisole is Expel-P correct? I could potentially get some but would take a some time and be expensive. Please let me know if you think it is a good idea. 

Expel p active ingredient is levamisole it treats different types of parasites paracleanse might not deal with the type of internal parasites your fish have so i would recommend having it to hand just in case you need to uses

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On 6/2/2023 at 2:18 AM, MrGrieves said:

I was about to start paracleanse but when I got home I now notice a distinct white patch behind his head. @Colu





That could be columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infection or it could be over production of the slime coat caused by a parasitic infection I would be leaning towards a bacterial infections what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and maracyn as you have it to hand as your meds are limited in Canada 




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On 6/2/2023 at 2:24 PM, Colu said:

That could be columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infection or it could be over production of the slime coat caused by a parasitic infection I would be leaning towards a bacterial infections what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and maracyn as you have it to hand as your meds are limited in Canada 




Thanks again for the advice. I started paracleanse yesterday can I continue both treatments together? Will that much salt harm my plants?

I have some Kanaplex on the way but delivery could be days to weeks unfortunately.

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Wow, he was looking terrible on Friday when I started Maracyn and then on Sunday he was no where to be found so I assumed he was gone - but he is back today!

He is actually looking much less pale and less white discolouration on his body. However he is now resting on the bottom (though still breathing). 

@Colu today is day 5 of ParaCleanse and day 4 of Maracyn. I was planning on doing the 25% water change as recommended in ParaCleanse instructions and then dosing Maracyn day 4 after that. Do you agree?

I also received Excel-P today - should I bother dosing that as well? Kanaplex is still on route.


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On 6/5/2023 at 9:06 PM, Colu said:

What I would do is redose the maracyn after a water change I would follow up with a second course of maracyn if your kanaplex hasn't arrived by the end of the Frist full course of maracyn then after a second course of maracyn I would start treating with Expel p @MrGrieves

Ok thanks. So you wouldn't start the Expel-P at the same time as the second Maracyn course? Better to wait until afterwards?

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  • 3 months later...

@Colu, @Odd Duck Does a fish that is very skinny and has a hollow body despite being fed-good quality food, do this symptom indicate its Fish TB? I'm worried now because I feel like this disease is in my tank.  I lost a small young platy last night and he was very skinny. It was skinny and it seemed like one of its fin had a bit of fin rot but  wasn’t that severe. No lesions or anything else. My other fish are fine and fat but I don't know what happened to this particular one 😔


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On 9/13/2023 at 8:23 PM, Tropicalfishkeeping201 said:

@Colu, @Odd Duck Does a fish that is very skinny and has a hollow body despite being fed-good quality food, do this symptom indicate its Fish TB? I'm worried now because I feel like this disease is in my tank.  I lost a small young platy last night and he was very skinny. It was skinny and it seemed like one of its fin had a bit of fin rot but  wasn’t that severe. No lesions or anything else. My other fish are fine and fat but I don't know what happened to this particular one 😔


Can be more indicative of wasting disease that caused by internal parasites  like nematode or tape worms fish can also become emaciated thought bacterial infections viral infections due to the amount of energy needed to fight off the infection and can stop eating and rapidly lose weight 

Edited by Colu
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On 9/13/2023 at 6:25 PM, Colu said:

Can be more indicative of wasting disease that caused by internal parasites  like nematode or tape worms fish can also become emaciated thought bacterial infections viral infections due to the amount of energy needed to fish off the infection stop eating and rapidly lose weight 

This gives me an ease of mind, Thank you 🙏🏼 

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There are too many different things that can cause them to get skinny and hollow bellied to say with any certainty.  I typically start with deworming - Expel-P (levamisole) and PraziPro (praziquantal) for instance.  They each clear different types of parasites.  If the fish is still skinny and not eating then it gets harder to say what might be the cause.

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