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Aphyosemion Striatum red striped killifish


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@Lennie I tested my tap water today for Kh and Ph my Kh straight from the tap is 1 degree. It only took 1 drop in the liquid test kit to change it from orange to blue. I don’t know why but I was surprised by this! I also did a regular ph test and a high ph test here are the photos and also a photo of a test strip which I did for the heck of it. What do you guys think the Ph is from the photos? E7049C64-9343-4761-A204-DD90CF0EE734.jpeg.26df02a6ff534cd9f5042a21315d93b3.jpegE42AB55B-396B-48DC-B877-A47F6E255039.jpeg.401e158b13441dd041eeaeb1f7c19a0f.jpegC79DD9EB-9E62-41E1-B7B3-C9D1F5E52FC6.jpeg.e9f7f0c7dfe9392e32f3059c8ae4dd35.jpeg

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I’ve got some good news! The female is looking better now still a little bit to go but definitely improving. I had some e.m. Erythromycin so I tried to make my own medicated food and it seems to be working. I used a cube of frozen brine shrimp thawed in a little bit of water I added a quarter of the pouch of meds mixed it in and then added some vita chem I had. I’ve been feeding it the last 3 or 4 days now and she’s improved a lot. 

Had to do all this in the tank they are in and everyone else is doing fine. The diatoms are in full effect right now! The males are a blast to watch showing off to each other it’s quite  hard to get shots of them doing it.5B43C5ED-B506-4222-9AFC-53ADB4DEB877.jpeg.9084bd327fd05b20e225cc429a59eec5.jpeg3E154E06-A8BC-4F28-B748-165F661C0842.jpeg.7db9f715c494460f0596ce46ab1d29eb.jpeg0C4DC688-550E-4549-82DD-98D66617F97F.jpeg.82cbcecd8d2aad4791f935292e0fa10c.jpeg

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On 2/5/2023 at 2:53 AM, Slick_Nick said:

@Lennie I tested my tap water today for Kh and Ph my Kh straight from the tap is 1 degree. It only took 1 drop in the liquid test kit to change it from orange to blue. I don’t know why but I was surprised by this! I also did a regular ph test and a high ph test here are the photos and also a photo of a test strip which I did for the heck of it. What do you guys think the Ph is from the photos? 

I've seen this notification on mobile but I forgot to respond later on when I was on pc, sorry. And many thanks for letting me know!

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I’m planning on starting a breeding thread here soon on the killis if I see some eggs and they hatch. I got a spawning mop and added it to the tank. I know with all the other plants and stuff in the tank I may not get as many eggs in the mop, but I like to somewhat enjoy the way the tank looks! I also added some rotala trimmings from another tank that was way overgrown. I’m hoping the diatoms go away soon I don’t have anything in there to handle it other than the cherry shrimp which the killis don’t bother at all. 96FA5B7D-6DC5-4D49-928F-0A4ED7B48D05.jpeg.c6923b43b6f67cd908d21b2c79b58234.jpeg 

I have the small what I’m assuming are rainbow fry still in the tank I originally set up for the fry of these guys so of course I can’t get rid of them I set up a 2.5g tank now to move the spawning mop into once I see some eggs. I have a question though the temp is about 71 degrees in the 2.5g and I’d like to get it up to closer to 74 degrees. Any tips for heating something so small? 

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On 2/11/2023 at 11:58 AM, Slick_Nick said:

I’m planning on starting a breeding thread here soon on the killis if I see some eggs and they hatch. I got a spawning mop and added it to the tank. I know with all the other plants and stuff in the tank I may not get as many eggs in the mop, but I like to somewhat enjoy the way the tank looks! I also added some rotala trimmings from another tank that was way overgrown. I’m hoping the diatoms go away soon I don’t have anything in there to handle it other than the cherry shrimp which the killis don’t bother at all. 96FA5B7D-6DC5-4D49-928F-0A4ED7B48D05.jpeg.c6923b43b6f67cd908d21b2c79b58234.jpeg 

I have the small what I’m assuming are rainbow fry still in the tank I originally set up for the fry of these guys so of course I can’t get rid of them I set up a 2.5g tank now to move the spawning mop into once I see some eggs. I have a question though the temp is about 71 degrees in the 2.5g and I’d like to get it up to closer to 74 degrees. Any tips for heating something so small? 

Tank looks awesome. What is that tall red plant in the background? Are you using Co2?

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On 2/11/2023 at 8:09 PM, Xr4tiCrew said:

Tank looks awesome. What is that tall red plant in the background? Are you using Co2?

Thank you! It is called rotala narrow leaf sp red. I’ve also tried h’ra and blood red but the narrow leaf sp red is the only one that actually turns this color for me. That is the color without co2. I do also have it in my tank with co2 it’s due for a trim today it gets crazy red in there here’s a pic at the surface. It’s definitely my favorite rotala I haveCDFB97E2-DB91-4B62-94A4-090FF0BCA46E.jpeg.9c221f7c7eebe9434b1509a594144783.jpeg

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I was getting ready to head to the store earlier and I noticed one of the males had a clamped fin he was just holding it to his body. I was gone for not even 2 hours and came home and now he’s fine again. I’ve never had a fish get a clamped fin like that I was worried! So happy he’s back to normal. He was fine this morning too I definitely would’ve noticed when I fed them.

