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I got started with fish keeping in 1995 when I was about 8 years old my parents bought me a 10 gallon tank and 4 guppies I ended up with about 100 in about a year. 🙂   I learned a lot about water changes and the cycle of life.  We moved when I was 9 and my tank didn't come with us so the hobby ended there...fast forward 22 years and I was given a 55 gallon tank and I bought 12 rainbow tetras and 4 guppies.  I fell out of practice over the 22 years and forgot all about the nitrogen cycle.  I went on YouTube and found Cory's peanut butter M&M video (nitrogen cycle) and I was hooked.  I then spent the next month watching Aquarium coops channel.  I'm coming up on 2 years STT and loving my hobby.  I really like being able to create an ecosystem in my living room for each specific group of fish I keep.  I'm about to conquer African Cichlids and Haps.  I have a 75 gallon (This is going to be the Cichlids tank) and my son now has a 55 gallon (Community Tetra tank)  This hobby has really taught me patience and how to just leave nature alone and let it do it's thing.   Any tips or suggestions in my new Cichlids tank I will appreciate the input.  Glad to call myself a NERM! 🙂



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Welcome to the NERMhood Adam. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your 75.

I'm Pamela. I started with a male Betta and a 1g tank. I now have 11 tanks between 2.5 and 55g with 14 different spieces of fish and 1 shrimp. All tanks are planted. No Co2.

I found Corey through Mike at AquaPros and have been with him ever since. Just became a member. Lots of knowledgable members, great topics and tidbits of wisdom here. Enjoy!

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