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Little Critters on Fish Eggs constantly - Need ID


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Hello everyone,

Here is a video of my corydoras eggs. The eggs don't seem to be viable anymore.

Last time I had a spawn these things were all over and here we are again.... This time it's pretty intense.

Can anyone help me to ID what this is? Nothing in the tank seems to keep them in check and they are pretty much running rampant.  Might be perfectly fine, might be something I just need to monitor. Swordtails ignore them. Corydoras ignore them. Shrimp ignore them.

They are free floating, most active at night, etc.

I assume they go after the eggs because it's a food source, my fear is to make sure it didn't come with the eggs from the fish. They are always on/near the eggs when I have them. Right away.

I appreciate the help!

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On 5/13/2023 at 3:11 AM, Colu said:

It's difficult to tell but they remind me of Cyclops 

Eggs were definitely infertile.  I took a video in better light as well as trying to get some photos to show a little detail.  The photos won't make sense until you see the video to get an idea of what is their waste compared to the moving parts.


I was doing research and I think it's between 2-3 options.  They mostly remind me of rotifers of some kind.  I do know I have some type of copepods and I did record a video with clear detail of those during a previous spawn, but I don't think that is what these are.  It's a different movement and structure.  These remind me of gnats or something. (the way a pile of gnats move around a piece of food is how these things move)

I would assume my corydoras would be going to town on copepods as well as the other fish in the tanks.  shrimp especially!  I think I might just need 40-100 barbs in there to have some fun.

Sidenote: @Shadow here's what bad eggs look like.  Much more "full cloud"

Video is a bit overexposed.  My apologies! 😞

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On 5/13/2023 at 3:33 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Eggs were definitely infertile.  I took a video in better light as well as trying to get some photos to show a little detail.  The photos won't make sense until you see the video to get an idea of what is their waste compared to the moving parts.


I was doing research and I think it's between 2-3 options.  They mostly remind me of rotifers of some kind.  I do know I have some type of copepods and I did record a video with clear detail of those during a previous spawn, but I don't think that is what these are.  It's a different movement and structure.  These remind me of gnats or something. (the way a pile of gnats move around a piece of food is how these things move)

I would assume my corydoras would be going to town on copepods as well as the other fish in the tanks.  shrimp especially!  I think I might just need 40-100 barbs in there to have some fun.

Sidenote: @Shadow here's what bad eggs look like.  Much more "full cloud"

Thanks for the reference point, I think mine aren't too cloudy but also not super clear...dunno. Here is a clearer pic I took with a pocket light. 


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On 5/13/2023 at 1:39 PM, Shadow said:

Thanks for the reference point, I think mine aren't too cloudy but also not super clear...dunno. Here is a clearer pic I took with a pocket light. 

Yeah.  I'd give it at least 10 days.  Worst case is they become food for critters.

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On 5/13/2023 at 5:54 PM, Guppysnail said:

@Shadow remove the two touching fungus. Fungus spreads like wildfire on eggs 

Tried removing the two and 4 came off kinda funky, so removed the 4. Will see if the other 3 have anything happen, but as they kinda look cloudy for the most part, I am not too confident any of them are viable. 

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