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Old Timers are AWESOME


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I am on my 9th batch of GBR eggs. 8 of 9 hatched fine but I couldn’t get them to free swim. 
I gave some Least killifish to an old school old timer from the fish club who happens to be a neighbor and asked about it. I showed him my videos. 
He said take a turkey baster and blow them around the tank every few hours 😲

I thought no way blowing these itty bitty delicate specks of dust around would help. He said it helps them shed the last of the egg casing and any fungus. So I figured nothing else worked give it a shot. 

When I blew them around I could see what he was talking about. 

This morning I have free swimming fry 🥰

The old school old timers really do know their stuff. They had to learn without the help of the internet. 🤗


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I'm 64 and yeah, we've been there and done that. I tend to think of the 1970's as the golden age of the tropical fish hobby. There were fish stores in most small towns owned by fish keepers who knew what they were doing. Many raised the fish they were selling. They had lots of knowledge and were happy to pass it on. The marine hobby was starting to boom with Nektonics being the big name on the marine side. It was a great time to be a hobbyist. There were more than twenty good fish stores within an hour or so of me and I visited all of them. 

New items were hitting the market constantly. It was a very good era for the hobby. Multiple magazines were published with Tropical Fish Hobbyist being the biggie. It was arguably the golden age of the tropical fish hobby.

There are good things now. Online ordering is great. The selection of fish you can order and have delivered is impressive. Modern lighting is better. There are reputable sources online for information. But given a choice, I'd go back to the older days without hesitation. 

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On 1/20/2023 at 10:29 AM, gardenman said:

I'm 64 and yeah, we've been there and done that. I tend to think of the 1970's as the golden age of the tropical fish hobby. There were fish stores in most small towns owned by fish keepers who knew what they were doing. Many raised the fish they were selling. They had lots of knowledge and were happy to pass it on. The marine hobby was starting to boom with Nektonics being the big name on the marine side. It was a great time to be a hobbyist. There were more than twenty good fish stores within an hour or so of me and I visited all of them. 

New items were hitting the market constantly. It was a very good era for the hobby. Multiple magazines were published with Tropical Fish Hobbyist being the biggie. It was arguably the golden age of the tropical fish hobby.

There are good things now. Online ordering is great. The selection of fish you can order and have delivered is impressive. Modern lighting is better. There are reputable sources online for information. But given a choice, I'd go back to the older days without hesitation. 


I’m right up there with you but there are still folks around I consider old timers 😉The 70s were a blast. 

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