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I was just sitting here watching the killis when suddenly I saw a fry in the tank with the parents!! I don’t think it’ll survive in there unless it hides really good! Shortly after seeing it one of the males went for it but didn’t get it and it darted off and hid that’s great news though they are definitely breeding!!! Looks like I’ll be moving that mop over soon and starting that breeding thread. You can see the fry just above the red arrow in the pic.622AC50B-BD40-4933-B983-5415B5021E95.jpeg.e6a0d7274d14d8fbc30bd236736b6db7.jpeg

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On 2/18/2023 at 10:53 AM, Schuyler said:

Awesome! They got to work quickly!

That's so exciting. Any guess for how many there are? Do the parents leave them alone?

Thank you yes they did! I only saw the one and I haven’t seen it since. I fed live bbs this morning and they have been spawning on the mop like crazy today! It’s actually my birthday today so me and my family are going to the aquarium. When I get home later I’m going to pull the mop and move it to the empty tank. Once I start seeing fry popping up I’ll start a breeding thread. 

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On 2/18/2023 at 11:13 AM, Fish Folk said:

@Slick_Nick awesome thread! Wow, those Striatum are so beautiful . . . they really "launch a thousand ships." Gorgeous scape too! Well done. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to content myself with watching yours for now, as I am out of room for more 😂

I really appreciate it! Trust me I’ve done the same with your Ram breeding threads a while back lol 😂 no harm in that! Hopefully I get some good success and some nice photos of the process to share with everyone. 

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I had planned on starting a breeding thread turns out I got a bit excited and probably pulled the mop a bit too early! Another mistake I probably made is not checking the mop for eggs and just assuming there were eggs in it! I thought I had 2 fry that I had seen, but it looks like there’s just 1 Lone Ranger in the middle of the pic.515BA3A4-3F16-4D9A-A85F-565D7D5670C9.jpeg.0bff1754ad8132126c19170a6269ad7d.jpegI added the mop back to the main tank with the parents I’m going to try and feed more live bbs this week! The fish go absolutely nuts for it I was trying to get some pics of the males flaring at each other this morning after eating not the best pics but you can see them showing off their beautiful fins and color! The females are both still doing great too! I’m going to put a bit more thought into it this time. FD37596C-382F-40E3-A0DB-3CD54C6C211D.jpeg.b158a592b06a1be40141e1f1261fd077.jpeg4928B0C8-9826-4E46-86A8-FCD0DFE0C8DF.jpeg.0065c162dd1e5e350eed3ff725ed85de.jpegB1894A8F-D9DE-4FDC-80DF-7CC6BD2F1542.jpeg.04d9b5d8624041cde55aeb902d01fdf0.jpeg47810459-AB6C-4B73-8C9F-B4F3BA91CA5F.jpeg.da46b9d3013c990bd88b0b6ff9934df6.jpegD829AD09-268F-42DB-A0A5-4AE7D88F0390.jpeg.51c6f582df475cffdbd944eb923c7abe.jpeg

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On 2/26/2023 at 9:49 PM, Schuyler said:

Do you have a grow out tank for the fry?

I actually have 2 grow out tanks for fry now. Since I messed up and now have 1 fry in a grow out tank and nowhere else to put him I set up another grow out tank 🤣 little guy or gal cost me more money! I bred cpds a couple years ago and put 5 adults in a small tank and fed them really good for a week and moved them back to their main tank. Had about 40 fry that popped up so I was also considering moving the adults to the smaller tank for a week and feed them up good and move them back to their main tank. Also not sure about having 4 adults in a 3.5 roughly gallon tank for a week. I also have an empty 10g it needs to be set up but I have everything needed except time at the moment lol

Edited by Slick_Nick
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On 2/27/2023 at 9:57 AM, Slick_Nick said:

I actually have 2 grow out tanks for fry now. Since I messed up and now have 1 fry in a grow out tank and nowhere else to put him I set up another grow out tank 🤣 little guy or gal cost me more money! I bred cpds a couple years ago and put 5 adults in a small tank and fed them really good for a week and moved them back to their main tank. Had about 40 fry that popped up so I was also considering moving the adults to the smaller tank for a week and feed them up good and move them back to their main tank. Also not sure about having 4 adults in a 3.5 roughly gallon tank for a week. I also have an empty 10g it needs to be set up but I have everything needed except time at the moment lol

I've read that some people do that but with multiple mops. They'll leave the mop in the main tank for one day less than the minimum incubation time then move it to the grow out tank and swap in a different mop. Then repeat.

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On 2/27/2023 at 11:15 AM, Schuyler said:

I've read that some people do that but with multiple mops. They'll leave the mop in the main tank for one day less than the minimum incubation time then move it to the grow out tank and swap in a different mop. Then repeat.

If I decide to get more serious about it that’s a good idea! 

On 2/27/2023 at 11:46 AM, Colu said:

Those colours are just stunning I think they become more widely available if they lived longer 

They are really beautiful these guys live 2 to 3 years which isn’t really that short of a life span! Usually user error kills fish before that amount of time unless you have experience and keep up on caring for your fishies!

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