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Tambi the Lungfish

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I recently purchased a Gilled Lungfish, protopterus amphibius, who I have named Tambi (Tahm-bee). No idea on gender or how to sex them, but I’ll refer to Tambi as a he just for convenience. He was under 3” when I got him on 12/19/2022. I have scoured the internet for information on this particular species of lungfish and found very little information on them, so I decided to do a growth journal and document what I’ve learned. As of today, 1/1/23, he is a little bigger than 4”. So far he is eating bloodworms, pellets, and I suspect the smaller ramshorn snails he is with, but I have not verified that yet. He has not been eating the cherry shrimp, but they are probably too quick for him right now. Tambi is very active and explorative, and doesn’t seem to mind when my 1 y/o runs up and starts banging on the glass. He isn’t she either and immediately swims up to my hand if I put it in the water. So far he is completely plant safe and uninterested in the pothos, Anubius, guppy grass, and duckweed in his tank. Currently in a 20L with a sponge filter, but since they have no real requirement for oxygen in the water since they breath atmospheric oxygen I’ll probably switch up the filtration to a canister  once he is bigger and putting out a lot of bioload. 





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On 1/3/2023 at 9:43 AM, Andy's Fish Den said:

Cool looking little guy! Will he loose the external gills over time?

Not if he is really a gilled lungfish, I am a little hesitant to say 100% that he is this species since he was so cheap and the juveniles look very similar to the west African lungfish which is much more common. West African LF lose their gills after 3 months so I’ll be able to tell soon, I’m guessing Tambi is about 1 month old, but I can’t say for certain since I can’t find any pictures of fry and other juveniles to compare too.

On 1/3/2023 at 8:36 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

I love everything about that fish!

Me as well, my first true wet pet

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tambi eating some raw shrimp and blood worms. I’ve had him for around a month and a half now. He is about 6” long now. He’ll eat anything but his main diet is frozen bloodworms, raw seafood (shrimp, fish, etc) and ramshorn snails. I recently bought some clam shrimp that I’ll try and start breeding as a live food. The only issue so far was the home made gel food I tried with veggies and fish, caused him to projectile vomit hard enough that I could hear him throwing up across the room. I had never heard of a fish doing this before l, but he seemed fine after a day and had no problem eating again. His current tanks mates are a full grown female guppy and a rather large mystery snail, which I’m using as sort of measuring sticks to see what he will eat at what size.

Also his marbled pattern is starting to come out more 



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On 1/3/2023 at 8:19 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

A bit of a surprise here. I got a new tank mate for Tambi, a large mystery snail, and I blanched some kale for the snail and Tambi started eating chunks off of it, which I did not expect since they are supposed to be carnivorous and not omnivorous, and he doesn’t bother plants.


I thought they were omnivorous, (primarily carnivorous, but then again you can find plenty of well documented cases of carnivores eating plants, as well as terrifyingly herbivores eating meat) also not sure if the mystery snail will be okay as Tambi gets bigger 

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On 1/30/2023 at 12:52 PM, The endler guy said:

I thought they were omnivorous, (primarily carnivorous, but then again you can find plenty of well documented cases of carnivores eating plants, as well as terrifyingly herbivores eating meat) also not sure if the mystery snail will be okay as Tambi gets bigger 

There is not a lot about them documented, I’ve read omnivore and carnivore. As far as the mystery snail, I am confident he will be lunch one day, he is in there to be a somewhat “scientific”measure of how big Tambi needs to be to eat something that size.

Edited by BlueLineAquaticsSC
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On 1/30/2023 at 1:04 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

There is not a lot about them documented, I’ve read omnivore and carnivore. As far as the mystery snail, I am confident he will be lunch one day, he is in there to be a somewhat scientific measure of how big Tambi needs to be to eat something that size.

I mean,in the wild you can’t be a picky eater!

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  • 3 weeks later...

No picture, just a quick observation. Rambo’s tank has become overrun with duckweed, I saw him trying to surface to breathe and it seemed like he didn’t think he could go through the plants and was looking for an empty spot. Not sure if this is actually the case (lungfish are not the brightest fish) but just to be safe I’m making sure no more than 50% of the surface is covered from now on.

Also Tambi is about to get his first official tank mate, a geophagus tapajos someone is rehoming because it was getting bullied. Hopefully these to get along.

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