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is it an algae?


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Those look like roots on your java fern. You are getting those because you planted you java fern in the gravel. make sure you plant our java fern on wood roc or decorations. Those roots will turn into many baby plants that you don't want in your tank. The co op sells super glue for a few bucks that you can glue your plant onto. make sure you are using super glue gel because that will not harm your fish.  To answer your question that is not algae it is what your plant does under stress.

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Java fern is a rhizome plant and if you don't glue to a peace of wood, rock, or decoration  the rhizome will rot in your water and the leaves will brown and fall apart. If you are not already dosing your tank with fertilizer I recommend you do. plants will grow better with fertilizer and you will get faster growth. 

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Looks like black hair algae to me. I’d pull the plant out and put some h202 on it. If it turns slightly red and dies off you know it was an algae. Typically when java fern is stressed out it will start sending out new little plants on the leaves. But what josh said is true you can’t bury the rhizome it will cause the plant to rot.  

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On 11/1/2020 at 2:23 PM, josh world said:

Java fern is a rhizome plant and if you don't glue to a peace of wood, rock, or decoration  the rhizome will rot in your water and the leaves will brown and fall apart. If you are not already dosing your tank with fertilizer I recommend you do. plants will grow better with fertilizer and you will get faster growth. 

You can plant rhizome plants in the substrate. You just need to be sure not to bury the rhizome. Only put the roots in the substrate. And since we can't see the rhizome in the picture we can't be so sure that's the problem.

Java Fern will create plantlets for several reasons including new water conditions such as being placed in a new tank. Where other plants melt in a new tank Java Fern often puts off plantlets. It's a survival mechanic, when the leaf begins to die it produces babies that will hopefully survive. 

I've also found my Windelov Java Fern just produces them after awhile regardless of how the parent leaf is doing. 

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