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40 Gallon Breeder Questions

Ray B

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Hello everyone! My 40 gallon breeder has been set up for about 4 months now and looks pretty good. I think I have the algae under control and all the tests are fine. I use the API Master Test Kit. I do DIY CO2. 

Currently I have in there:
10 Harlequin Rasboras
8 Neon Tetras
4 Sterbai Cats
2 Apistograma Panduros

My questions are these: Can I add more fish? And if so any suggestions?
Thank you.


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Great looking tank!

Easiest additions would be more of what you already have, particularly the cories and neons. 

In terms of numbers, if you have good filtration (it looks like you do, plus it's well planted which also helps) and wc's you could easily double and probably triple your neon and cory numbers without any issues (not that you want to, I'm just laying it out there so you know how many options you have).

If you're looking for other/different colors, maybe add a school of glolight tetras, or small rainbows like pseudomugils or praecox. I love yellow in my tanks, so I'd go with furcatas and maybe even a few sunset honey gouramis, if the flow isn't too strong. 

Have you got other clean up crew you haven't listed? You'd benefit from a bunch of amanos (as many as you want), and a bristlenose, IMO. 

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I should have put this in my original response sorry. 
watch how fast your nitrates climb. If they stay low by water change time you can add more. 
If you get to a point where nitrate or any parameters go off by water change day then you are maxed out and may need to do partials during the week. 
This is just a general way to get the feel of what YOUR tank can handle. 
Every tank is different even mine where I have same size tanks. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 10:54 AM, TOtrees said:

Great looking tank!

Easiest additions would be more of what you already have, particularly the cories and neons. 

In terms of numbers, if you have good filtration (it looks like you do, plus it's well planted which also helps) and wc's you could easily double and probably triple your neon and cory numbers without any issues (not that you want to, I'm just laying it out there so you know how many options you have).

If you're looking for other/different colors, maybe add a school of glolight tetras, or small rainbows like pseudomugils or praecox. I love yellow in my tanks, so I'd go with furcatas and maybe even a few sunset honey gouramis, if the flow isn't too strong. 

Have you got other clean up crew you haven't listed? You'd benefit from a bunch of amanos (as many as you want), and a bristlenose, IMO. 

Will Amano Shrimp be safe with the Apistograma Panduros? I use a Fluval 307 with a spray bar so, yes there is plenty of filtration.  thank you for your advice!

Edited by Ray B
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On 1/17/2023 at 1:58 PM, Ray B said:

Will Amano Shrimp be safe with the Apistograma Panduros?

Unless you get Amanos that are smaller than I’ve ever seen retailed, they’ll be fine. They’re too big to be prey, and smart/fast enough to stay clear of territoriality/aggression. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 11:00 AM, Guppysnail said:

I should have put this in my original response sorry. 
watch how fast your nitrates climb. If they stay low by water change time you can add more. 
If you get to a point where nitrate or any parameters go off by water change day then you are maxed out and may need to do partials during the week. 
This is just a general way to get the feel of what YOUR tank can handle. 
Every tank is different even mine where I have same size tanks. 

Good, practical advice. You gave me something to measure which makes it easier for me!

On 1/17/2023 at 1:59 PM, Gannon said:

You did an amazing job, love it! How do you like the canister filter on there? 

I love it. Almost silent, easy to use. Volume of water flow can be easily controlled. The spray bar is really nice. Moves a lot of water evenly throughout aquarium without high current.

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On 1/17/2023 at 1:01 PM, Ray B said:

Good, practical advice. You gave me something to measure which makes it easier for me!

I love it. Almost silent, easy to use. Volume of water flow can be easily controlled. The spray bar is really nice. Moves a lot of water evenly throughout aquarium without high current.

Its fluval right? 07 series? I love the 07 series besides the impeller unit. Every piece of that whole thing is brittle to handle. I broke the impeller shaft and when I got an extra impeller unit in the mail the actual impeller was broken but because I still needed the shaft I couldn't return and get a new one. unfortunate. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 9:48 AM, Guppysnail said:

Absolutely stunning!  I would add 4-6 sterbai to round out your group. Cory cats enjoy bigger groups. 

If you have m/f panduro do NOT add more cory as that can create a problem when they breed. If you have two male panduro yea add more cory.


The panduro will hunt the shrimp; no clue if they will catch em.

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